A few weeks ago, NBA star Lamar Odom shocked the world when he was rushed to the hospital over apparent overdose. He suffered multiple strokes and was unresponsive when medical personnel arrived at the Las Vegas brothel Odom was staying. Doctors reported that they found “every drug imaginable” in his system, including cocaine, opiates, and herbal erectile dysfunction drugs.

The drugs reportedly in Odom’s system have been under intense scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as the pharmaceutical industry at large. These herbal performance enhancers are unregulated and have been found to include hidden drugs such as Viagra and Cialis. These powerful drugs, which require a prescription, react violently with other substances and can cause severe strokes and liver and kidney failure, such as that suffered by Odom.

A couple of weeks ago, the FDA issued a warning on these drugs, stating they had found 300 different herbal performance enhancers that contained dangerously high levels of Viagra and Cialis. One drug contained 31 times the prescription dosage of Cialis. These drugs, which increase blood flow to sexual organs, can be deadly to those on certain medications or with underlying conditions.

Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that produces Viagra, has also issued warnings about the dangers of performance enhancers. They claim that many counterfeit medicines look very similar to Viagra, but can contain many unknown substances – including poison, talcum powder or high dosages of the drug in Viagra. Many people believe they are getting a deal on the medication or are avoiding the embarrassment of telling the doctor of their need for the drug. However, they are actually ingesting substances that are potentially lethal, as is apparently the case with Odom.

Odom’s reaction to the drugs proves that taking herbal performance enhancers is a dangerous endeavor. It’s impossible to know what one’s reaction to such drugs will be, so it’ wisest to steer clear altogether. If erectile dysfunction drugs are needed, see a doctor to ensure your safety and health.