In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video, we discuss with Chad from Peak Body Fitness. He brings his insight into some crucial questions for my viewers at OurDoctor. There is little doubt that regular exercise will improve your body’s health.

It helps in lowering your blood pressure and improving your blood sugar levels. You will soon notice a decrease around your waist, an overall improvement in fitness activities, and an improvement in your mood, including an anxiety reduction.

These benefits are significant for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease who have chronic conditions and changes in mood. Regular exercise can aid in slowing the progressive cognitive decline of individuals with this disease.

Exercise will improve memory by increasing the individual’s molecular target, like the brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This molecular factor increases synaptogenesis, forming new synapses that mediate learning and memory, making it easier to absorb information and form long-term memories.

So my question to you, Chad, is what kind of exercises should individuals with Alzheimer’s disease be doing? That’s an excellent question. I get asked questions from caretakers of Alzheimer’s or dementia patients on what exercise is safe and what is the best type of activity.

Everyone’s differences should be reviewed case by case, as you must exercise safely and maintain stability. Under supervision, gardening, one of my favorite activities, can be an excellent exercise, and many people enjoy it.

It provides a good amount of physical activity. I highly recommend walking outside or on a specialized treadmill or stationary bike; swimming, light weights, and chair yoga are incredibly beneficial.
Have you heard of a fit exercise plan, and do you think this will help individuals with Alzheimer’s disease? US guidelines have created a program to cover all components of the FIT model and as a guide for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.

And yes, FIT describes the frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise. So, let’s look at each of these components. Frequency. According to these standards, you perform aerobic activity most days of the week and muscle-strengthening exercise at least two days each week.

Older adults need to build up to these goals gradually and pace themselves. Activity may start one or two days during the first week, and individuals should gradually build up to most days over several weeks.
Intensity. These guidelines indicate that you should conduct your exercises at a moderate to vigorous intensity. These activities require a similar effort to brisk walking or swimming, which is medium intensity.

Okay, the T is time. These guidelines also prescribe 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week. Schedule muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week or as directed by your doctor. And the last T is type.
These guidelines recommend that individuals participate in aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. It also has specific recommendations for older adults, which is especially relevant for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease because most will fall into this category.

Older adults should do multiple physical activities to maintain weekly physical activity, including balance training and aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises. Many exercise studies involving individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia have been multi-component, including aerobic strength, balance, and flexibility activities in one program.

So make sure to take your time choosing the suitable types of activities. It’s essential to select activities that are enjoyable and sustainable for your lifestyle and do your best to stick with them over a long period.

Now, this process may take some time. That’s okay, but individualizing exercise routines will lead to long-term success for you. So, maintaining a regular exercise program is important because the benefits of any exercise program go away when you stop exercising.

So try some activities like aerobic activities, walking. Water aerobics, dancing, light yard work, cycling, yoga, or muscle-strengthening activities like exercise bands, handheld weights, or machine weights, and body weight exercises, such as push-ups, sit-ups, calisthenics, chin-ups, or balance.

Try standing on one foot and then the other, walking heel to toe until you fall off your path, or toe raises, which can be done by sitting or on the floor exercises. Warming up before exercising and cooling down afterward is very important for those ready to start.

Warming up helps to prepare the heart and lungs for this activity, and cooling down helps gradually slow the heart and lungs. Stretching can also be incorporated into your warmup, calm down, and help maintain your joints’ flexibility.

Exercising several times weekly for 30 to 60 minutes will keep your cognitive reasoning and learning skills sharp for healthy individuals. Studies show that combining regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia by about 30 percent, and there is an improvement in memory, judgment, and thinking skills, which will benefit those with mild Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment.

For Alzheimer’s disease, patients see a 45 percent decrease in risk. To slow down Alzheimer’s or other dementias, eat healthy, do not smoke or drink, stay mentally and socially active, and take control of your health with fitness and diet.

Chad, what are some of the best foods for individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia? It’s an excellent question. It’s essential to avoid foods like red meat, butter, and margarine. Avoid pastries, sweets, sugar, anything with high sugars, cheeses, and fried foods.

Follow the food regimen below and fit it into your meal planning. And please focus on foods that include leafy green vegetables, at least six servings per week. Enjoy all other vegetables, including berries, at least one serving daily.

I love berries; at least two servings a week. Some like to put these into a shake. Whole grains, like oatmeal, are my personal favorite. Whole wheat flour, brown rice, at least three servings a day. Fish, one to three servings a week.

Chicken or poultry, two servings a week. Beans, three to five servings a week. Nuts, five to seven servings a week. Thank you, Chad, for being here. All the staff from PeakBody and OurDoctor wish you the best on your journey to bettering your mental health.

You deserve to feel great and look great. Good luck, and like and follow us if you want to see other videos. Visit to learn more!

Healthcare is a complex ecosystem that differs from region to region and all around the world. We consider ourselves ambassadors for consumers of healthcare who can help people make more informed healthcare decisions and we want to make the system better in all its various aspects. As healthcare communicators, we need to have the knowledge, the determination, and the courage to make sure you get the most accurate information possible.  

I consider it a privilege to be in this role, and I chose it because I can help tens, thousands, or even millions of people get better healthcare, which is far beyond the reach that I would have had as a military EMT and pharmacy technician, my previous roles.

What are the advantages of telehealth today, even outside of social distancing?

Telehealth is now, it’s happening. It’s going to be established, and we aren’t going to move away from it after this crisis. It is here to stay, now that this coronavirus has brought it to the forefront and forced patients and doctors to embrace it. It will be part of the American fabric, and people in rural areas are going to have better access to healthcare as a result of telehealth.

Mothers concerned about their crying babies at two a.m. will be able to get peace of mind with telehealth. We are going to see an improved healthcare system as a result. 

What do you recommend healthcare companies and organizations do during the current pandemic?

The important thing that healthcare providers need to do right now is to create a bond of trust with their users, their patients. Telehealth will not be used if customers don’t think it works well and meets their needs. 

Telehealth will need to address these consumer needs of trust and experience and become more consumer-friendly in order to survive. Our front line health workers may need to have courses on customer experience and seeing the patient as a consumer. If telehealth can’t win over the person that is using it, the walk-in clinic may become the standard, and telehealth will fail.

There’s a lot we don’t know about this virus, and we need to continue to learn and incorporate what we are learning into best practices that can address people’s comfort levels but not neglect their medical needs. 

This is a condensed version of the full interview. Read the full interview with Gil Bashe here.

John Lynn is an entrepreneur and a blogger with extensive experience in the information technology sector of the healthcare industry. Among his many IT skills, John takes particular pride in his ability to bridge the gap between those who are technically savvy and those who are technically challenged.

Q: Based on your experience in healthcare-related IT, how do you see the healthcare experience evolving for providers between now and 2025?

A: The biggest change I foresee is an increasing use of AI (artificial intelligence). I expect AI to take over a lot of the mundane tasks that plague healthcare today. And I think that’s true for nurses, doctors, and even the doctor’s front-desk operation. Everyone involved in healthcare is going to be impacted by AI. 

Now, it’s not going to replace the doctor as some people have suggested, but I think that it will augment medical professionals in ways that are going to make them more efficient and more effective. And it’s going to improve the care that patients receive. 

Q: In what areas of healthcare will AI have its earliest impact? 

A: We already see it to some degree in radiology, where the FDA has approved a handful of AI-assisted diagnostic tools. It probably will show up next in back-office operations. Already, chatbots are interacting with patients about bills, scheduling, and even in a kind of triage function. These bots can make sure patients are directed to the right source of care, and they can even assist doctors by suggesting potential diagnoses that the doctor has not yet considered.

AI is also helping doctors to formulate clinical decisions by supplying input on drug interactions and potential allergic reactions. But I think we’re going to see that accelerated to a much higher degree where the decision support will go beyond flagging potential drug-allergy interactions to something more specific involving such factors as genomics and biomics. This could help to ensure that patients get treatment tailored much more closely to their specific needs.

Q: How will IT alter the patient experience in the years ahead?

A: If I were to walk into a doctor’s office right now, the nurse would know nothing about me, and the doctor would know only what the nurse had asked me before the doctor entered the exam room. Our visits to the doctor should include much more information that’s being collected by ourselves, by sensors, and by previous doctors’ visits. 

AI could assist by filtering through all the information that’s available from our personal devices, our past health history, and our genomics to give the doctor a running start when he walks into the exam room.

Q: What kind of other technological advances do you foresee in healthcare?

A: Ambient voice technology, already in use to some degree, could improve things immensely for both providers and patients. I imagine something like Alexa in the exam room listening to what’s happening between the doctor and the patient, recording it, and then applying voice recognition technology and natural language processing to understand what’s being said and by whom. 

For more from John Lynn on this topic, read the full interview

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Secure Medical recently interviewed Irma Rastegayeva, cofounder of Boston-based eViRa Health, a business-to-business marketing consultancy. What follows is a condensed and edited version of that exchange. 

Q: As a co-founder at eViRa Health, can you briefly discuss the company’s mission?

A: At eViRa Health, we are digital storytellers with a purpose. We live at the intersection of emerging technologies, healthcare, and patient experience. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire the vast healthcare community. We use the power of storytelling and the reach of new media to engage with our audiences, who are healthcare stakeholders spanning health technology, providers, patients, patient advocates and caregivers, payers, pharma and medical device companies, researchers, policymakers, and healthcare executives.

Q: Looking ahead five years, which digital technologies do you expect will most profoundly shape the delivery of healthcare in America and elsewhere around the globe?

A: In my recent 2020 Digital Health Predictions article, I highlighted eight technology trends that have been gaining momentum and are poised to accelerate in 2020 and beyond. I believe that in five years, many of them will become increasingly prevalent and a routine part of healthcare delivery. I’ve organized my list of predictions by their position along the continuum of care, with innovations at the front end of the healthcare continuum having the biggest potential impact on health outcomes and healthcare costs. Those trends are

  1. Disease prevention
  2. Reducing employer healthcare costs
  3. Artificial intelligence for early diagnostics
  4. Digital therapeutics
  5. Care personalization with 3D printing
  6. Creating alternative to opioids
  7. Connected healthcare and the internet of medical things
  8. Digitizing clinical trials

Other technologies that I believe will profoundly shape the way healthcare is delivered in the United States and around the globe include connectivity and telemedicine, particularly as they will be facilitated and enhanced by advanced wireless technologies, and mixed reality. [According to, Kenneth Research projects that the global augmented and virtual reality market in healthcare will reach $8.5 billion by 2025.] 

Q: In a LinkedIn article about the role of AI in healthcare that you coauthored with Evan Kirstel, you quote Bill Gates about the tendency to overestimate the magnitude of short-term change while underestimating long-term change. What are your realistic short-term expectations for AI as a force for change in the healthcare industry?

A: While “AI” has become a buzzword that seems to be ubiquitous, it really is an important technology that is ushering in a new era of transformation and rapid growth across every industry. In healthcare, which is my particular area of expertise, artificial intelligence is increasingly being viewed as the “nervous system” and the engine for the growth of this sector of the economy. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can enhance every stage of patient care, from research and discovery to diagnosis to selection of therapy to the monitoring of treatment progress. 

Q: As a self-described “influencer” and “digital storyteller,” what sort of health-related online content is most likely to engage public interest and trigger positive consumer response?

A: I would recommend informative and educational content that is properly targeted to a given audience, can be easily understood, and can be realistically applied. I think it’s essential to go beyond “edutainment” to share accurate, relevant, timely, useful, and actionable information. To achieve that goal, I would encourage using a variety of formats and mediums to meet people where they are and tap into their preferred methods of consuming information, be it text, images, audio, or video. 

Q: What forces do you blame for the public’s relatively slow acceptance of telehealth/telemedicine as a viable alternative to the conventional face-to-face practice of medicine?

A: Uncertainty about the coverage of such services by traditional health insurers and the regulatory environment at both the state and federal levels have been key factors in slow acceptance of telemedicine by both healthcare providers and healthcare consumers as well. We see signs of growing acceptance as some of these questions and uncertainties are resolved. 

This interview has been edited and condensed. 

For more from Irma Rastagayeva, read the full interview on

By Don Amerman