In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “how you can keep your sex life rocking even after hitting the fabulous age of 50 and beyond.” Whether you’re in a long -term relationship, stepping into new connections, or living the single life, intimacy is a beautiful part of human connection that we can all enjoy at any age.

It’s not uncommon for some people to notice changes in their sexual sensations, including genital numbness. While this might not be the case for everyone, there are a few reasons why this could happen.

Reduced blood flow As we get older, blood flow to various parts of the body, including the genital region, may decrease. This can lead to a decrease in sensitivity and make it more challenging to experience the same level of sensation as before.

Check with your doctor as this could be due to a drop in blood flow, including low testosterone levels or other related conditions like high blood pressure or clogged blood vessels caught arteriosclerosis.

Or consider losing a few pounds and exercising more consistently to see if you notice improvements. Hormonal changes Hormones play a significant role in our sexual health. As we age, there can be shifts in hormone levels, such as decrease in estrogen and testosterone both men and women.

These hormonal changes might impact libido and genital sensitivity. Some main symptoms you want to look out for are hair loss or brittle nose, depression, anxiety, or mood swings, hot flashes or weight gain or even sexual dysfunction, including lack of desire.

For women over 50, your ovaries may lack the production of estrogen and progesterone. These factors, along with a change in the regular pattern of your periods, are a good sign you may be in menopause.

  1. Nerve Function Nerves play a vital role in transmitting signals of pleasure and sensation to and from our genital region. Over time, nerves may become less sensitive, affecting the way we experience touch and pleasure.

As we age, the cerebral cortex, which is a vital part of your nervous system responsible for reasoning, becomes less active during sexual activity, the motor and sensory of your body, called the pudendal nerve, provides sensations to the pelvic region, which includes your external genitalia and anus.

After 50, damage to your pudendal nerve can lead to pain and affect one’s ability to enjoy sex. Your symptoms may include the inability to regulate your bodily functions, so watch out for that. Four medications and health conditions.

Certain medications and health conditions that become more prevalent with age can also contribute to genital numbness. For example, medications used to manage chronic health issues might have side effects that affect sexual sensation.

Some medications you take for conditions such as high blood pressure, perone’s disease, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, heart or blood vessel disease, and diabetes may affect your sexual performance.

Your physician may prescribe medications like Biagra or Cialis for men, and for women, they may prescribe adi, or even a low dosage of soddenafil. Check with your doctors to see what prescription medications may be proper for you.

Five psychological factors are mental and emotional wellbeing can influence our sexual experiences. Stress, anxiety, and other psychological factors can affect arousal and sensitivity, making it more difficult to fully enjoy sexual activity.

Improving your mood and self -confidence and reducing your stress levels is essential. Also, avoid distractions and keep a clear mind. It’s important to focus on your partner, enjoy the moment, and not worry about the world around you.

So let’s dive into some dos and don’ts for having sex after 50, ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience for you and your partner. Open and honest communication is the foundation of any healthy sexual relationship.

Talk to your partner about your desires, boundaries, and any concerns you have. This creates a safe space where you can freely express yourselves and understand each other better. Regular exercise can work wonders for your sexual health.

It improves blood flow, boosts energy levels, and keeps your body flexible and strong. So whether it’s walking, swimming, or yoga, find an activity that you enjoy and get moving. Age is no barrier to trying new things in the bedroom or wherever you feel comfortable.

Be open to experimenting with different techniques, positions, and even fantasies. Couple sex toys can add a new dimension of pleasure and excitement. These products are designed to enhance sensations and stimulate erogenous zones, which can lead to more satisfying experiences.

This full silicone vibrating toy is excellent for couples who require additional arousal stimulation during sex. If someone bind the band too tight, try lengthening it by wrapping it around a glass to stretch out the band before using it.

Most women like to control the vibrations with the included remote control. So gentlemen, please hand that off to us. Communicate openly with your partner about introducing sex toys and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Oh, and always make sure to clean your toys. in warm, soapy water after using them. Nitric oxide is a naturally occurring compound vital in blood vessel dilation. Our natural product may improve blood flow, enhancing arousal and sexual response by signaling an essential molecule in your body.

Certain foods like beets and dark chocolate boost nitric oxide levels. Regular exercise also supports nitric oxide production, so saying physically active can positively impact your sexual health. As most will take a low dose of nitric oxide daily, you should still check with your doctor if you have any medical conditions such as heart disease or kidney disease.

Most will benefit from seeing their skin showing signs of youthfulness, hydration, and glowing nourishment. Others call nitric oxide the anti -aging molecule as it supports healthier cell function, reduces high blood pressure, and helps with erectile dysfunction.

V for women. As you age, you already know that sexual desire goes up and down over the years and is often tied to changes in relationships, stress, and menopause. Roughly 15% of women deal with low sex drive from a condition known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

Unlike other prescription medications like Lebancerin, the active ingredient in ADI, a prescription medication prescribed for HSDD, works to raise levels of dopamine and norepinephrine to promote desire and arousal and requires a visit with your primary care physician.

V for Women is a fantastic over -the -counter remedy and has also been called the female Viagra. V for Women is a libido enhancer supplement that supports female sexual health. It contains a combination of proprietary blends and natural ingredients like vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts.

These supplements are often formulated to promote libido, energy levels, and overall well -being. The suggested usage is to take two capsules daily, preferably with food, one to two hours before physical activity, or as directed by a health care professional.

As you age, you already know that sexual desire goes up and down over the years and is often tied to changes in relationships, stress, or menopause. Use lubrication. As we age, natural lubrication may decrease, leading to discomfort during sex.

Don’t hesitate to use a water -based lubricant to make the experience more enjoyable and comfortable for both partners. Vaginal gynas and changes in size and shape of the vagina are typical in older women because falling estrogen levels cause it.

The average age of menopause is 51, and lubricants are recommended for enjoyable sex. To restore natural lubrication, take more vitamins, including A, B, beta -carotene, omega -3s, and vitamin E. Focus on emotional connection.

Intimacy is not just about physical pleasure, it’s about emotional connection, too. Bend quality time with your partner outside of the bedroom, nurture your emotional bond, and show an affection and appreciation for each other.

You must understand that hormonal changes are regular, and both men and women may become more emotional, depressed, and experience social isolation and even dementia. may become overly critical, suspicious, or even paranoid of your partner.

Trust that you have experienced with one another, may have faded, or you feel manipulated. Jealousy is a normal emotion, and you can overcome these feelings by increasing your sleep times, incorporating stress relieving activities, vitamins, healthy nutrition, and certain medications instructed by your doctor.

Now, if you have any underlying health issues or concerns, it’s essential to address them with your healthcare provider. Managing conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis can positively impact your sexual health.

If your concern is more emotional, sex therapy or couples counseling is readily available and can work wonders on people’s relationship. Avoid comparison. Everyone’s sexual journey is unique, and comparing your experiences to others can lead to unnecessary pressure and disappointment.

Embrace your individuality and focus on what brings you and your partner pleasure and satisfaction. Don’t rush, take your time during intimacy. Rushy may lead to frustration and may not allow your body to respond naturally to arousal.

Savor the moments and remember that quality matters more than quantity. Learn to enjoy kissing, cuddling, and intimate touching in the same bed. Wait for penetration or look for an orgasm and enjoy sensuality and explore the other path this may take you.

Avoid making assumptions. Don’t assume that your partner has the same desires or expectations as you do. Again, communication is key. Be open to discussing your needs and desires to ensure both partners feel heard and respected.

Don’t be discouraged by physical challenges. As we age, our bodies naturally go through changes. Embrace these changes and understand that they are a natural part of life. Focus on what you can do and what feels good rather than dwelling on any perceived limitations.

So, embrace the adventure that is sexual intimacy after 50. Communication, fun exploration, and emotional connection are the keys to fulfilling a vibrant sex life. Remember, age is just a number and with the right mindset and approach, you can create incredible experiences with your partner.