In this summary of the OurDoctor video we discuss “the side effects of ozempic.” As you already know, most medications and injectable solutions come with complications and side effects.

These side effects are usually listed on the side of the dosing bottle or leaflet inserted into your prescription. But today I’ll be jumping into the very popular new drug ozempic that is manufactured by Novo Nordisk.

According to Novo Nordisk, the most common side effects of ozempic include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, and constipation. The company has made these statements to both of their products, ozempic and wegovy.

More serious side effects could be pancreatitis, gallbladder problems, including gallstones or cholecystitis, and kidney failure. Other side effects could include diabetic retinopathy, which is blood vessel damage in the eye that may cause changes in your vision.

Low blood sugar or allergic reactions. You want to keep the lookout for possible thyroid tumors, including cancer. Notify your doctor if you see a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or experience a shortness of breath.

These may be symptoms of thyroid cancer. In studies with rodents, ozmpic and medicines that work like ozmpic cause thyroid tumors, including thyroid cancer. It is not known if ozmpic will cause thyroid tumors or a type of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid carcinoma in people.

Those who have a family history of MTC should avoid using ozempic. This rare endocrine condition may trigger your body to develop this type of thyroid cancer called men or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2.

It’s important to weigh in the risks and benefits before starting your ozmpic journey. The most common side effect with ozempic is nausea, and that occurs in about 15 to 20 percent of people, usually as soon as taking the drug.

The reason behind these more common unpleasant symptoms is that osempics slows down the movement of food through your stomach and intestines. This usually occurs during the first few weeks of starting the medication as your body adjusts to the medication.

Statistics also show that approximately 5 to 9 percent of subjects have seen signs of vomiting, diarrhea was about 8 percent, stomach pain was around 6 to 7 percent, and constipation was 3 to 7 percent.

These side effects occurred at rates higher than the ozempic phase and what does it do to your face? Ozempic phase was coined by a New York City -based dermatologist named Dr. Paul Jared Frank. The term ozempic phase is defined as an increased wrinkling or hollowing of the face.

You may look older and appear saggy or heavier due to the loss of a facial fat. This commonly occurs around and under the eyes, temples, jawline, and mouth. Some patients are seeing that these facial side effects while taking the drug ozempic or wagovy.

So be careful. When you experience a loss of volume in the face, you may notice that your facial features appear more pronounced and you look gaunt in appearance. This usually occurs in those that lose a significant amount of weight in a fast period of time.

Ozempic face is most common in middle -aged and older patients. When women notice it, sometimes this can be contributed to the natural aging process. Genetics and menopause as lack of estrogen you are now producing can surely contribute to wrinkles and rough -looking skin.

So surely you will see changes in your appearance as on average those who take osmpic lose 8 to 15 pounds and those who take wagobi usually lose 14 to 17 percent of their body fat. Does osmpic affect those who are on testosterone?

This is a common question by mostly men who are considering using the semiglutides. In general, ozempic doesn’t affect your hormones but instead it mimics natural hormone production in your gut called GLP -1.

Ozempic use has also been associated with reducing testosterone levels in men which can affect sperm production and male fertility. So those men with low T who opt in to take ozempic need to check your testosterone levels and if they are low you need to discuss a plan with your doctor to replenish your levels.

There is certainly much more to think about before taking ozempic or its compounded versions. To hear more about ozempic and its side effects make sure to like, follow, and subscribe to hear more about this wonderful drug.

If you would like to ask additional questions regarding this drug, you may leave a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Take care!

In this summary of the OurDoctor Youtube video we discuss ” Ozempic and the usage of semaglutides or GLP1s. Ozempic was approved in 2017 by the FDA for use by adults with type 2 diabetes to lower their blood sugars by helping the pancreas make some insulin.

It’s also been approved to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke by almost 20%. Ozempic was never approved for weight loss, however semaglutide has been approved for weight loss under the name Wagovi.

However, Ozempic has been prescribed by doctors as an off -label use for weight loss and pre -diabetes and most insurance companies now cover it. So what happens to your body when you start taking Ozempic?

Ozempic works by mimicking a natural occurring hormone. As those hormone levels rise, the molecules go to your brain telling it, you’re full. Studies show this drug assists in the fasting process by stimulating insulin secretion in a glucose dependent manner.

This is because it slows your stomach’s digestion by increasing the time it takes for food to leave the body. This is like the effect of bariatric surgery or gastric bypass surgery. How long can a person stay on Ozempic?

So as long as you are tolerating the medication and it is deemed appropriate by your physician, you should be good to use it. If you discontinue using the product, it is not going to harm you, but you may notice the weight coming back.

There is no specific timeframe when you should stop taking Ozempic as it’s suggested and approved to be used for long -term use. But according to some doctors, they state you shouldn’t plan to be on GLP -1 or semi -glutide for life unless you have diabetes.

So make sure to check with your doctor to make sure Ozempic is right for you and do periodically get blood work to check your levels. Weight loss with Ozempic can lead to an incredible transformation.

Ozempic is famous for weight loss and most people using it have seen as much as 8% of their body weight gone in 1 -2 years when you losing just one milligram of the solution. One study found people who received weekly semaglutide injections lost an average of about 15 pounds after three months and about 27 pounds after six months, which translates into about 5 pounds weight loss per month.

Patients have been showing off their slimmer bodies online or at the beach. They have gained more confidence by being more social, including dating and a major boost in self -esteem. Many are crediting Ozempic and its Type 2 diabetes drug for curbing their appetite.

You’ll feel empowered and will no longer be afraid doing the things which your weight has prevented you from doing in the past. Is the cost of semaglutide a concern to your wallet? If Ozempic is not covered by your insurance, it can be quite costly.

The list price for a month’s supply is about 900 to 1 ,000 for Ozempic and anywhere from 1 ,200 to 1 ,400 for Wigowi. Novo Norderdist, the manufacturer of Ozempic, says it supports a healthcare system that ensures patient access and affordability.

But no, the prices can be quite different depending on the dosage, the pharmacy who fills the drug, or if you opt for the generic or compounded version of the medication. I’ve seen the compounded versions cost less by about 4 times less expensive than the brand, but please make sure you deal with a reputable source.

I’ve heard that some semaglutide may not even contain the same active ingredient as the FDA approved product. Some are adding semaglutide sodium and semaglutide acetate, which have not been shown to be safe or effective for the patient.

The shortage of the semaglutide, its active ingredient, has triggered the Food and Drug Administration to shut down these broke facilities due to the safety concerns of making the incorrectly compounded product.

Here are some before and after photos of patients who’ve taken ozempic and will gov. So think about it, if these medications make food less important in your life, where will you be in the future? Your belly fat will be reduced, you’ll feel fuller for longer by resisting the urges and cravings of the food.

Your lifestyle may have just changed forever. You may just become a different person mentally and physically, but also think about all the money you’d be saving on food costs too. You must know that you still need exercise and a healthy diet to see desired results when taking ozempic.

That’s right, you must continue to do the work and maybe consider doing high intensity interval training to maximize your weight loss. Any exercising that improves your metabolic, flexibility and cellular health will assist in your weight loss at a faster pace.

Who should not take ozempic? Some doctors will not approve you for ozempic if you don’t have diabetes or if you’re not overweight. Also, if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning on becoming pregnant, you should stay away.

Ozempic in some cases may cause serious but rare side effects, including thyroid C cell tumors and medullary thyroid carcinoma. This is a type of cancer that forms in the thyroid gland located in front of the neck just below the atoms.

It’s responsible for sending out hormones to the rest of your body. The bottom line, if you’re having trouble with ozempic, your health care provider may recommend an alternative that works in a similar way.

For patients with type 2 diabetes, this may include Rebellis, Cholicity, or Manjaro. Also if you’re taking ozempic off -label for weight loss, Bogovie and Succenda are two FDA approved options. Is Succenda or Ozempic better for weight loss?

Studies show ozempic is a more effective drug than succenda. When researched, the semi -glutide or the active ingredient in ozempic led to more clinically significant weight loss and blood sugar reductions than lyric -glutide, the active ingredient in succenda.

You do not want to take succenda and ozempic together as it can result in serious side -effects and increase your risk of rare complications. If you do make a switch altogether, make sure to discuss this with your primary care physician.

before doing so and get regular blood work. Ozempic vs. Chalicity Both ozempic and chalicity are GLP1 medications that are indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and are both once -weekly injectables.

They both assist in controlling one’s blood sugar and low wearing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease. Studies have shown that ozempic works better because it’s slightly better at managing one’s blood sugar levels.

But also, ozempic or semi -glutide has been approved by the FDA to support chronic weight management. Chalicity or its active ingredient named duliclutide is only approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in adults.

So is manjaro better than ozempic? Ozempic and manjaro are drugs which are classified as incretin mimetics, but do indeed have some differences. Manjaro or terzepetide injection acts on both GLP and GLP1 receptors, while ozympic works on GLP1 receptors only.

Although both drugs are effective treatments for type 2 diabetes, studies show manjaro was more effective for weight loss and blood sugar levels. But ozempic was overall safer to take for weight loss.

Just like ozempic, manjaro can be injected under the skin of the abdomen, upper arm, or thigh. But the delivery method of the drug is taken differently. Rebelsis is a once -a -day oral tablet version where ozempic is a once -a -week subcutaneous injection.

Both drugs are very similar and are pretty much equally effective, but because ozempic has higher dosages available with up to 2 mg, the average person with type 2 diabetes A1C dropped 2 .2 -2 .4 percentage points better when taking a low dose of metformin on top of the injectable.

Per Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of Rebelsis and ozempic says that patients treated with once -weekly ozympic, 0 .5 mg subcutaneous injection, can be switched over to Rebelsis, 7 mg or 14 mg without any other changes to their dosing regimen.

You should know that Novo Nordisk does not promote or encourage the use of off -label medicines which include using ozempic for weight loss. However, the synthetic version of the hormone GLP1 comes at a less expensive cost and can be obtained at some mal -order and compounding pharmacies.

The semi -glutide reaches the brain and it mimics the effect of eating food, leading to the reduced appetite and feeling full more quickly. The medication makes your stomach empty slower, which in turn makes your body absorb calories more slowly.

What foods should you avoid while taking ozempic? To reduce nausea and vomiting while on semi -glutide, doctors recommend skipping fried or greasy foods, especially foods like french fries, onion rings, and potato chips.

Doctors say to stay away from eating foods or drinking drinks with high sugar content. Starchy vegetables, coffee, alcohol, processed carbohydrates, and big meals should also be avoided. If you notice nausea, You may also want to stay away from cheese, milk, butter, and ice cream.

Focus on foods like fruits and vegetables in combination with a good source of protein. As well as lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, nuts, tofu, fish, and beans are all excellent foods to keep your healthy while on ozempic.

You also want to take your time when eating. If you eat too quickly and you don’t have a large drink with meals, you may get sick as well. Let the hormone known as GOP1 do its thing. If it tells your brain you’re full, then stop eating.

Then you have eaten enough. Your body will be trained to eat less and healthier just after your first injection. You will know when ozempic is working as your stomach slows its emptying. It also slows down the absorption of calories which contributes to feeling full.

To hear more about ozempic and some aglutide, make sure to like, follow, and subscribe to our doctor to hear more about this wonderful drug. If you would like to ask additional questions regarding ozempic, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “washing your vagina or penis for better sex.” Let’s have an open and honest chat about a topic that’s sometimes overlooked, but super important, the importance of cleaning your genitalia before and after sex. Hi, I’m Clarissa from Our Doctor. Taking care of our private areas and maintaining hygiene is not only considered towards ourselves, but also toward our partners.

Our world is changing and fast with a statistic of 66% of Americans having one -night stand. With all the speed dating and instant hookups occurring, even with the websites like Tinder, Pure, Hinge, Grindr, and even Ashley Madison, it seems one -night stands are becoming quite common.

It’s shocking that 20% of just Tinder users have a one -night stand using their app. But the big question is, did they think about the hygiene of their penis or vagina before the one -night stand? Was I clean?

Was I sticky? Was I sweaty? Did it smell okay? Are just some of the things men and women think about before their sexual encounter? Is the reason I didn’t get a call back or text back because I turned them off out of disgust?

It’s important to know that if you have poor hygiene, women may develop a UTI and those with a vulva can develop a yeast infection. First, you will notice itching or swelling around the vagina and painful burning during the urination or sex.

In men, cleaning reduces the chances of developing skin irritations, especially if you have extra foreskin. First, you will notice itchiness as well as pain, tenderness, or discharge, which could lead to melanitis, which is inflammation to the penis glands.

So let’s dive in and explore why this practice is a crucial part of a healthy and enjoyable intimate experience. First things first, cleaning your private parts before sex is all about showing respect and consideration for your partner.

It sets the stage for a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both of you. You need to be on the lookout for smegma or the combination of shredded skin cells moisture such as sweat and a combination of fat.

fatty oils is the most common cleanup for both men and women. Think about it. Just like you would want your partner to be clean and fresh, they’d appreciate the same from you. It’s a simple gesture that speaks volumes about your thoughtfulness and care.

Not to mention, cleaning before sex can actually enhance the experience itself. Feeling clean and fresh boosts your confidence, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment without any distractions.

Plus, it can be a real mood booster for both you and your partner. So why not set the scene for a passionate encounter by ensuring you’re feeling your best? Now, let’s talk about cleaning up after sex.

The step is equally as important as cleaning beforehand. During intimate moments, bodily fluids can be exchanged, and it’s essential to tend to your hygiene afterward. Not only does it promote cleanliness, but it also helps prevent the risk of infections or irritation.

If you currently do not have before and after wipes to use, the best way to clean the area is with clean and unperfume soaps using a washcloth and warm water. Such products like Neutrogena or Dove Hypoallergenic have been proven gentle enough for your sensitive private part.

Taking a moment to freshen up and clean after sex is not only for your physical wellbeing, but also for your emotional comfort. Feeling clean and fresh after work can give you peace of mind and allow you to fully relax and enjoy the afterglow.

Plus, it sets a positive precedence for your partner, showing them that you care about their wellbeing too. Now let’s bust a myth. Cleaning before and after sex doesn’t have to be a complicated or time -consuming task.

With our unique before and after wipes, comfort meets convenience. The non -woven fabric towel ensures an extra soft and gentle experience, taking care of your sensitive areas with utmost care. The unique blend of aloe barbadensis extract and chamomilla extract adds a touch of soothing freshness, leaving your feeling revitalized after each use.

Each pack includes 50 single wrap wipes, giving you an ample supply to last through many adventures. Toss one in your gym bag, keep some in your purse, or have them ready in your bedside drawer for the spontaneous moments.

With our before and after wipes, you can confidently seize any opportunity without worrying about feeling unprepared. Take a closer look at what goes into the Wonder Wipes. We spare no expense when it comes to quality ingredients.

The thoughtfully selected components include water for a pure base, benzylconium chloride, and phenoxyethanol for effective cleansing and ethylhexylglycerin to maintain freshness. But that’s not all.

To add an extra touch of comfort, these wipes also feature elmenthon, natural and menthol acetate for a cool, invigorating sensation. Deep pantherol works to moisturize and protect your skin, leaving it feeling soft and nourished.

Our before and after wipes are not only effective, but also environmentally conscious. The non -woven fabric and sustainable materials ensure that you’re making a responsible choice for both your wellbeing and the planet.

In summary, our before and after wipes are the perfect companion for your daily adventures. Say goodbye to worries about freshness and cleanliness. You’ll always be ready to embrace life’s moments with confidence and comfort.

So why wait? Experience the convenience and freshness of before and after wipes today. Elevate your hygiene game and embrace each day feeling your best, no matter where life takes you. Thank you for watching.

In this summary of the OurDoctor Youtube Video we discuss the “Four stages of hair growth.” The first stage is called anagen, known as the growth phase.

This stage can last anywhere from two to seven years in which you’ll see thicker, stronger, and longer hair. In this phase, on average, you will grow about half an inch of hair per month. During this time, your scalp will determine how long your hair can grow as most have seen anywhere from 16 to over 32 inches of hair.

The second stage is called catechin, which is also known as the involution phase. This phase usually lasts a few weeks or months and is known as the scientific phase. The reason is your hair gets signaled by your own body to tell it to stop growing.

Because of this, your hair begins the process of falling out, but also your hair follicles respond by shrinking and detaching themselves from the scalps of blood supply. There is nothing to worry about because hair production is good in this phase, and your hair usually falls out because new hair is coming in.

The third stage is called telogen, or the resting phase. This is called the resting phase because your hair is finally done detaching itself from your scalp. In this stage, you will see an increased number of new hair follicles that are growing hair.

In this stage, the shedding rate has also slowed down, and you will have noticed an overall increased volume of hair, and the fourth stage is called exogen, which is known as the shedding phase. This stage can last anywhere from two to seven months.

In this phase, your hair falls out of your scalp, but it is usually because of your everyday routine. For example, losing 50 to 100 hairs daily in this phase is normal. Don’t be alarmed if you are also losing this hair by simply shampooing, conditioning, brushing, or even blow drying your hair.

So how do you maintain your hair healthy during these four stages? There are several natural ways to keep your hair healthy and complete, but it depends on your genetics and hormone levels, which are largely beyond your control.

So now is the best time for you. to take control of your hair. Improper hair care or reckless hair management should not be the suitable lifestyle you want for your hair. Here are some strategies that are the best for all four stages of hair growth.

Ensure good nutrition and an intake of healthy proteins like fish, lean meats, beans, legumes, and limited or non -fat dairy products. Vitamin D, vitamin C, iron, zinc, folic acid, and vitamin B12. You should also work on reducing your overall stress.

The Mayo Clinic reports three different premature hair loss conditions related to high stress levels. They include telogen effluvium, which is a condition that accelerates hair from the antigen phase into the telogen phase, and then into the exogen phase, doubling or tripling average daily hair loss.

Trichotillomania is a psychological condition that causes an irresistible urge to pull hair from your scalp or other areas of your body. Alopecia areata is a condition that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks healthy hair follicles causing hair loss.

Take some time out of your day and learn to de -stress with the help of exercise, meditation, breathing techniques, or counseling. Then try to manage some of those daily stresses because you’ll receive many positive health benefits.

Make sure to incorporate proper hair care. Healthy hair starts with choosing suitable shampoos and conditioners. Keep on the look for products designed for your hair type whether oily, dry, delicate, color -treated, wavy, et cetera.

Gently treating your hair is essential to promoting hair growth. Avoid very hot water when you shampoo and gently dry your hair when you’re done. Hair is more vulnerable to damage when it’s wet. Turning down the heat when drying your hair may also make a difference.

Try looking into over -the -counter vitamins or prescription medicines during the four stages of hair growth. Finasteride and Minoxidil are still the best FDA -approved treatments to stop hair loss. These products can easily be obtained using a telemedicine service that our doctor can provide.

I also recommend Peak Body’s formula for hair growth for men and women. This product works as it promotes hair strength, prevents hair loss, and has the essential nutrients you need to get your hair back.

The suggested use is to take two tablets daily with meals or as directed by your healthcare professional. There are 60 tablets in this bottle and it contains no fillers. It’s non -GMO and GMP certified.

Those who have used Peak Body’s formulation tend to see results just after three to four weeks of use. One more thing I’d like to discuss is the importance of DHT. DHT or dihydrotestosterone is a potent androgen or sex hormone that helps your body develop muscle and facial hair.

However, this type of hormone in bald men can sometimes be non -functional for regrowing hair on the scalp. DHT works by attaching to your hair follicles and making them smaller and smaller until they can no longer grow hair.

In women, DHT can reduce the signs of shedding and give you the thick and softest hair. and more robust hair follicle you desire. However, too much DHT can produce negative results in both men and women.

Make sure to check with your medical professional about using DHT for hair growth before you get started. Most who use DHT also combo this hormone with Benasteride because there is an enzyme called 5 -alpha reductase, which assists in giving your hair follicle the boost it needs to miniaturize your hair follicles.

Now, minoxidil works a little differently. It helps to increase the antigen follicle size, decreasing how long the telogen phase lasts. This means that your hair is getting healthier and growing more often.

It also means that you might notice what’s called minoxidil shedding for the first few months after you start using it. But that’s just your old thinning hair making way for the new healthy hair. Peak Body has a 5% minoxidil solution available with their hair growth kits, and it is highly recommended to use daily.

After speaking to some patients with hair loss, my suggestion for the best regrowth will consist of these four products. First, get a prescription for Finasteride one milligram from our doctor or your doctor.

Second, locate the correct percentage of Minoxidil that is right for you in either foam or solution. Third, take a supplement like Peak Body’s brand for hair support. I recommend you take the Finasteride in the morning and then take the over -the -counter at night or vice versa.

And fourth, find a device to massage or stimulate the scalp to engage those hair follicles. Then sit back and watch your hair grow. If you are not getting the desired results, please get checked by your doctor, as there may be an underlying condition you may not be aware of.

We’ve talked a lot about the science behind hair growth for a good reason. Every person’s hair grows and falls out at different rates, but everyone goes through the same stages. And because of that, understanding each stage of hair growth makes it easier to evaluate your hair loss and better understand how hair loss treatments can help.

I hope I have given you a brief explanation of the four stages of hair growth. However, there is still so much more to know. Make sure to ask our doctor any additional questions you may have, as we’ll be happy to answer your questions promptly and thoroughly.

From all the staff of our doctor, thank you for watching our video today. Good luck and make sure to like and follow us if you want to see other videos. Bye!

In this summary of the Ourdoctor YouTube video we discuss “The Fastest Way For Men to Regrow Hair.” We’ll be going over the best remedies to regrow your hair and prevent your current hair from falling out.

This process can begin at any age, but in most cases it is gradual and in some cases it can be immediate. For the average man, it takes 15 to 25 years to go completely bald. Did you know that about two -thirds of men are either bald or show signs of balding by 60.

However, you can expect hair loss at any particular age. So, what causes men to go bald? Being bald can result from heredity, hormonal changes, a medical condition, or a normal part of aging. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it’s more common in men than women.

Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp and hereditary hair loss is the most common cause of baldness. You don’t need to treat your hair loss, but treatment options exist. Treatment can reduce further hair loss and some men will show signs of regrowth within a few weeks.

Overall, men tend to see the best results when they start a treatment plan soon after noticing hair loss. What is the best hair regrowth for men? For men, male pattern baldness tends to develop slowly and is quite common for most men who show signs of hair loss.

Medications and topical solutions can slow hair loss, whereas some notice brand new follicles. Minoxidil by PeekBody is an FDA approved over -the -counter treatment you apply to your scalp. It slows the rate of loss and helps some guys grow new hair, but once you stop using it, your hair loss will probably return.

Rogaine minoxidil is usually offered in a 5 milligram solution or foam applied to your scalp. This product stimulates hair growth by activating the potassium channels in the follicle. The active ingredient is delivered to the prostaglandins, which promote your natural hair growth.

Most men apply this usually after a shower and when the hair is dehydrated. Check with your dermatologist or specialist here at Art Doctor to see what percentage of hair loss you have. formulation suits you.

Taking monoxidil in combination with finasteride, prescribed in one milligram, is one of the best treatments. What are other treatments for treating hair loss? Shampooes and vitamins are widely available at most local drug stores and sold over the counter.

So you don’t need a prescription to buy these products if you want to try them. Now vitamins are available in gummy or tablet form. PeekBody’s hair growth support for men is highly recommended as it promotes hair strength, prevents hair loss, and has the essential nutrients you need to get your hair growth.

There are 60 tablets in this bottle and it contains no fillers. It is non -GMO and GMP certified. The suggested use is to take two tablets daily with meals or as directed by your health care professional.

Men who have used our PeekBody formulation tend to see results just after three to four weeks of use. Can men’s hair regrow naturally? In this case, it depends on your scalp. If a follicle has closed, disappeared, or scarred, then new hair wouldn’t be able to grow.

You should consider a hair transplant if you think this is the case. The FUE hair restoration technique, also known as follicular unit extraction, is a popular choice among men as it extracts individual hair follicle units from a donor site on the scalp.

Or you may consider FUSH hair restoration, also known as follicular unit strip surgery, where the doctor will take a piece of your skin from the back of your scalp and place it towards the frontal lobe.

Several companies are also developing new techniques to regrow hair, including LED caps, plasma injections, or even injections using human stem cell technology. Histogen Inc. is in the development stage for stimulating complex HSC as one of the first injectables for hair regrowth in both men and women.

What’s interesting about this technology is growth factors are extracted from the blood, then injected back into the scalp where hair loss occurs. Talk to your medical professional before exploring alternate hair growth methods and techniques.

Request treatment of finasteride and minoxidil, even at a younger age, to promote thickness to the follicle and prevent receding hair lines and hair loss. There are herbal supplements that promote hair growth.

Do they work? Over time, men have tried to regrow hair using various remedies. For example, some have used ginseng, pumpkin seed, zinc, vitamin B6, rosemary, chamomile, and even horsetail extract. Some also try to use a combination of soothing oils, seeds, leaves, and flowers.

Oils like coconut, castor, olive, almond, and grape seed oils are used in this traditional method. Other treatments include curry leaves, camphor, amla, neem, hibiscus flower, and kalanji seeds. These ingredients can help activate follicle growth and improve the overall health of the scalp.

However, remember that what may have worked for one person may not work for another. And there needs to be more research showing that these types of products will regrow or prevent hair loss. On the other hand, salpalmetto and gingers.

Bincol biloba have traditionally been used over the counter and are an herb to help treat androgenic alopecia. Some herbs such as salt palmetto are popular among men who do not want to take for nastoride.

Research suggests that it may block some receptor activity on the hair follicles which are stimulated in androgenic alopecia. Foli and biotin are an excellent combination for hair growth. These and other vitamins and minerals are ingredients in peak body’s formulation.

I hope I have given you some advice on regrowing your hair quickly. However, there is still so much more to know. Make sure to ask our doctor any additional questions you may have as we’ll be happy to answer your questions promptly and thoroughly.

If you or if you know anyone who is struggling with hair loss please send them this video or have them visit where they can speak with a licensed physician and go over their options for hair loss solutions.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “Ourdoctor – Diabetes – Learn How Experts Can Help Lower Your A1C Through Exercise” We are talking with Chad from PeakBody Fitness here to answer some of the crucial questions from our viewers at our doctor. Thanks, Clarissa; it is always a pleasure talking with you. According to the CDC, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, being active makes your body more sensitive to insulin.

This hormone allows cells in your body to use blood sugar for energy, which helps manage your diabetes. Physical activity will assist in controlling your blood sugar levels and will help lower your risk of heart disease and nerve damage.

Generally, those with type 2 diabetes can reverse their condition with diet and exercise, although remission is not very common. But this also depends on your current age, weight, and lifestyle. With type 1 diabetes, I recommend you check with your doctor because you need to take steps to see how exercise affects your blood glucose levels.

Yes, that’s correct. Many of you may ask yourselves, when should a person with diabetes start exercising? The answer is yesterday. But follow these simple tips before starting because you need to exercise safely.
Get your doctor’s okay before starting an exercise program, and consider using a trainer who understands your underlying conditions, not just any random trainer. They’ll know how to monitor you correctly.
Always carry at least 15 grams of a fast-acting carbohydrate in case of low blood sugar. If you feel light-headed or dizzy, stop immediately, take a break, and drink room-temperature water. Always wear well-fitted shoes for the activity that you’re doing.

Choose the right socks. That often goes overlooked. And I also recommend having arch supports on hand just in case of a sprain or a sore tendon. Inspect your feet both before and after doing an exercise.
You need to monitor your blood circulation as you might not even know you’re causing damage to the nerves of the feet. So, also look for blisters, cuts, or sores that can lead to infections. So, does exercise help those with type 1 diabetes?

1000% yes. You can exercise and do regular athletic activities, including sports if you have type 1 diabetes. And again, you’ll have to take a few extra steps to ensure safe results. But exercise and sports can affect your blood glucose levels positively.

So it would help if you were careful because some workouts, such as heavy weight lifting or sprints, can cause you to produce more stress hormones, such as adrenaline, which will raise your blood glucose levels.

The type of exercise you perform could result in a rise or fall in your blood glucose levels. If you are affected by this, walking on a straight path or slight incline is an excellent place to start.
In your opinion, what exercises should people with diabetes avoid? I would avoid anything involving strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting, anything that causes a lot of straining, and isometric-type exercises.

I suggest less strenuous activities, such as walking, moderate lifting, and weightlifting with light weights but high repetitions. Make sure always to include stretching. Very important. Always include stretching.
Use a ball or bungee, always focus on your breathing, and take breaks when needed. You know your body’s limits better than anyone else does. Blood sugar is vital. Blood sugar is critical. And from that, see the extra weight, especially off your belly.

I’m sure all medical professionals will agree that losing weight reduces the risk of diabetes, regardless of type one or type two. I was on the verge of being a type two diabetic. And I’d say yes to physical activity more often and be more physically active in all aspects of my life.

I look forward to relaxing once I finish, but overall, I feel better about myself. I’d eat more healthy plant-type foods as these nutrients provide the minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates, which all help balance your blood sugar and prevent dangerous complications such as heart disease.

And I would eat healthy fats. Lots of good healthy fats. Studies show that replacing saturated fats and trans fatty acids with unsaturated fats benefits your insulin levels. And that’s all related to diabetes.
Now, I’d skip fad diets and make healthier food choices always. Now, you may still be able to eat what you love but look for less fatty alternatives. Look at the nutrition label and the introduced portion control.
What exercise is best for type 2 diabetes? I know all about. that if you are living with type 2 diabetes, regular exercise is going to help manage your blood sugar levels, pure and simple. And it will help keep the excess weight off of you.

Some fitness activities include walking, cycling, and swimming. I highly recommend weight lifting, resistance band exercises, and calisthenics. And you can also do the exercises right from the comfort of your home.

Like yoga, Pilates, a bicycle or elliptical machine, high-intensity or low-interval training, you are stretching on the floor while standing and resistance training. Remember to have some carbohydrates nearby and room-temperature water if you get light-headed or nauseous.

It’s also not going to hurt if you have someone in the house who can check on you. What type of exercises should type 2 diabetics avoid? Very similar to type 1 diabetic people. Before doing any strenuous activities, check your blood sugars before, during, and after exercise or physical activity.
If you don’t review these levels, it may affect your balance and raise your chance of falling and getting hurt. You want to avoid any high-intensity training workouts.

Stick with the lighter walking, cycling, and lightweight exercises to prevent blood sugar spikes because controlling blood sugar is critical.
And if you have inflammation, consider an activity that doesn’t impact your joints, like swimming. Avoid jogging. What are some of the best foods for diabetes? Another great question.

There are several foods in your local grocery store or your farmer’s market that you may eat. I like growing my vegetables because I love gardening, but some good examples would be beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans, and black beans.

They contain vitamins and minerals like magnesium and potassium, vital for your health. And always try to find dark green and leafy type vegetables. Avoid iceberg lettuce. Use vegetables, citrus fruits, and avocados.

Most types of berries are a great healthy snack. A fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, and whole grains. Now, you want to avoid anything deep-fried, guys. I know it’s horrible, but it’s probably the worst thing for you.

And avoid the fattier cuts of meat like pork or bacon or ribs, anything with cheese or prepared with lard. For those who snack, locate a healthier alternative, and feel free to ask me questions in the comments. I’ll be sure to get back to you with more nutritious choices and provide additional advice to those looking to change their lifestyle.

From all the staff of PeakBody and OurDoctor, we wish you the best on your journey to controlling your diabetes and A1C the right way. You deserve to feel great and look great. Good luck out there, and make sure to like and follow us if you’d like to see other videos. Visit

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video, we discuss with Chad from Peak Body Fitness. He brings his insight into some crucial questions for my viewers at OurDoctor. There is little doubt that regular exercise will improve your body’s health.

It helps in lowering your blood pressure and improving your blood sugar levels. You will soon notice a decrease around your waist, an overall improvement in fitness activities, and an improvement in your mood, including an anxiety reduction.

These benefits are significant for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease who have chronic conditions and changes in mood. Regular exercise can aid in slowing the progressive cognitive decline of individuals with this disease.

Exercise will improve memory by increasing the individual’s molecular target, like the brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This molecular factor increases synaptogenesis, forming new synapses that mediate learning and memory, making it easier to absorb information and form long-term memories.

So my question to you, Chad, is what kind of exercises should individuals with Alzheimer’s disease be doing? That’s an excellent question. I get asked questions from caretakers of Alzheimer’s or dementia patients on what exercise is safe and what is the best type of activity.

Everyone’s differences should be reviewed case by case, as you must exercise safely and maintain stability. Under supervision, gardening, one of my favorite activities, can be an excellent exercise, and many people enjoy it.

It provides a good amount of physical activity. I highly recommend walking outside or on a specialized treadmill or stationary bike; swimming, light weights, and chair yoga are incredibly beneficial.
Have you heard of a fit exercise plan, and do you think this will help individuals with Alzheimer’s disease? US guidelines have created a program to cover all components of the FIT model and as a guide for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.

And yes, FIT describes the frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise. So, let’s look at each of these components. Frequency. According to these standards, you perform aerobic activity most days of the week and muscle-strengthening exercise at least two days each week.

Older adults need to build up to these goals gradually and pace themselves. Activity may start one or two days during the first week, and individuals should gradually build up to most days over several weeks.
Intensity. These guidelines indicate that you should conduct your exercises at a moderate to vigorous intensity. These activities require a similar effort to brisk walking or swimming, which is medium intensity.

Okay, the T is time. These guidelines also prescribe 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week. Schedule muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week or as directed by your doctor. And the last T is type.
These guidelines recommend that individuals participate in aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. It also has specific recommendations for older adults, which is especially relevant for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease because most will fall into this category.

Older adults should do multiple physical activities to maintain weekly physical activity, including balance training and aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises. Many exercise studies involving individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia have been multi-component, including aerobic strength, balance, and flexibility activities in one program.

So make sure to take your time choosing the suitable types of activities. It’s essential to select activities that are enjoyable and sustainable for your lifestyle and do your best to stick with them over a long period.

Now, this process may take some time. That’s okay, but individualizing exercise routines will lead to long-term success for you. So, maintaining a regular exercise program is important because the benefits of any exercise program go away when you stop exercising.

So try some activities like aerobic activities, walking. Water aerobics, dancing, light yard work, cycling, yoga, or muscle-strengthening activities like exercise bands, handheld weights, or machine weights, and body weight exercises, such as push-ups, sit-ups, calisthenics, chin-ups, or balance.

Try standing on one foot and then the other, walking heel to toe until you fall off your path, or toe raises, which can be done by sitting or on the floor exercises. Warming up before exercising and cooling down afterward is very important for those ready to start.

Warming up helps to prepare the heart and lungs for this activity, and cooling down helps gradually slow the heart and lungs. Stretching can also be incorporated into your warmup, calm down, and help maintain your joints’ flexibility.

Exercising several times weekly for 30 to 60 minutes will keep your cognitive reasoning and learning skills sharp for healthy individuals. Studies show that combining regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia by about 30 percent, and there is an improvement in memory, judgment, and thinking skills, which will benefit those with mild Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment.

For Alzheimer’s disease, patients see a 45 percent decrease in risk. To slow down Alzheimer’s or other dementias, eat healthy, do not smoke or drink, stay mentally and socially active, and take control of your health with fitness and diet.

Chad, what are some of the best foods for individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia? It’s an excellent question. It’s essential to avoid foods like red meat, butter, and margarine. Avoid pastries, sweets, sugar, anything with high sugars, cheeses, and fried foods.

Follow the food regimen below and fit it into your meal planning. And please focus on foods that include leafy green vegetables, at least six servings per week. Enjoy all other vegetables, including berries, at least one serving daily.

I love berries; at least two servings a week. Some like to put these into a shake. Whole grains, like oatmeal, are my personal favorite. Whole wheat flour, brown rice, at least three servings a day. Fish, one to three servings a week.

Chicken or poultry, two servings a week. Beans, three to five servings a week. Nuts, five to seven servings a week. Thank you, Chad, for being here. All the staff from PeakBody and OurDoctor wish you the best on your journey to bettering your mental health.

You deserve to feel great and look great. Good luck, and like and follow us if you want to see other videos. Visit to learn more!

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “How can you get better-tasting semen?” Let’s find out! A question that a lot of men and even women ask is, how can I make semen taste more sweet? It’s important to know what semen is made out of.

Since each ejaculation may contain 200 million to 300 million sperm, many believe semen is just sperm. But that’s not true. It only has 3% to 5% of spermatozoa. Water, plasma, and mucus, the lubricating substance, comprise most of the fluid.

Since the semen must travel a long way and tolerate the harsh environment of the vagina, they need nutrients. When sperm rises to the egg, the nutrients in the semen help them survive and flourish.

Fructose, a form of sugar, is the sperm’s primary energy source. Calcium, citrate, glucose, lactic acid, magnesium, potassium, protein, and zinc are some of the most essential nutrients in semen.

Also, semen pH levels are alkaline, with a range of 7 .2 to 7 .4, to shield against the acidic nature of the female vagina. Because of its slightly alkaline pH levels, healthy-tasting semen can be different from person to person, but it has been described as tasting bitter or salty.

There is a hint of sweetness because it has fructose and metallic because of the essential vitamins and minerals. Can eating foods make semen taste better? What about pineapple? The legend goes that pineapple can improve the flavor of someone’s semen.

Is there any validity to it? It seems reasonable that foods with a more robust flavor or fragrance would, in turn, impact the flavor and aroma of semen, but there’s little to no scientific proof. It may become slightly more sweet if you include pineapples, oranges, and other sweet fruits in your diet, but this is primarily due to the fructose in the semen.

You and you would need to consume many of these foods to notice a change in the taste. But you need to be careful because consuming too much sugar can affect other areas of your health. If you want to change the flavor, try consuming more celery.

Celery is an excellent source of vitamin G, which may help eliminate some of the salty flavor of the sperm. Parsley, wheatgrass, cinnamon, and nutmeg are great spices that enhance the sweetness. Drinking water and staying hydrated may also help with the salty taste.

The more hydrated you are, the milder the flavor it will be. Sulfur-based foods can intensify the bitterness significantly. These foods include garlic, onions, eggs, broccoli, cabbage, radishes, Parmesan cheese, and scallops.

Other factors that intensify the bitterness and saltiness are smoking, drinking too much alcohol, drugs, red meats, asparagus, overeating fast food, and caffeine. But timing is everything. Does eating a pineapple right before intercourse or oral sex improve the flavor?

No, not really. It takes time to digest the food. Your body can take weeks to process these nutrients. It’s essential to have a well-balanced diet because not only can it make it slightly sweeter, but a healthy diet can help you with more robust and longer erections, your semen levels, testosterone levels, and your overall health.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “At-home test kits.” We go over and explain to you the importance of keeping on top of your health with our variety of at-home test kits. First, thank you for taking time out of your day and reviewing our various lab and test kits.

We take pride in ensuring our patients get the essential medical care they need 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Consider using one of our at-home testing kits if you require prescription medication or need treatment for a medical condition.

Save the trip to your doctor’s office, cut your time in cost and half, and take control of your health today. We offer lab kits for treating most STDs, including Perfys or HSV2, COVID-19 and flu detection, and testosterone hormone testing.

I’m also happy to say we offer additional lab kits for diabetes, colon cancer screening, a test for cholesterol and triglyceride, an anti-aging kit, a weight loss test kit, and more. Home health testing has always been challenging.

Order the equipment, which ships directly to your door, and get your results online within a few days. All your information is confidential, and instructions are included with each testing kit. If you have any additional questions, our medical team is standing by to answer your questions.

Order confidently online or by phone, and I guarantee you will be satisfied with our product or service. Thanks for watching. Take care.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “What are STDs?” we’ll go in-depth of what STDs’ mean and the importance of tackling an outbreak. The term sexually transmitted disease or sexually transmitted infections refers to several diseases that can spread through sexual contact, such as vaginal, oral, and anal sex.

However, they can occasionally get distributed through other forms of close physical contact, such as skin contact, as is the case for herpes and HPV, pregnancy, childbirth, or the exchange of blood or needles between individuals. Three main microorganisms can cause sexually transmitted diseases: bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HPV, trichomonas, pubic lice, genital warts, and scabies are common STDs and STIs. What about HIV or AIDS? People infected with HIV can expect to live long and healthy lives thanks to advances in medical care. But if the virus is not treated, AIDS can develop, making the body extremely susceptible to other infections and diseases.

Additionally, without treatment, a person only has a three-year life expectancy due to the wide range of conditions they are susceptible to contracting due to their severely compromised immune system. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for AIDS. Anyone who engages in unprotected sexual activity runs the risk of contracting an STD.

Condom or dental dams are an excellent way to avoid infection if used correctly and consistently. You also increase your vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases by having multiple partners. I urge those who are sexually active to discuss their STD risk with their doctor and be tested if necessary, given that many STDs do not typically cause symptoms.

Some STDs can be identified through a simple physical examination, while others require blood tests and the collection and microscopic analysis of a vaginal, penile, or anus fluid sample. You are contagious even if you do not experience any symptoms once infected.

It’s important to catch it early and get it under control. The CDC estimates about 20 million new STI cases every year. According to the American Sexual Health Association, about half of all sexually active teens and adults will contract an STD by age 25.

Unlike COVID-19 or chickenpox, your body doesn’t develop immunity to STIs. So if you had it or have it, yes, you can get it again. Although both genders are susceptible to STDs, women are more likely to experience serious health consequences due to their anatomy, cultural roles, complications, or birth control types.

Infection with STDs during pregnancy can be hazardous for the developing fetus. We ladies should, therefore, increase the frequency of our screenings. Check with your healthcare provider to see if your STD is curable or chronic and get it under control quickly.

When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, prevention is vital. We must raise awareness about this topic so people can practice safe sex, whether with a new partner or multiple partners. The consequences of unsafe sexual behavior can last a lifetime.

So, it’s essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner before getting intimate. And if there is any doubt, get tested. Our doctor recommends using an at-home testing kit. The test ships to your door, and you receive your results online within a few days.

All your information is confidential, and instructions are included with each testing kit. If you feel you have an STD or STI or want to talk to a physician about your condition, don’t hesitate to contact us at our doctor. We’re here to help. Be safe, everyone.