Tempe, AZ-based eDrugstore.com, the leader in online lifestyle telemedicine, reports that the rise of telemedicine in the healthcare industry has resulted in unexpected benefits not only for patients, but for physicians as well.

The sudden rise and effectiveness of telemedicine have surprised even long-time advocates. “Our focus was entirely on customer safety and social distancing,” Secure Medical President Kyle Rao tells us, “so even we were surprised when we began discussing the impacts with the doctors on our team and found silver linings.”

Among the benefits, the Secure Medical team has found:

More patient comfort and satisfaction: Even without a pandemic, patients anxious about medical settings are more comfortable with telemedicine, making it easier for doctor and patient to connect and limiting patient anxiety.

A broader range of patients: Since patient visits are no longer limited by physical distance, doctors can expand their practices without geographic limitations.

More frequent engagement: Doctors have found that because telehealth visits take less time, patients are more likely to book and keep appointments, making care more consistent and more comfortable to offer.

Easier referrals and consultations: With patient consent, doctors can bring in consultants or connect with a patient’s other doctors faster and more effectively, improving communication and health outcomes.

Earlier interventions: As doctors are more accessible, patients are more likely to approach them with health concerns, allowing providers to catch potential risks early.

Overall cost reduction: Telehealth visits are less expensive for both doctor and patient. Patients don’t need to pay for transit or child care or use paid time off to visit, while doctors can limit overhead and more effectively triage patients.

Telemedicine is here to stay for most doctors. “It’s become clear that the broader healthcare system needs telemedicine,” Rao says, “and we’re hopeful doctors and patients alike will get more out of it.”

Secure Medical is a pre-pandemic veteran of telemedicine visits for online prescription ordering. eDrugstore’s 100% online services include physician consults that are safe, flexible, private, and convenient.

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