In this summary of the OurDoctor video we discuss “vaginal dryness and how to cure this.” Lubricants have long been the answer to help with women when they have suddenly gone dry down there.

But why does this happen and what can I do to fix this problem? I’d like to share with you some fantastic tips on how I can make your intimate experiences even more enjoyable. Lubricants have been around for ages used by different cultures worldwide to enhance their intimate moments and reduce pains caused by dry penetration.

From ancient Rome to modern Japan, people have always sought ways to add a little magic to their love lives. But with so many choices available today, it’s essential to know what to look for in a lubricant.

But first, what causes vaginal dryness? Some of the main causes include breastfeeding, menopause, a cancer treatment like chemotherapy, or a hysterectomy in which you had your wound removed, or if you’re taking an antidepressant or contraceptive pills.

You could also be experiencing vaginal atrophy. This is defined as the thinning of the vaginal epithelium and decreased cervical secretions most closely related to changes in your estrogen levels. This condition is sometimes missed but is quite common and especially for those who are post -menopausal.

At menopause, a woman’s estrogen level can fall by as much as 85% which leads to more serious dryness and infection. So if you are experiencing pain, itching, or burning during sex, you may want to check with your OB -GYN or gynecologist to get a proper diagnosis.

For vaginal intercourse, I recommend you use lubricants where the pH matches that of the vagina, around 3 .5 to 4 .9. And for anal intercourse, go for one with a pH around 6 to keep things comfortable.

If you’re considering water -based lubricants, keep an eye on their osmolality. Higher osmolality than the vaginal tissues can lead to dryness. So choose water -based lubes with a pH less than 4 .5 and osmolality less than 1200 nanograms per milliliter as recommended by the World Health Organization.

Now, let’s explore the three main categories of lubricants and their benefits. Water -based lubes are wallet -friendly and less likely to cause irritation. However, they may require frequent reapplication if it’s not suitable for water play.

Silicone -based lubes, on the other hand, last longer and are perfect for longer sessions or even in the shower. But remember, don’t use them with silicone sex toys as it might damage the toy material.

For oil -based lubes, you might find some excellent options right in your kitchen cupboard like cooking oil or virgin coconut oil. They’re long -lasting and usually gentle on the skin. Just remember to avoid using them with latex condoms and also make sure you don’t have any allergies to the lubricant you are using such as peanut or olive.

When picking a lubricant, avoid harmful ingredients like parabens, non -oxo -9, chlorine, and benzocaine. Watch out for glycerin too as it may increase the risk of yeast infections for some. If you’re into flavored lubricants, opt for ones with food -grade flavors and fragrances to avoid any irritation.

And remember, oil -based lubes should steer clear of petroleum or vaseline as they don’t match vaginal pH. Make sure to spend some time and experiment with different types of lubricants and find one that’s ideal for those seeking a reliable and luxurious, intimate, and enjoyable encounter.

Look for high -quality silicone lubricants because that ensures a lasting performance, making it perfect for extended sessions or steamy shower play. Find a lubricant that is compatible with condoms and not just recommend it for use with silicone sex toys.

You want a lube that is designed with your pleasure, can help with vaginal dryness, and is safe to use. Remember, finding that perfect lubricant is a personal journey, so feel free to explore and find what suits you best.

Your comfort and pleasure should always come first. Have a question? Give us a call. We’re here to help and make sure your intimate moments are nothing short of amazing. Bye!

In this summary of the OurDoctor Youtube Video we discuss the “G -spot.” What is it? And more importantly, where is it? So why is it called the G -spot? Ernst Graffenberg coined the term in the 1950s, but it wasn’t until the 1980s that doctors credited his name to the zone, calling it the Graffenberg spot, or G -spot for short.

The erogenous area of the vagina is approximately an inch or so on the upper vaginal wall. And it’s the most sexually sensitive part of the vagina. During arousal, basal congestion occurs and blood flow causes an increased vaginal secretions to increase and swelling of the bodily tissues.

At its swelling point, an orgasm triggers fluid release from the skin’s gland in the urethra. In some people, the stimulation of this area causes them to either ejaculate or produce more lubrication than usual.

If a woman suffers from low sex drive, a doctor may prescribe a basal dilator like Viagra, Sildenafil, Tadalafil, or Cialis to help increase the blood flow. Although this hasn’t been FDA approved for women, those who tried Sildenafil noticed increased sensitivity and stimulation, causing them to become more aroused.

So the most important question is, where is the G -spot? Truth be told, finding the G -spot may require some trial and error to find, but the following techniques will improve the odds. You can try different types of stimulation such as hard, soft, vibrating, or stroking.

Or try using a curved sex toy designed for the G -spot. Or explore different sexual positions for better access to the area. Also, try applying pressure and stimulation to several different areas on the inside of the vagina.

You’ll soon find out what feels exemplary. How can I simulate my G -spot? Start by locating the clitoris or its roots which extend into the wall of the vagina. Use your fingers, your partner’s fingers, or maybe even a toy and press or rub the vaginal area with the G -spot.

solid and steady thrust. Good technique is to also explore the G -spot on your own. Since the area can be sensitive and stimulation can be intense, it may be easier for a person to find a comfortable rhythm when they have complete control.

Now keep in mind any body part can be an erogenous zone and every person’s response to touch varies. Some females enjoy the stimulation of the breast or nipples whereas others prefer stimulation on the clitoris or in the vagina.

The key here is open communication and a willingness to experiment with helping to discover new erogenous zones and types of pleasure. So what are the best sex positions to stimulate the G -spot? It is essential to know that not all sex positions are equal not when stimulating the G -spot.

Our doctor recommends trying these three positions to hit the G -spot for maximum pleasure. The first one, missionary. This is a favorite position and an excellent option for G -spot stimulation. Experiment with different pelvic angles during the encounter to see what’s most enjoyable for you.

Also, try experimenting by either opening and closing your legs during penetration as you may find added feelings of pleasure and correct depth for better G -spot stimulation. The second, rear entry position, also known to some as doggy style.

This position is a favorite of both men and women. The position is defined as one partner being penetrated from behind by the other while on their hands and knees. Try changing the height and angle of axis while in the position, such as switching from being on your hands and knees to laying down flatter on your belly.

The third, straddle position, also known to some as cowgirl. This position is when a man lays on his back with his legs straight while the other partner straddles them. Women like this position as it gives them more control over locating the G -spot.

Due to the ability to control the speed, angle and depth during this position, it is one of the most popular sex positions. Do men have G -spots as well? Absolutely. It’s the prostate. However, compared to the female G -spot, the male G -spot or prostate is a small organ that can provide pleasure.

It is located internally between the base of the penis and the rectum. The skin or embryological tissue in the females is very similar to that in males, as the sensitive skin helps the private areas expand during the stimulating encounter.

In general, people’s response to G -spot stimulation vary. Some state that they could not find the G -spot or don’t even believe that they have one. Others may find stimulation of the area painful or unpleasant while others find motivation with other forms of foreplay.

Some women who struggle with G -spot stimulation do what’s called a collagen G -shot. The G -shot is a small organ that can be used to control the g -spot. injection of collagen filler placed inside the vagina wall and inserted into the G -spot.

This procedure may restore sensitivity and sexual stimulation to the G -spot. Other procedures include laser vaginal rejuvenation or G -spot amplification and vaginal reconstruction surgery. If you wish to know more about any of these topics, leave me a comment and I’ll do my best to get your questions answered.

The last thing I want to discuss is the skin glands. The skin glands are on either side of the urethra. In women, the skin’s glands are the lesser vestibular glands and in men, they are the prostate glands.

Researchers say these glands may secrete fluid that helps with urination and cleanliness. They may also function for sexual intercourse, possibly providing the fluid for female ejaculation. Squirting is a regular occurrence and usually occurs in women who have experienced multiple orgasms.

Squirting is an occurrence that common and controllable for some women. Please note that this is not peeing, it’s female ejaculation, just like a man having an orgasm. I hope I was able to explain the G spot to you.

However, there’s still so much more to know. If you have any questions or want to learn more about OurDoctor visit today.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “What is the best way for women to regrow their hair?” We’ll be going over the best remedies to regrow your hair and prevent your current hair from falling out.

It’s important to know that hair loss is a pervasive problem for women, much more so than people realize. Research shows that at least one in three women will suffer from hair loss or reduced hair volume at some point in their lifetime.

More than 20 million women in the U .S. are born with androgenetic alopecia, the most common hair loss for males and females. In women, hair loss usually starts at the top of their head or near the part.

Their hair tends to first thin and then becomes sparse so you can see the scalp. Hair loss usually starts in your midlife, usually after the age of 40, but this can also occur earlier in life and may continue.

Femal pattern hair loss is a common hair condition in which women characterized by diffused hair thinning over the crown and pyridose scalp with retention of the frontal hairline. The prevalence of female pattern hair loss increases with advancing age, which affects up to 50% of women during their lifetime.

The only medicine approved by the FDA to treat female pattern baldness is minoxidil when applied to the scalp. Minoxidil works quite well for women and has been shown to help hair grow in about one in four women.

For women, doctors recommend the 2% solution or 5% foam. Women who have tried the foam have seen upwards of 81% regrowth in their hair. Liquid minoxidil in 2% and 5% solutions are available over the counter and can be found at your local drug store.

But expect to wait around 6 to 12 months to see results and you’ll need to keep using minoxidil to maintain the effect or it’ll stop working. Your hair may return to its previous appearance. However, if you notice any side effects such as retinas, itching, dryness, or unwanted hair growth in areas on the cheeks or forehead, consult your doctor or reduce the percentage of minoxidil.

What are the top reasons for hair loss in women? Women, hereditary hair loss usually starts after the age of 40. However, roughly 40% of women have noticeable hair loss by age 50 and less than half of women get through life with a full head of hair.

Hormones play a significant factor if you are experiencing hair loss and are very common after menopause and after childbirth because of the rapidly changing hormones. After childbirth, this hair loss usually happens because you are a new mother in which you may see your hair fall out in clumps.

Hair loss usually occurs shortly after this childbirth, about 2 -6 weeks after the birthing. If you have not had children, look for the following medical conditions. Thyroid diseases, anemia, which is low iron in the blood, ringworm, which can spread from person to person and can cause balding, infections or high fever, radiation and chemotherapy for cancer, and autoimmune disease called alopecia areata.

It makes your body attack your hair and leave round bald patches. Hair starts to fall out from the middle of the scalp and fans out. leaving parts of the scalp smooth and shiny. It is scarring alopecia.

This more often affects African American women, diabetes, birth control pills, blood thinners, and some steroids. A sudden shock that most have experienced can lead to telogen effluvium. This is usually defined when you see a large amount of your hair fall out while you comb or wash it.

If you are experiencing additional stress in your life that is more than usual, this can also trigger hair loss. Some also experience a condition called trickle telomania linked to suddenly feeling the urge to pluck hairs off your head, eyebrows, or other body parts.

The reason why people do this is to relieve their frustrations and burdens, which cause stress. Another cause of hair loss is your diet and nutrition. For example, if you lose weight fast, but deprive your body of its foods and supplements, this can be a factor in why you have hair loss.

But if you suffer from anorexia in which you restrict your diet or are bulimic, which is when you purposely vomit after eating, this can also trigger sudden hair loss. Consider using a supplement such as PeekBody’s Hair Growth Support for Women.

This product supports hair strength, health, and growth, and contains biotin, silica, and collagen. This suggested use is two tablets daily, preferably with meals or as directed by a doctor. This product contains no fillers and is non -GMO and GMP certified.

Other stimulants for female hair growth include androgens such as testosterone, DHT, androcynodion, and DHT sulfate. If you are experiencing additional hair loss, here are a couple of tips to consider when taking care of your hair besides changing your hairstyle.

Foremost, if your hair is not in its natural state, this can cause severe damage to the follicles. An example would be if you wear your hair in braids or a ponytail for a long time. You also wanna stay away from flat irons and high heat blow dryers.

Also, do not use harsh chemicals such as bleach or perm. Limit how often you shampoo and condition your hair. Even overcombing wet hair can cause damage to the follicles and lead to falling clumps. Consider getting a diet.

diagnosis if you cannot figure out your hair loss. Your doctor may consider doing additional blood tests to ensure your levels are intact and rule out thyroid problems. Your doctor may also examine your scalp and do some tests including a biopsy of the skin, a pull test to test the hair strength, and check for any infections or swelling of the primary hair loss area.

Similar issues with mass shedding or telogen effluvium would occur if you went there in a highly stressful or traumatic situation. Some traumas could be extreme weight loss, losing a loved one, or even childbirth.

Because of this, you want to consider taking a supplement like peak body’s formulation to give your body back the nutrients it needs to stop this hair loss and regrow your hair. What should you do if you are using the treatment prescribed by your doctor and are still not getting the results?

Even if you use a combination of minoxidil, Rogaine, finasteride propitia, or deutasteride avodart, you then want to get an additional checkup from your dermatologist to look for any inflammatory symptoms.

out conditions such as eczema or an underlying health condition such as in autoimmune condition. When taking prescription medications monitor your hair growth as side effects such as headaches, hot flashes, fatigue, electrolyte imbalances, spotting between periods, irregular menstruation, tender breasts, or a decreased sex drive may occur.

Also taking a diuretic such as spironolactone can block your body’s natural androgen production which is vital for hair growth. If you need additional answers you may be referred to different specialists to examine your blood work or to another doctor who specializes in endocrine conditions or a tumor on the ovary gland.

So what does female pattern baldness look like? In female pattern baldness your hair’s growing face slows down and can become non -existent. First you will notice it takes longer for new hair to grow.

As your hair follicle shrinks your hair shows signs of being thinner and finer. This will result in hair that breaks more frequently and with female pattern baldness you will also shed more hair than the average person.

Men tend to bald in the front of the head then recedes to the back of their head while in women it usually starts in the part line then towards the top of the scalp in patches. Other options for female hair growth recently there has been an increased use of laser combs and helmets that have been approved by the FDA to treat hair loss.

They use light energy to stimulate hair regrowth but more research is needed for its effectiveness. Another therapy called platelet -rich plasma therapy has been developed. This treatment involves drawing your blood, spinning it down, then injecting your own platelets back into your scalp to stimulate hair growth.

About 75% of females get good results when opting for this treatment. A hair transplant or graft is a more permanent solution in which your surgeon will take a thin strip of hair usually on the back of your scalp and implant it in an area where your hair has gone missing.

You could also consider a wig or a hairspray product to conceal your hair loss but this is just a temporary and not a permanent solution. solution. Other options include keto -conazole, corticosteroids, and hormone therapy.

But also taking iron biotin and folic acid has also been great in promoting thicker hair. These ingredients like omega -3 and fatty acids are in peak body formulation for women. I hope I have given you ladies some advice on regrowing your hair quickly.

However, there is still so much more to know. Make sure to ask our doctor any additional questions you may have as we’ll be happy to answer your questions promptly and thoroughly. Thank you for watching our video today.

Visit for more information!

No one definition constitutes a low sex drive in women. What one woman perceives as a healthy libido may be too low or too high for another woman. Studies show that low sex drive affects one in three women between 30-59 years. But what constitutes low libido?

Some women consider having sex several times a week as being sexually active, while others have it only a few times a year. Fortunately, there’s no “correct” libido level. What matters is how you feel about your current sex drive and whether you want to change it.

What Causes a Low Sex Drive?

A woman’s desire for sex is based on a complex interaction of several factors affecting intimacy. These may include physical and emotional well-being, lifestyle, current relationship, past experiences, and beliefs.

Here’s a more detailed outline of what causes low libido in women:

  • A busy workload, young kids in the house, or other life circumstances can result in sex becoming a low priority.
  • An unhappy relationship, low self-esteem, inability to orgasm, fatigue, and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, and thyroid issues are also potential culprits for low sex drive in women.
  • Low libido may also result from many health-related conditions and medications, especially antidepressants, which are known to lower libido.
  • Psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety may result in lower sex drive in women.
  • For many women, lower libido results from aging and menopause. As your hormonal levels drop, so does your desire for sex. Sometimes it may be due to lower hormonal levels caused by physical menopause changes, such as vaginal dryness that can make sexual intimacy painful and uncomfortable.

We recommend consulting with your healthcare provider if you are experiencing a persistent lack of interest in sex. Your doctor should rule out any underlying medical causes and identify effective treatment options, such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

V for Women Libido Enhancer

V for Women is an all-natural libido enhancer developed by Peak Body to help women regain their sex life. This arousal enhancer is a perfect formulation of ingredients to help women experience amplified frustration and stress in the bedroom.

This supplement is not recommended for women under 18, pregnant, or nursing. The bottle contains 60 capsules with a recommended dose of two capsules at least two hours before physical activity. Over time, V for Women increases your overall stamina, sexual health, and body image, giving you the confidence you desire. Order your supplement now.

The Rose G-Spot Dual Action Vibrator is a state-of-the-art women’s pleasure toy designed for G-spot and clitoral stimulation. This unique hand toy combines suction and vibrating functions on two simultaneous stimulators to provide a variety of sensations. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the Rose G-Spot Vibrator to ensure the most satisfying and enjoyable experience.

Setting Up Your Rose G-Spot Dual Action Vibrator

Charge the toy: Before using your Rose G-Spot Vibrator, use the provided USB cable to charge it until it’s complete. You will know that your toy is charging when the indicator light flashes, and it will stop blinking as soon as it reaches total battery capacity.

Disinfect the product: Disinfect your new Rose G-Spot Vibrator with a cleaning wipe or a warm, wet cloth before use. This is important for maintaining hygiene and prolonging your toy’s lifespan.

Apply lubricant: Using a water-based lubricant is highly recommended to maximize the pleasure your toy can deliver. That will ensure seamless gliding and prevent any potential discomfort. Avoid massage oils or hand creams because they can damage the silicone material.

Using Your Rose G-Spot Vibrator

Power on: Press the power button for two seconds to turn the toy on. Your Rose G-Spot Vibrator features a low-noise design, allowing for discreet playtime.

Select a suction mode: Choose seven different suction modes that mimic oral sex. Experiment with the different suction intensities and patterns to find an excellent sensation.

Insert the toy: Gently insert the G-spot stimulator into the vagina while positioning the clitoral suction cup over your clitoris. Ensure that both stimulators contact your erogenous zones for the most satisfying experience.

Enjoy simultaneous stimulation: The Rose G-Spot Vibrator offers dual stimulation, providing both G-spot and clitoral pleasure. Explore the variety of sensations by experimenting with the various vibration and suction settings.

Please turn off your toy: After using your Rose G-Spot Vibrator, hold the power button for two seconds to turn it off.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Clean your toy: After each use, clean your Rose G-Spot Vibrator thoroughly with warm water and mild soap, or use a specialized toy cleaner. Due to its waterproof design, cleaning your toy is quick, easy, and worry-free.

Dry and store: Ensure to thoroughly dry your toy before storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This will help maintain the toy’s condition and prevent damage to the silicone.

Warranty and troubleshooting: The Rose G-Spot Vibrator has a comprehensive 12-month warranty, providing peace of mind for any issues.

The Rose G-Spot Dual Action Vibrator Women’s Toy offers an unparalleled experience of pleasure and satisfaction. By following this comprehensive guide, you are on your way to exploring new sensations and unlocking your full potential for self-discovery. Enjoy your journey with the Rose G-Spot Vibrator!