Telehealth provides medical services, health information, and health education through remote technologies.

Easier Access to Specialists

More than three-quarters of U.S. counties have a psychiatric shortage, and more than half of primary care clinicians have difficulty referring patients to psychiatric practitioners. Other mental health specialists, such as registered nurses and licensed medical social workers, are also in limited supply.

In alleviating the psychiatrist shortfall, the best approach will be to encourage more people to pursue careers in psychiatry first. This will mean providing good wages and working conditions and ensuring constructive time with patients.

Providers are eager to work hard, but they want to see results. To feel satisfied, behavioral health practitioners must communicate with patients. Telehealth enables psychiatrists to see patients nationwide.

Telehealth Alleviates Patient Access to Mental Healthcare

Due to the setting’s ability to give practitioners more control, telehealth is among the secrets to a better work-life balance. To regain that balance, healthcare providers can spend time with their families during breaks, socialize with their pets, prepare meals, or perform other household chores.

Telehealth reduces provider burnout by eradicating long commutes, which can be strenuous and expensive. It also allows practitioners to interact with patients from the comfort of their homes.

Offering coffee, a doctors’ lounge, and quiet meditation spaces are lovely touches. However, they don’t deal with the fundamental issue of helping clinicians reclaim a healthy work-life balance. Telehealth does so instantly and directly.

Convenience in Scheduling, Billing, and Prescribing

Patients have access to high-quality tele-psychiatrists 24/7 in the emergency room. This reduces wait times, and ED stays. Psychiatric patients stay three times longer than non – psychiatric patients.

With telepsychiatry, emergency room doctors can get the advice they need to treat patients with severe mental health crises. Tele-psychiatry also provides substantial cost savings by reducing the need for psychiatric boarding.

COVID 19 stayed longer than anybody expected. Our lives are the former shells of what they were, and with this comes a mental crisis that could even outlast the virus. However, the Baker administration has put into place emergency telemedicine measures. And these measures could help curb the mental health crisis if they are made permanent.

Social distancing is a term that we hear more and more each day. Stay at home orders are also rampant in different countries around the world. These measures have led to widespread economic insecurity and an overwhelming concern about getting infected with the coronavirus.

People facing depression have found themselves unable to receive the usual one on one care of traditional medicine, or group therapy. Going for any medical help has become a preserve for the emergencies. People experiencing anxiety for the first time have no idea of how to get help.

The mental health issues pandemic is one that is getting worse with each passing day.

Crisis centers have recorded seeing 30 percent to 40 percent increases in requests for assistance, with helplines overwhelmed with calls.

For sure, the Covid-19 pandemic is a disaster masked with considerable uncertainty. Even experts don’t have a breakthrough yet, but we are all hoping for the best.

A Glimpse of Hope for Your Mental Health

Earlier in the year, the Baker Administration took a firm stand when it issued an order requesting insurance companies to cover telehealth visits like in-person sessions. A bold move and the response was overwhelming from people facing mental distress.

Telehealth has given individuals the ability to see therapists and Doctors over a video call or phone call; it gives individuals who are suffering from mental health problems away to communicate with their therapists to get the help they need.