Encouraged by the progress made in 2014 concerning its teleheath program, the Department of Veterans Affairs intends to continue improving on this program by reaching even more clients and significantly enhancing its relationship with health care providers.

In October, 2014, the VA reported that its national telehealth programs had succeeded in helping nearly 700,000 veterans during the fiscal year. According to Veteran’s Administration Secretary Robert McDonald: “We consistently explore how we can more effectively and efficiently deliver health care services to our veterans and improve their lives. Telehealth is one of those areas for which we have identified promising, long-term growth.”

Telehealth programs now serve 12 percent of all veterans enrolled in the Veteran’s Administration’s health care program. Of that 12 percent, veterans made over two million teleheath visits, with almost 60 percent of teleheath veterans residing in rural areas where they had limited access to veteran health care services.

As more veterans age, develop conditions related to aging and actively seek health care, teleheath is quickly becoming the most attractive and practical option available, especially to veterans who experience difficulty getting to a VA medical center. In 2015, VA plans to expand its telehealth offerings by utilizing a $16 billion reform bill established in August, 2014. By authorizing the VA department to begin accelerating deployment of mobile health care clinics via telemedicine, this bill means that many veterans will no longer need to travel long distances to receive necessary medical care. In addition, telemedicine reduces wait times so that veterans can receive medical attention expeditiously when it is needed.

On its website, the VA has published an outline of its forthcoming efforts to increase the scope of its telemedicine programs. Specialized services that will be offered include telecardiology, telementalhealth, telesurgery and telerehabilitation. In an interview with iHealthBeat, VA Deputy Chief Telehealth Consultant Ellen Edmonson stated that ” the VA is diligently striving to improve its commitment to veterans who need better access to telehealth”.

VA telehealth programs have led to a 34 percent drop in readmissions and a 42 percent reduciton in bed days in 2014 (fiscal year). The VA further reports that a recent survey of 10,000 veterans found that 94 percent were completely satisfied with clinical video telehealth. Store-and-forward teledermatology garnered a 92 percent satisfaction rating from veterans and teleretinology received a 94 percent rating.

For more information about the VA’s teleheath program, visit their webpage.

We can deposit a check into the bank or pay a bill right from the smartphone in the palm of our hand. We can speak to someone overseas, and see their face right from that same smartphone. But, did you ever think it would be possible to communicate with your doctor or healthcare provider using Mobile Apps? Yes, there truly are Mobile Apps for everything. Mobile Apps are the future of telemedicine, bringing doctors, or healthcare providers, together with patients on the go.

What is telemedicine? Telemedicine eliminates distance barriers in critical and emergency healthcare situations. Telecommunication and information technologies bring together doctors, or healthcare providers, and patients. Patients have the ability to closely monitor their health and fill in the gaps that may exist, while doctors, or healthcare providers, are able to diagnose and provide healthcare advice in real-time.

The future of telemedicine certainly seems to be growing and bright, as according to the research company GlobalData, the Mobile Apps market is expected to exceed $8 billion by 2018.

Right now, Mobile Apps provide the best way to bring together doctors, or healthcare providers, and patients in real-time. TouchCare, one of the Mobile Apps founded in 2013, aims to change the way healthcare services are delivered and make a difference in people’s lives.

What is Touch Care? TouchCare is one of many Mobile Apps available for download on any iOS 6.1 system or later. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad, or iPad Touch, and it is optimized for iPhone 5. TouchCare takes your privacy seriously, as it meets with all HIPAA compliance standards. It is the Mobile App of choice for Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.

With TouchCare, you will have the ability to speak with your doctor, or healthcare provider, face-to-face, without having to make an appointment in their office. Get quick answers to cold and flu questions, an after-hours appointment, or a post-acute follow up, all from the convenience of your mobile device.

TouchCare aims to be among the Mobile Apps where the world comes to feel healthier and happier all by the touch of a smartphone button.

There is a new advertising technique being engaged in by drugmakers and internet companies that straddles the line between telemedicine and privacy invasion. This new technique involves using matchback power to send targeted advertisements to people based on their pharmaceutical purchases.

How Matchback Power Works

Both the Hippocratic Oath and federal law requires doctors, hospitals, and pharmacists to maintain the secrecy of both health and prescription records for patients. But, while they can’t share this information, they can code this information into a database for various legitimate purposes. And, since the database is coded, anyone reading through it is unable to identify the names of the patients.

Despite this information being coded, internet data firms have found a trick to effectively circumvent the coding. They use the same coding software and algorithms to code databases full of internet users. Then, matchback is used to link the two databases based on the identical coded names.

How Drug Companies Use This Information to Increase Sales

Once these two databases are calibrated, internet companies are able to target advertising based on the pharmaceutical purchases of the person surfing the internet. These internet companies then offer contracts to drug companies to target appropriate advertisements. Matchback advertising increases the likelihood of a patient approaching a doctor about a specific drug by between 12% and 25%, which makes this a lucrative technique. In fact, the technique is so successful that drug companies either pony up the advertising costs or fall behind in the market as competitors take advantage of targeted sales while they don’t.

The Questionable Ethics of Matchback Power

Technically, the drug companies don’t know the identities of the people seeing their ads. If a person buys Viagra, they will see male enhancement ads, but the drug companies have no clue who is seeing the ads that they publish. So, by a strict definition, secrecy is maintained. But, this procedure skirts the line and privacy advocates are concerned by it. There are methods to effectively reverse the coding and discover names and the advertising preys on people who are vulnerable. It is a technique that will likely see much government scrutiny in coming years.

Securee Medical Inc.

Based in Tempe, Arizona, Secure Medical, Inc. (SMI) is a technology-based company that provides advanced telemedicine products and services. Secure Medical and its wholly owned subsidiaries focus on remote healthcare systems and solutions. Secure Medical also provides expedited ordering and payment-processing services for telemedicine clients.

SMI is a longstanding member of the American Telemedicine Association, the Center for Telehealth and e-Health Law, and the Better Business Bureau.


OurDoctor physicians are available 24/7/365 and provide members with convenient, quality medical consultations via HIPAA complaint video and or audio. Our physicians can diagnose many common conditions and recommend treatment plans including non-controlled prescription medication as necessary. OurDoctor.com wants to be the service to support you when you need to talk to a Physician or visit with them through an online video session…
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As part of the growing trend of telemedicine, online consultations utilize the Internet to improve patient access to physician care. Rather than the patient being evaluated with a traditional physical exam by the physician a very comprehensive questionnaire evaluation process is conducted to support the patient health profile. The physician reviews the patient profile thoroughly, and is contacted by the doctor using a HIPAA compliant video and or audio application and collects all remaining relevant data based on the patient responses.

Finally, the physician decides on the best care available for the patient. Affiliated physicians may issue a prescription for medication based on an accurate and completed medical questionnaire. Patients that fail to complete an accurate questionnaire or provide improper answers will not be considered for prescription medication. All medication prescriptions are written at the sole discretion of the physician.

We are currently hiring licensed Physicians interested in providing Telemedicine services to our customers.
Click here for more info.


Secure Medical contracts with only VIPPS certified qualified and state-licensed pharmacies to provide you with the highest level of pharmacy care. All Pharmacies are licensed in all 50 states, HIPAA compliant and will issue a Notice of Privacy Practices for the patient to sign and return and follow the HIPAA standards set forth by Health and Human Services in 2003. Each pharmacy that works with Secure Medical clientele must follow a set standard policy and procedures.

The pharmacy system software technology was originally designed in 2004 for our pharmacy network. Since the start, several advanced improvements have been updated and improved over the years to meet the growing demand for changes in processed data and to support the quick and accurate print functionality.

Only brand name FDA approved medications are dispensed from our network of Pharmacies. Depending on the State in which a prescription medication is dispensed, the applicable laws are applied and followed. Due to the volume of medications shipped by our network of contracted pharmacies, these pharmacies are able to acquire medications directly from the largest national drug wholesalers at the lowest possible prices. These prices are extended to our clientele keeping the selling price as competitive as possible.


Doctor/Patient Private Video Consultation

In 2013, Secure Medical saw the need to increase patient care by giving them the opportunity to connect via HIPAA compliant video and or audio with one of the Physician’s in our network. We have developed and deployed this video feature on all our partner web sites as required by state regulations and have supported the technology to ensure fast and clear video connections.


SECURE MEDICAL INC – Corporate Member of the American Telemedicine Association Since 2004

Since 2004, Secure Medical has been a Corporate and Presidents Circle Member of the American Telemedicine Association. A list of the current corporate members can be seen online, click here to view.

Over the years, many ATA members have created a great deal of Technology Milestones. Secure Medical has adapted and evolved while staying current to enhance our network security for our clinical and pharmacy associations as well as our consumer-based visitors. We have the highest degree of confidence that our administrative systems and platforms are amongst the most secure and confidential while providing an accommodating experience.

As a Nation, we have a lot of work ahead of us that will require the full support of the Federal and State Governments. The ATA just published a 2014 Telemedicine Policy Priorities and it has some very key objectives that we support and hope to encourage our Governments to adopt over the next few years.


Adrian Carter suffered from erectile dysfunction, he purchased a bottle of Virilis Pro, an “all-natural, male enhancement” supplement that claimed to treat erectile dysfunction with herbs such as Yohimbe extract, Panax Ginseng, Epimedium and Rhodiola Rosea. Unfortunately, Adrian Carter’s anticipated night of sexual bliss was spent in a hospital emergency room…



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Secure Medical, Inc. (SMI) has been a loyal majority investor of Histogen, Inc. since 2008 when they funded $3,625,000 towards research and development. Supporting Histogen was an easy decision for John Rao, President and owner of SMI since 2001 and Kyle Rao COO. John noticed the advanced biotechnology led by Dr. Gail Naughton, Ph.D., CEO and Chairman of the Board who founded Histogen in 2007 to develop treatments using regenerative medicine…


Certification Program Requirements

Select clients have utilized Secure Medical’s proprietary processing capabilities and data centers since 1998. In order for a company to partner with Secure Medical, they must meet or exceed the number of strict requirements as outlined in the Secure Medical Certification Program.

Once a company is in compliance with these standards, they may obtain our services and display the “Secure Certified” seal on their websites. Clients must also pass a quarterly compliance test to maintain their certification.

The Certification Program also requires clients/websites to meet compatibility standards about Secure Medical’s secure data centers and processing procedures.




Safe and Secure Data Centers

There are 1000’s of pseudo-pharmacutial companies that sell so called real, name brand prescription medications online. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is in a continual battle to locate and shut down these type of illegal online pharmacies. In June 2013, the FDA was able to locate and close down 1,677 illegal online pharmacies, these websites were responsible for selling counterfeit or substandard medications, or were selling drugs without appropriate safeguards.


Once again, Walgreens pushes the perceived limits of healthcare by being the first to offer visits with telemedicine physicians via MDLive. Fifteen years since Walgreens launched its game changing in-store urgent care clinic, the brand is taking healthcare provision a step further by providing app-based consultations with board-certified telemedicine physicians in partnership with MDLive.

Online Prescription Medications: Just the Beginning

Curently offering live chat with pharmacy staff, the Walgreens app will undergo a significant transformation as virtual doctor visits are incorporated into its features. Though still in testing, Walgreens’ mobile app, once outfitted with its new feature, will provide patients with a convenient, cost-effective method of seeing a physician, obtaining a prescription, and filling it at their local Walgreens pharmacy using Android or iOS devices. Walgreens recently announced the feature’s soft launch in California and Michigan, with more states pending.

MDLive Makes Telemedicine Physicians Accessible

Walgreens’ decision to partner with MDLive to offer this unique service shows the company’s commitment to molding the future of healthcare. MDLive, an innovative virtual business specializing in access to telemedicine physicians, is a trusted medical provider that adheres to all HIPAA laws. From a simple mobile app, clients are able to reach telemedicine physicians for online prescription medications at any time, from anywhere.

Virtual Healthcare for Adults and Children

Many acute illnesses can be diagnosed and treated via a virtual platform, and Walgreens’ mobile app is designed to provide access to care for both children and adults. MDLive works with board-certified telemedicine physicians and pediatricians who are knowledgeable about a variety of ailments, from allergies and diarrhea to headaches and respiratory illnesses. Once widely available and adopted, the mobile app will contribute to a reduction of disease transmission, particularly for highly contagious cases of flu or pink eye. Between online prescription medications and handheld access to a physician, patients of every age benefit from quality healthcare at an affordable rate.

Are you excited about the new Walgreens mobile app feature?

The Benefits of Telemedicine

The future of medicine has arrived. For the first time this past fall a telemedicine robot roamed the football sidelines. Dartmouth College in New Hampshire has adopted telemedicine robot technology which was first validated by the Mayo Clinic in 2013. This telemedicine robot stood on the sidelines for all five of Dartmouth’s home football games this past fall. This allowed the neurosurgery section to provide remote assessment of Dartmouth players who had suspected concussions.

Telemedicine is the ability to provide clinical health care at a distance, via telecommunications and information technology. It has been very useful in saving lives in critical emergency situations and improves access to medical services that would not normally be available to those who live in rural communities.

In sports, athletes while traveling have limited access to their regular care team and have to work with unfamiliar medical staff when it matters most. However through telemedicine, athletes will better receive the care and attention needed to stay in optimal health regardless of location. This would also help keep athletes and medical support staff in close contact staying connected to their home network of physicians and specialists regardless of where they are on the globe.

Dartmouth strives to make sure that their athletes receive the best medical care possible. The program will be expanded in the near future to other Dartmouth sports teams such as the Nordic ski team, who while practicing in remote locations will have access to telehealth should an accident happen. With telehealth they will have access to the latest and greatest technology allowing immediate accessibility of a neurosurgeon should a player receive any head injury with the integration of tablets and smartphones.

Telemedicine provides peace of mind to all traveling athletes knowing that their regular caregivers are available via laptop, smartphone or tablet. As telemedicine technology further develops, interactions between physicians and patients will become easier. Welcome to the new age, where the future of medicine just got a whole lot brighter!

A new study published in the November, 2014 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry found that veterans suffering PTSD received superior treatment via telemedicine in comparison to treatment provided by federally-operated veteran’s affairs hospitals.

Due to insufficient numbers of VA hospitals in the U.S., veterans often have to travel long distances to find a VA hospital to receive the treatment they need for physical or psychological issues. Because most of them have sustained serious injuries from combat, it is often difficult for them to travel lengthy distances, making the ability to receive consistent medical treatment nearly impossible.

An Effective and Necessary Substitute for Traditional VA Hospitals

Researchers conducting the study employed a randomized trial design to investigate the efficacy of evidence-based psychotherapy on veterans with PTSD. A group of 265 veterans living in rural areas were divided evenly to compare the effects of telemedicine-based treatment to “brick and mortar” hospital-based treatment.

One group of veterans had access to physicians via telemedicine. This system involved phone calls and video correspondence. According to study results, the group of veterans relying on telemedicine were eight times more likely than the non-telemedicine group (who had to commute to a VA hospital) to follow through with eight sessions of CPT (cognitive processing therapy).

As expected, the group using telemedicine experienced considerable improvement of their PTSD symptoms. This study has impressed the Veteran’s Administration so much that they are now considering the creation of an app to assist rural veterans who do not have access to a VA hospital.

Telemedicine Offers Additional Benefits to Veterans

Telemedicine may also be effective in reducing wait times for veterans, a serious problem brought to public awareness last summer when the VA scandals made headlines. In addition, telemedicine is capable of decreasing infrastructure costs so that more funds can be channeled towards treating veterans.

If the U.S. Veteran’s Administration and associated hospitals can provide veterans with the ability to use telemedicine PTSD, debilitating anxiety and other health problems that deprive our courageous veterans of enjoying a high quality of life can be treated more consistently, more quickly and, more importantly, successfully.

The Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, for good or for ill, has changed the face of modern medicine and medical insurance. While most everyone is familiar with the individual mandate, which penalizes people who don’t enroll for medical insurance, fewer are aware of other penalties that exist within the law. One important facet of the law penalizes hospitals that readmit patients too many times. This part of the law is designed to encourage preventative medicine and full-fledged solutions to medical problems, rather than just patch-work solutions which cause medical problems to flare-up or return.

One way that many doctors and hospitals have begun to counter readmissions is through the use of telemedicine. Telemedicine allows physicians to interact with patients via a digital medium. Telemedicine physicians can potentially diagnose medical problems and even give prescriptions using this new technology. It can allow both the doctor and the patient to save time and reduces transportation costs in hospitals that use telemedicine. This is why over 30% of doctors currently use this technology and over 36 million Americans have already been treated by it.

Unfortunately, for telemedicine physicians, the insurance industry has not entirely kept up with the changing technological landscape. The vast majority of physicians that treat patients this way receive limited or no reimbursement from telemedicine sessions. Primarily this is a problem with laws as much as with the insurance companies. States like Florida have pending legislation to assure that this type of medicine is covered fully by medical insurance. But until such legislation is completed, many physicians and hospitals are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Readmissions incur costly penalties while one of the best new preventative medicine techniques, which helps to prevent readmissions, isn’t covered by most standard insurance policies.

Despite this, the trend is moving in the direction of telemedicine. Other savings, like decreased transportation costs, helps cover the loss of income when insurance doesn’t cover and the laws are slowly changing so that this type of medicine is covered in more areas. As such, the number of doctors using telemedicine in the next year is expected to rise to nearly 60%.

Telemedicine is the newest concept in treating patients outside the office. According to a survey conducted at a health and medicine conference in San Diego, many physicians are being paid for this service already, even though they are not offering it to their patients. It seems that the interest in telemedicine is not at the top of most doctor’s list, according to a spokesperson for MobiHealthNews.

About 33 percent of the surveyed doctors, did admit to using some method of telemedicine, and less than 30 percent stated that are planning to use the technology. This is an overwhelming 62 percent of medical doctors that are either considering using telemedicine, or are already implementing the service.

What are the Benefit of Telemedicine for Patients and Physicians?

Telemedicine is an electronic technology that allow doctors to prescribe medicine care to patients via internet, telephone, web chat or video. The service is designed to assist patients at home, by getting their questions asked, and scheduling consultations without leaving home. This service is offered to doctors through their patient’s insurance provider.

When asked if the doctors were in a network that would reimburse them for providing telemedicine services, a low 19 percent responded with a yes. If doctors choose to implement this technology into the services they provide, it could mean less money for the practitioners.

Insurance companies and medical professionals agree that telemedicine technology can lower health care costs, and improve patient’s health. However, the biggest problems practitioners face is the reimbursements they may or may not get from the insurance companies.

This is the same concerns that are found among physicians that provide integrative care such as acupuncture. More than half of the participants in the surveyed agreed, that telemedicine technology is beyond the guidelines of state medical regulation boards. Additionally, most doctors agree that telemedicine is not appropriate for an initial visit, but it is acceptable for a follow up visit.

Only recently did CMS agree and finally released a final ruling of the expansion of telehealth care services, which will be eligible for reimbursement under Medicare. This ruling will go into effect in 2015, as the bill will be represented before the House bill in July of 2015.

Telemedicine is becoming increasingly popular, and more and more physicians are opting to provide telemedicine services to their patients. There are many advantages of telemedicine, and after a recent conference that provided a showcase of the many current telehealth providers in Arizona, it is obvious that telehealth has been a huge success so far.

Of the nearly 250 medical professionals that showed up for the conference, many of them declared how impressed they were with the speakers and the valuable information that they derived from the showcase. The conference also assisted many health care organizations with planning their services for the coming year, which was immensely helpful for them. A majority of those in attendance plan on attending again for the 2015 Telemedicine & Telehealth Showcase. Not only is it interesting to see which health providers are offering telehealth services to their patients, but according to some of the health professionals in attendance, participating in the conference, which is the only one of its kind that they’re aware of, is a great way for doctors, CEOs, and the various other health care providers to collaborate and share ideas and techniques.

Telemedicine is a convenient way for doctors to keep track of their patients progress, especially when it comes to patients with chronic but potentially life-threatening conditions. For instance, the Mayo clinic located in Arizona, has a telestroke program, which enables specialists to track their patients’ progress without the need for the patient to come in for an office visit. This takes providing medical care to a new level, making it easier for doctors to monitor their patients and even determine whether or not an actual visit to the local clinic or even the emergency room is warranted.

Not only is telehealth becoming more popular in Arizona, but it’s becoming more popular throughout the country, and even throughout the world. Patients and doctors alike greatly appreciate this major medical technological advancement that has truly revolutionized healthcare. Telehealth can make it possible for patients from across the world to access the expertise of doctors who they would never have the ability to travel to, which has the ability to save numerous lives.