Jennifer Lopez and the Lopez Family Foundation are so appreciative to have been awarded with the 2013 American Telemedicine Association Humanitarian Award for the Foundation’s commitments to pediatric and maternal human services. Jennifer gladly acknowledged the tribute at a private occasion in Los Angeles.

The Lopez Family Foundation has perceived how get to telemedicine can spare lives and make a critical effect in under-served markets, and anticipates proceeding with their backing with ATA and past.

Transcript from the Jennifer Lopez ATA award video:
Hi I am Jennifer Lopez and I’m honored to accept the 2013 Humanitarian Award from the American telemedicine Association. thank you so much.

The Lopez Family Foundation is committed to the use of telemedicine because we have seen how remote healthcare positively impacts the health and well-being of women and children. Telemedicine brings health care to people where and when they need it.

Recently, Congress offered a Bill that promotes the expanded use of Telehealth among Accountable Care Organizations (or ACO); this is great news considering that this has been a debatable issue for some time now.  The Act, according the Bill can be referred to as the “ACO Improvement Act of 2014”, if passed, the bill would foster the growth of Federal support and expenditures for national Telehealth and Telemedicine services, resulting in a more compatible and convenient form of health care for individuals, in some cases, even helping to save lives.

What Is Telehealth?

Telehealth is an expansion of Telemedicine, both are terms developed to describe the telecommunication technology that is utilized by health care providers, in order to facilitate the interaction with patients and assist in patient care management, within the scope and practice of Remote Health Care. This can be the utilization of teleconferening, where one patient provider communicates remotely with another patient provider, or more advanced options such as online voice or video communication. In addition, patients and providers can interact with each other using these cutting edge options, without ever leaving the comfort and security of your home or office.

Saving on Cost and Time with Telehealth and Telemedicine

Imagine never having to step into an office during low temperature months or scorching hot summer days, when your ailment is at its worse, or never having to take a day off of work and losing a days pay. With the convenience of Telemedicine and Telehealth, these advanced health care options and technologies can save you time and money. Some patients simply have an aversion to doctors offices or hospitals, that’s okay too. Telehealth and Telemedicine is fantastic for those that would normally not seek out medical help or are just unable to access proper care locally.

Cutting Edge Health Care

Telemedicine which is more curative in nature; focusing on specialties such as: General Health Care, Telenursing, Telepharmacy and Emergency Telemedicine. In addition, Telemedicine has been integrated within Telerehailitation, Telecardiology and Teletrauma Care, as well as Teleradiology, Telepsychiatry, Teledentisty and Telepathology. That’s not all, incorporation of Telemedicine has been instrumental for providers of Teledermatology, Teleopthamology and Teleaudiology, and has also been used for critical life saving and emergency medical care. 

Telehealth envelops promotive, preventative, as well as curative elements within health care; Telehealth has come a long way in recent years, stressing innumerable technological components, from emailing between doctors and patients, to the submission of prescription drugs to pharmaceutical providers and a myriad of other patient solutions. Providers have the capability to monitor the condition of their patients who are either home-bound or do not have the luxury of taking time off from work or other responsibilities. Additionally, doctors all over the globe have the ability to assist each other in ground breaking procedures and surgeries remotely through the use of Telehealth Technology. 

Going Hi-Tech

Should the ACO Improvement Act of 2014 pass, providers can deliver the same high quality and caliber of care to their patients, that is already afforded to those who are physically seen at health care facilities. Providers will begin, on a much larger scale, to treat patients more effectively and soundly by eliminating all of the  costs associated with unnecessary testing and procedures. No only will this Act cut costs and save time, providers can focus on the advancement of curative and preventative medicine and measures, as well as focus on discovering new methods of treatment and care, this will benefit the patients and not the bottom line. All of this can be done with mobile devices that monitor vital signs during the management of treatment, resulting in the elimination of unnecessary travels, cost cutting and financial savings for patients.

As people’s lives become increasingly busier, it is becoming more and more difficult to make time for any extra activities, let alone appointments. Some people are so busy that they can’t even afford to become sick, either because they would quickly become behind at work, or because they can’t afford to miss any money. Fortunately, telemedicine is becoming more widely available, and is a good option for people who are unable to see a doctor in person for whatever reason.

What is telemedicine and how does it work?

Telemedicine is a simple but very useful concept. It involves connecting patients with their medical professionals via a computer for teleconferencing. This would totally replace an in-person visit, and it can be useful in the following situations:

  • In situations when a person is located very far away from the doctor’s office. Telemedicine would make it possible for anyone in the world to consult with any physician, regardless of location.

  • It would make it unnecessary for busy professionals to take time off work for a doctor’s appointment, because they could see the doctor during a break at work.

  • Some patients may be physically unable to travel to a doctor’s office, either due to handicap or some other chronic condition.

Telemedicine is becoming more and more popular for a reason. Many patients are unable to consult with certain doctors who may be experts in specific fields. Telemedicine makes it easy and convenient for both the doctor as well as the patient.

For people that believe that adequate diagnosis and treatment can’t be performed using telemedicine, they are totally wrong. A doctor who specialized in working with children with infectious diseases had one patient who was truly unbelievable. The patient, a young child with HIV, was unable to travel to the doctor’s location because it was in another country, and the child’s HIV made her very chronically ill. The patient, who was not expected to live long, was able to consult with the physical through the telemedicine services. Not only was the treatment that the doctor provided effective, but it was so incredibly effective that the child, who wasn’t expected to live long, is now a relatively healthy adult who is thriving as a result of this doctor’s life-saving treatment.

Obviously telemedicine is a viable way in which to obtain medical treatment in cases where a person is unable to travel to see a doctor, either due to being elderly, disabled, chronically ill, and even people who are healthy a majority of the time but are simply too busy to take time off work to see a doctor.

If reading a story about the dangers of fake male enhancement pills necessitating penis surgery due to uncontrollable bleeding of the penis, then stop here.

However, if you are someone contemplating the use of cheap, generic pills that claim to give you an erection, you may actually want to read this story. It could possibly save you your life.

Adrian Carter suffered from erectile dysfunction and, like many men plagued by the same problem, wanted to reverse the condition without visiting a physician. One night, as Carter was on his way to spend the evening with his significant other, he purchased a bottle of Virilis Pro, an “all-natural, male enhancement” supplement that claimed to treat erectile dysfunction with herbs such as Yohimbe extract, Panax Ginseng, Epimedium and Rhodiola Rosea.

Although Carter had never heard of these ingredients, he trusted that the manufacturers of Virilis Pro has tested their product and found it safe to use.

Unfortunately, Adrian Carter’s anticipated night of sexual bliss was spent in a hospital emergency room.

After taking the product as instructed, Carter began feeling intense pain during intercourse and experienced abnormal quantities of blood gushing from his penis. The blood even spurted over the walls and sheets while his scrotum and penis swelled and became severely inflamed.

Emergency room doctors immediately removed a substantial portion of his penile skin (a procedure called “degloving”) because the separation of his urethra from the penis was dangerously swollen. If the degloving procedure had not been performed, Carter might have bled to death.

According to Carter’s attorney Melissa Moore, her client must urinate using a catheter and may possibly never experience an erection again.

Makers of Virilis Pro, Haute Health, had no immediate response to inquiries posed by the Huffington Post. In fact, Haute Health maintains that their product does not cause any side effects because of it uses “all-natural” ingredients. However, their statements and their products were never approved by the U.S. FDA.

Warning about Fake ED Products

Generic erectile dysfunction products are typically made overseas in countries where regulation of medical products is minimal and many times, completely absent.  Men should never take chances based on a company’s claim that their product is safe just because it contains “natural” ingredients. Those ingredients may not, in fact, be as safe as what you are lead to believe.  Unfortunately, Adrian Carter discovered this the hard way.