This multi-billion industry is improving service delivery to bridge the gap between hospitals and homes. There are many reasons for this trend:

  1. Telehealth improves care access, especially for rural and underserved patients.
  2. It can help reduce costs by reducing the need for unnecessary office visits and hospitalizations.
  3. Providing more convenient and flexible care can improve patient engagement and satisfaction.

So what can we expect from telehealth in 2023? Here are three shifts to watch out for:

Increased Use of AI and Machine Learning

As telehealth technology becomes more sophisticated, we can expect more artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to support care delivery. For example, AI can automatically schedule appointments, track patient progress, and provide reminders for medication adherence. Machine learning can predict patient outcomes and identify early warning signs of disease.

More Focus On Chronic Disease Management

Chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and COPD account for most healthcare costs in the US. Telehealth can be crucial in managing these conditions by providing regular check-ins with patients, monitoring vital signs, and providing education and support. We can expect to see more telehealth programs focused on chronic disease management in 2023

Greater Integration with Electronic Health Records

One of the challenges of telehealth has been the lack of integration with existing electronic health records. This is slowly changing, and we expect greater EHR integration in 2023. This will make it easier for care providers to access patient data, schedule appointments, and coordinate care. Also, patients can view their health information from any device, making tracking progress and managing their health more accessible.

Telehealth is revolutionizing the healthcare industry and changing how we think about care delivery. These three shifts will help make telehealth more accessible, effective, and efficient in the years to come. Workers in the industry also stand to benefit from efficiency gains and improved job satisfaction. But most importantly, they will improve the quality of care for patients across the country.