Are you among the numerous Americans who want to lose weight but find it expensive, overcomplicated, or do not have the time to stick to a diet? Well, OurDoctor has a new groundbreaking, FDA-approved medication called Plenity.

Weight Loss

Obesity is prevalent among adults in the US and is proliferating. Obesity health risks include hypertension, type 2 Diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, and other diseases.

Some factors can affect the health risks of obesity, like diet, exercise, sleep, and medication.


Plenity is a non-systemic, super-absorbent hydrogel from modified cellulose and citric acid. It is a prescription medication supported by science and psychology.

The medication is for adults with a BMI of between 25 and 40. The FDA-cleared medicines will help you eat less and feel fuller as you lose weight.

You only have to take three capsules with plenty of water about twenty minutes before you eat lunch or dinner. If you cannot take your dose before you eat, you can take it right after you eat.

The capsules dissolve in the stomach, releasing the Plenity particles, which can hydrate up to 100 times their initial weight. When mixed with ingested foods, the gel particles create a larger volume with higher elasticity and viscosity in the stomach and small intestines, promoting repletion.

The Plenity particles will be eliminated during regular bowel movements. Therefore, it limits your food intake and helps you lose weight fast.

The average body weight loss in a study with 10 participants was 10% or around 22 pounds per subject.

Pregnant people, or those allergic to cellulose, citric acid, sodium stearyl fumarate, titanium dioxide, and gelatin, should not take Plenity. People with gastroesophageal reflux disease, ulcers, or heartburn should also be cautious.

Please consult your primary care physician or one of our doctors before using Plenity.

The YouTube video Protecting Your Medical Data: HIPAA-Compliant Best Practices sheds light on the significance of securing medical data and the recommended protocols healthcare institutions can implement to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The video emphasizes the crucial role played by OurDoctor, a prominent healthcare technology company, in assisting healthcare practitioners in safeguarding confidential patient data while delivering exceptional care.

Ensuring HIPAA compliance and safeguarding medical data within an application like OurDoctor is critical for maintaining patient privacy and complying with regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To achieve this, here are some best practices to follow:

HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA guidelines protect patients’ electronic health information. Healthcare providers must comply to avoid consequences. OurDoctor supports upholding HIPAA protocols.

Data Security Measures

To safeguard medical data, OurDoctor implements a range of best practices. The video outlines vital strategies for protecting patient information, including:

Secure Data Storage: OurDoctor uses HIPAA-compliant data storage to encrypt and store patient records, preventing unauthorized access securely.

Access Control: OurDoctor gives healthcare professionals complete control over patient data access, ensuring only authorized personnel can make changes.

Data Encryption: OurDoctor ensures patient information is secure through robust data transmission and storage encryption, preventing unauthorized access or alteration.

Regular Auditing and Monitoring: We keep patient data safe by auditing and monitoring our systems for security vulnerabilities.

Employee Training: OurDoctor trains healthcare professionals on HIPAA regulations and data security to protect patient information.

Benefits of OurDoctor

The video highlights the benefits that healthcare organizations can enjoy by partnering with OurDoctor for their data management needs. These benefits include:

Enhanced Security: OurDoctor’s robust security measures significantly reduce the risk of data breaches, safeguarding patient privacy and maintaining HIPAA compliance.

Streamlined Workflows: OurDoctor’s user-friendly interface and intuitive features streamline workflows, enabling healthcare professionals to access patient data efficiently and provide optimal care.

Seamless Integration: OurDoctor integrates with existing electronic health record (EHR) systems, ensuring a smooth transition and compatibility with established processes.

Choose OurDoctor today and empower your healthcare practice to focus on what truly matters – providing quality care. Don’t compromise the security of your patient’s sensitive information. Take action now and partner with OurDoctor to safeguard your medical data, streamline workflows, and ensure confidentiality.

Did you know that today, approximately half of men aged 51 to 60 are at risk of experiencing prostate conditions? These conditions range from Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) to inflammation and prostate cancer. BPH is the prostate’s non-cancerous enlargement.

So, how does Benign Prostate Hyperplasia affect a man’s sex life? What are the risk factors and treatment options? Continue reading to find out.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Treating BPH may tag along some side effects like any other medical treatment. The common ones are low libido, retrograde ejaculation, reduced ejaculation volume, and other sexual side effects, including erectile dysfunction.

BPH Risk Factors

According to experts, one is at a higher risk of experiencing non-cancerous prostate enlargement if they have underlying medical conditions. Good examples include diabetes, heart and circulatory disease, and obesity.

There is also the age factor. 40 years and older! And that’s without forgetting the family history of the condition.

BPH Treatment

Your doctor can prescribe any of the following approved drugs to treat BPH;

  • Alpha Blockers

This medication improves urine flow by relaxing the prostate’s grip on the urethra. But the significant side effect of using this drug is that the ejaculation volume may reduce.

  • The ED Drug Tadalafil

This drug also boosts urine flow by relaxing the connection between the urethra and bladder. The tadalafil drug prescription may result in headaches, an upset stomach, or flushing, thus hindering sex drive.

  • 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors

While this prescription allows urine to flow more freely, it is often linked to erectile dysfunction and low libido. Some patients experience reduced ejaculate volume.

Prostate Massage and Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction

Imagine treating pelvic floor muscle dysfunction using massage therapy.

Today, doctors believe that patients don’t have to release prostatic fluid by applying manual pressure on their prostates. But decades ago, this technique unknowingly helped massage the internal pelvic floor muscles, thus temporarily improving symptoms.

In our opinion, researchers need to research more on the theory that prostate massage helps relieve symptoms of painful ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and prostatitis.


In conclusion, BPH might be shared among most men, especially the elderly. However, living a healthy lifestyle characterized by natural diets and regular exercise reduces the risk of having this prostate condition.

According to estimates, approximately 95% have type 2 diabetes. We all know that regular exercise, a healthy diet, and medications like Metformin control this condition effectively.

But now, imagine reversing type 2 diabetes by intermittent fasting. Plus, no need for medication! Stick around so that we help you stay informed and updated about this new study finding.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition that affects how the human body uses insulin, thus making the patient experience unusual blood sugar levels.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

On the other side, intermittent fasting refers to an eating pattern that revolves around switching between eating and fasting regularly. Originally, intermittent fasting diets became well-known for helping people lose weight effectively.

How Intermittent Fasting Could Help Type 2 Diabetes

Generally, this unique eating pattern can reverse type 2 diabetes because it helps you lose weight. Eating an equivalent of approximately one meal daily helps you lose weight very rapidly.

This, in turn, eliminates most of the body fat accumulated in the muscles and, most importantly, the liver and pancreas. Consequently, the pancreas produces more insulin, lowering your blood sugar. Plus, the muscle and liver can regulate your blood sugar more effectively.

You can also improve your body’s insulin sensitivity through intermittent fasting. Researchers have discovered that type 2 diabetes patients who ate one meal a couple of days a week no longer needed to depend on uncomfortable insulin injections.

According to a 2020 study, more than 60% of participants achieved remission of type 2 diabetes thanks to intensive lifestyle interventions. These participants had diabetes for less than three years.

Concluding Statement

In addition to reversing type 2 diabetes, research has found intermittent fasting can lower your risk of heart disease and help fight inflammation. Your body burns fat when you consistently fast for some hours daily. Just stick to eating during a specific window of time.

Male hair loss, also known as male pattern baldness, is one of the most common genetic traits in the world. Most men will start losing their hair by 35, which terrifies them because it significantly affects their looks and signifies aging. The more information men have, the easier it will be for them. Read on to find out more about male hair loss.

Reason For Hair Loss

The first question a man will ask when they notice their hairline receding is, ‘why am I losing my hair?’ Men lose their hair, some sooner than others, due to genetics. The genetic trait that causes male pattern baldness can come from the father’s or mother’s side.

Men naturally lose 50 to 100 strands of hair daily, but when it surpasses 100, it leads to baldness. Another significant cause of male hair loss is a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. Men with more DHT are likelier to lose their hair than those with less.

Stress, aging, and nutritional deficiencies are also reasons for male hair loss. Various medical conditions and medicines may cause hair loss too.

What To Do About Male Hair Loss

There is much men can do to stop male pattern baldness or slow it down. Hair transplants have become popular and are now a large industry. However, they do have side effects.

Over-the-counter pills like zinc, pumpkin seed, and probiotics can help most men prevent or delay hair loss.

A diet or supplements with nutrients, proteins, and vitamins which strengthen hair follicles could also help with male hair loss.

Stop Male Hair Loss

Male pattern baldness is natural for most men. There are ways to prevent and delay it, as outlined above. Therefore, stop worrying about it and take action. If you’d like to speak to a physician about what steps you can take to combat male pattern baldness visit

The autoimmune disorder Alopecia Areata is often characterized by unpredictable hair loss. Mostly, patients experience hair falling out in small patches approximately the size of a coin. The patchy type of Alopecia Areata is the most common among the disorder’s three main types. Read to the end and learn more about Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia Areata and Gender

This autoimmune disorder occurs in both men and women. While some sources say men are more susceptible to Alopecia Areata, others state the opposite. Unlike male-pattern baldness, where hair undergoes gradual thinning all over, the unexpected hair loss from Alopecia Areata causes patchy and diffuse hair loss.

Also, unlike female-pattern baldness, whereby hair gradually thins, covering a large portion, this condition may be confined to a relatively small part with the possibility of hair loss occurring all at once.

Alopecia Areata Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Having an autoimmune disease means the immune system is attacking the body. And when hair follicles get attacked, the individual develops Alopecia Areata. Although doctors are still figuring out why that happens, they think it has something to do with genes.

If you suspect you have Alopecia Areata, you should see a dermatologist immediately. The specialist will discuss the symptoms while closely observing the parts with hair loss. Since hair loss can result from numerous conditions, the dermatologist will check for hormone, thyroid, or immune system issues through blood tests. The patient may also undergo a skin test for a fungal infection.

Luckily, treatment options are available! That means your doctor can suggest some forms of treatment to help stop hair loss and start regrowth. But let’s face it! Some trials and errors may apply to identify what works best, which can be time-consuming.

The most common treatment for Alopecia Areata is suppressing the immune system using powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, doctors prescribe other medications to promote hair growth.

Final Word

While some Alopecia Areata treatment options may help with hair regrowth, they may not prevent new bald patches from forming. If you are experiencing hair loss and would like to find out more about the available treatment options, visit

Opioid overdose remains a massive threat to the population, with tens of thousands of people dying yearly. This is why doctors working with patients experiencing opioid use disorder across the country continue to vouch for telehealth rules to remain flexible, especially ones about opioid addiction and use. Maximizing telehealth resources create a link between patients struggling with opioid use and the health they so desperately need.

Before the pandemic began in 2020, medical practitioners had the authority to prescribe certain drugs only after physically interacting with the patient. This included medications like methadone and buprenorphine, which were popularly known as opioid disorder medications. When the pandemic reached its climax, in-person visits to health facilities became limited and monitored. Most opioid patients would not get the help they required fast enough. To deal with this challenge, the existing laws were reconfigured to allow telehealth visits and prescriptions for controlled substances.

The simplistic nature of transaction using telehealth methods have made it easier to get help from far and wide. The issue remains the temporary nature of the rules surrounding controlled substance prescriptions. In a few months, when the government reverts to the physical visit rules, telehealth for opioid treatments becomes a thing of the past, and treatments become harder to fulfill. Because doctors will no longer be able to use video or online meetings to prescribe buprenorphine, the risk of opioid-related addictions ad deaths might increase again.


Doctors understand the risk tied to opioid usage. This is why they hope the government will maintain the current stance on telehealth and controlled drug prescriptions. After all, isn’t the essence of medicine to save lives? Allowing telehealth to continue functioning for buprenorphine and other controlled drugs should be a given.

As the medical field continues to grow and evolve, research has proven that telemedicine providers are yet to fully tap into giving high-quality services. The industry is flooded with people who need these healthcare services; older adults will significantly benefit from such accessibility.
As part of the research process, the solution is for telemedicine providers to adhere to existing guidelines and set a higher bar in terms of services to ensure that older adults receive the best healthcare services possible.
There needs to be an improvement in the industry to reach older populations. When Covid struck, and physical meetings became taboo, the vulnerabilities within the telemedicine branch of healthcare became glaring. The system needs to redefine itself to serve its patients effectively in the future.
Studies and reports have shown how people over 65 interact with telemedicine but encounter challenges because of technical challenges and issues that hinder its availability.
What solution is offered to deal with this challenge? The answer provided is threefold, researches have suggested that telehealth systems need to be more people-centered to ensure all patients feel heard and connected. Secondly, the service needs to be equitable, inclusive, and accessible to people of all backgrounds and with all ailments and conditions. Lastly, the system must be integrated to incorporate each patient’s complete health plan to ease communication with practitioners and get the required help. At the same time, it is essential to equip practitioners with the necessary telemedicine skills to handle older adult patients.
As times change, telemedicine is becoming a focal point in medicine. The proper measures can help to break into the industry to provide the best and most available services for the older adults, who constitute the majority.

Telehealthcare refers to remote medical care conducted through telecommunications, such as phone calls and videoconferencing by medical professionals. Fortunately, telehealth has been embraced in the modern world, and it’s now the best alternative to face-to-face clinic visits for hypertension management.

Almost half of the US adult population (45%) have high blood pressure. However, only one out of five adults can manage the condition. That said, it has become a mystery for scientists to control high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, despite understanding it’s the primary cause of cardiovascular-related deaths in the United States.

The patient is taught the basics, like testing the pressure and the type of meal to take. Usually, pharmacists or nurses conduct telehealth practices by monitoring blood pressure and offering other care practices through phone calls or video chats. Also, they have an excellent time consulting medical experts online and getting the necessary counseling.

Clinical Workforce specialist Robyn Weiss says they have many telehealth benefits like:

  • Connection to rural hypertension patients.
  • Reducing travel times.
  • Reduced wait time to see a health care provider.
  • Better access to bilingual patients’ interpreters.
  • Avoidance of “white coat hypertension” and stress.

During telehealth treatment, the patient should be well organized. Here are some of the ways to prepare, according to Robyn:

  • Be tagged with necessary technology like a portable camera and computer for video calls.
  • Write down questions to ask the professional beforehand.
  • Look for an insurance provider, although not all insurances cover telehealth.

Final Notes

Telehealthcare was embraced during the Covid 19 pandemic. And to reap the benefits of this health care, you need to have the best practices to control your blood pressure at home:

  1. Avoid caffeinated drinks and smoking before testing the pressure.
  2. It’s advisable to sit with your back and legs straight.
  3. Refrain from measuring the reading over clothes.

It would be best if you also embraced taking the readings at the same time of the day. A good time with a health professional will help you get lifestyle counseling, a vital aspect of hypertension care.

The covid-19 pandemic presented a global health crisis, forcing the reduction of hospital visits and the implementation of telemedicine. Relevant stakeholders in the healthcare industry, including the WHO, recommended limiting social interactions as a strategy to control the increasing numbers of morbidity and mortality rates infections. The main advantage of restrictions on face-to-face clinical consultations was to preserve the health of medical practitioners delivering patient care by limiting occupational exposure to the virus.

Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, involves leveraging information and communication systems to enhance clinical outcomes and efficiency. This healthcare tool focuses on increasing access to care and medical information regardless of distance. Patients and clinicians only need access to technological solutions, including smart devices, teleconferencing, and emails.

What is Teleradiology?

Teleradiology involves the transmission of medical images for diagnostic or consultative purposes. An appropriate medical professional performs a comprehensive evaluation of these images to recognize signs of abnormalities and thus make a diagnosis before developing an ideal treatment plan. Although most patients have concerns regarding the efficacy of Telehealth in ensuring accurate skin diagnosis, there is growing evidence supporting care delivery through Telehealth because it allows efficient screening for precise diagnosis.

Telemedicine depends on the transmission of radiologic images (teleradiology). There is a comprehensive implementation of teleradiology in dermatological practice, primarily because it addresses a lack of adequate medical staff in rural areas. Technological advancements have promoted teleradiology by introducing solutions supporting Telehealth implementation. For example, the introduction of specialized computer programs supports sending, transmitting, and receiving radiological images, thus boosting efficiency and accuracy without skincare experts being present with patients.

The main benefit of implementing telemedicine services is the ability to provide medical services to patients with limited access to health care. Although Telehealth promotes global patient-clinician interaction allowing delivery of medical advice from a distance, there is a need for further research into appropriate types of telehealth applications, depending on target users and the specific skin care concerns. Relevant stakeholders in healthcare should also focus on developing and implementing simple Telehealth systems that are user-friendly to patients.