In this summary of the Ourdoctor YouTube video we discuss “How to Lower High Blood Pressure.” We have Chad from Peekbody Fitness, who is here to share his insight on some crucial questions for our viewers at OurDoctor.

“how does fitness help with blood pressure and cholesterol?” “Hi Clarissa, thanks again for having me on. According to the new guidelines from the American Heart Association, exercising for 150 minutes a week can lower some adults’ high blood pressure and cholesterol.”

So now it’s time to start moving. Adding some movement to your day can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. They also suggest doctors write exercise prescriptions for those with mild to moderately high blood pressure and cholesterol.

These prescriptions suggest how much physical activity is needed, along with resources such as health coaches and diet and exercise experts. An estimated 21% of U.S. adults, about 53 million, have a little too high blood pressure.

So it’s measured by the maximum number, systolic blood pressure, falling between 120 and 139, or the bottom number, called diastolic blood pressure, falling between 80 and 89. Now, likewise, roughly 28% of U.S.

Adults, or about 71 million people, have slightly high cholesterol levels. Now, an inadequate LDL cholesterol score is above 70. The guidelines for blood pressure and cholesterol suggest that people in little high ranges who otherwise have a low risk of heart disease or stroke be treated only through lifestyle changes.

These kinds of changes include increased physical activity, weight loss, improving your diet, stopping smoking, and moderating your alcohol intake. Intake. Studies show that increasing physical activity can lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 3 to 4 and decrease LDL cholesterol by 3 to 6.

This statement highlights research showing physically active people have a 21% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 36% lower risk of death from cardiovascular diseases than inactive people.
What is the best way to lower blood pressure and cholesterol?

Lose extra pounds and watch your waist slide. Blood pressure often increases, almost always increases, as weight increases. Exercise regularly. Eat a healthy diet. Reduce salt in your diet. Limit your alcohol and quit smoking.

It isn’t good for you. Get a good night’s sleep. and reduce stress. So, which exercise is best for high blood pressure? There’s a lot of great activities. The six best practices to control high blood pressure that I recommend is walking.

At least 10 minutes of risk or moderate walking three times a day, or 30 minutes a day of biking or stationary cycling, or three 10-minute blocks of cycling, hiking, desk treadmilling or pedal pushing, and weight training.

I’m a heavy proponent of weight training and swimming. Federal physical activity guidelines suggest people participate in either accumulative 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly, plus two or more weekly strength training sessions.

One of the best ways to reach healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels is by achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. It’s well known. Again, this has been known for ages. It’s very well known that physical activity and good nutrition are significant factors in helping with weight loss.

It’s the only way to help with weight loss. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Remember that the other benefits of exercise they’re almost self-explanatory.

They’re going to increase your endorphins.
They’re going to help balance the neurotransmitters that help you reduce stress. And that’s another contributing factor to high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Strengthening and conditioning your heart and arteries can help heal your body after years of neglect.
Building skeletal muscle through strength training will raise your metabolism and help you burn additional calories; the more significant your motor, the more fuel you burn. Strength training also assists with your balance and can reduce your risk of falls.

So, improving fatigue will give you more energy. As a bonus, if you’re currently treated for hypertension or high blood pressure, exercise often helps reduce or eliminate the need for medication.

What is the best exercise to help reduce high cholesterol? Good question. Again, you’ll see changes in your LDL level after just three to six months of exercising regularly. It takes longer to see a difference in HDL, but most studies show it takes an average of about nine months.

Walking again, I’m a big proponent of walking. It raises your good cholesterol and lowers your bad cholesterol. A risky 30-minute walk three times a week is enough to increase your good cholesterol and HDL and lower your bad cholesterol, which is your LDL, by a few points.
And even without weight loss, this amount of exercise will improve your cholesterol levels. If you have a chronic health condition, please speak with your physician before starting an exercise plan.

Your physician may recommend certain activities to focus on, avoid, or suggest other safety precautions. Now, if you’re in generally good health or after receiving your doctor’s go-ahead, it’s time to implement your workout plan.

It will only happen if you make it happen. You don’t have to stick to traditional forms of exercise like jogging. Aim to do an activity you enjoy—dancing, biking, hiking, tennis, gardening, yard work.

Do what you like to do. Just get out and move. Move your body. How much weekly exercise is needed to achieve lasting health benefits? Any moderate activity for at least 150 minutes a week or more is the general bare minimum for health.

A good rule of thumb is to do something more often. The American Heart Association also recommends strength training to help build muscle mass. I’m a huge proponent of strength training. But how does one know if they are working hard enough?

According to the American Heart Association, you should pick up the pace if you can sing or carry on an entire conversation during your exercise.

Take it down briefly if you must stop and catch your breath frequently.

You’re in the sweet spot for your exercise intensity level if you can say short sentences but only a little more. Warming up before you start exercising and cooling down after your exercise is essential because it gives your heart more time to adjust from resting to your active heart rate.

Warm-up and cool-down can also prevent tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries, especially as you get older, such as walking for five to 10 minutes before and after your activity. If you choose to stretch, do this after exercising.

While exercising, pay attention to how you feel. Be in tune with your body. If you experience dizziness, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, or pain in your chest, shoulder, neck, jaw, and arm, stop exercising and rest.

And be sure to call your doctor if those symptoms persist. So, Chad, what are the best exercises to lower cholesterol? Brisk walks. There’s no need to hit that treadmill at full speed. You don’t need to do that.

Cycling. You didn’t have to think about cholesterol levels as a kid. And maybe that’s because you were always staying active by riding your bike around town and going to see your friends and family. Swimming, yoga, you know, dancing.

Here’s what you need to know. Get your blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol levels checked. Regularly, every one to three years for most people. Exercise regularly. I strenuously say that. Exercise regularly and eat a reasonably healthy diet.

And within a few weeks of starting the path to wellness, you will see a positive difference in your numbers. And you’re going to start feeling better. So don’t delay. Get active today. Thanks, Chad. All the staff at Peak Body and our doctor wish you the best on your journey with controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol.

You deserve to feel great and look great. Good luck, and like and follow us if you want to see other videos. Visit