During the Covid-19 pandemic, many patients were forced not to visit the hospital for treatment. The lockdowns and fear of the infection prompted digital technologies to keep hospitals up and to run. These advanced technologies enable doctors to monitor their patient’s health through digital solutions. So, what is remote patient monitoring?

What is Remote Patient Monitoring?

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a healthcare delivery technique that utilizes advanced technology to collect patient data. It is a type of telehealth used in the physiologic monitoring of patients’ health. RPM taps into cutting-edge technology to enable communication between clinicians and their patients.

RPM is efficient and effective and has an increasing adoption rate. According to research performed in 2020, about 23.4 million patients in the United States use RPM tools and services. It’s predicted that by 2024, these tools and services will reach 30 million American patients.

What Can Remote Patient Monitoring Devices be Used For?

Healthcare providers are now able to monitor their patients’ health status remotely. RPM tools like smartwatches and spirometers measure and monitor diverse clinical variables. They send the collected patient data to the healthcare provider. Also, these devices send alerts to the doctor if the values are out of range. Some of the clinical variables include:

  • Blood sugar levels
  • Heart rate
  • Blood pressure
  • Weight
  • Infertility

Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring

There are several benefits associated with the use of RPM tools and services. They include:

  • RPM tools and services decrease emergencies by helping prevent life-threatening conditions.
  • With RPM, patients receive high-quality care as facilities aren’t too busy.
  • Another advantage of RPM is that patients are more engaged since they understand more about their health.
  • With RPM, there’s the prevention of the spread of both infectious diseases and hospital-acquired diseases.
  • The easy-to-use RPM tools help patients improve their care plan and self-management adherence.
  • RPM tools and services enable patients to improve their productivity at work since they avoid inconveniences and expenses associated with visiting the hospital.
  • RPM helps lighten the pressure of over-scheduled in-person visits by allowing doctors to provide the needed care virtually.


Drastic innovation is the central theme of healthcare technologies. Telehealth solutions have been around for some years but came to their best use during the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Advancements in healthcare technology have brought about the use of:

• Digital tools
• Telehealth
• Electronic medical records
• Artificial intelligence

To transform our healthcare services and make them more efficient. Some of the beneficial uses of telehealth are:

• To the providers, you get the opportunity to reduce no-show rates and service more patients
• To the patients, you get an increase in care accessibility and a cut back on traveling and wait time
• To the payer, you get a cut back on the cost of transport and also low costs due to receipts for more timely care.

Telehealth and electronic medical records

This is a stepping stone to the evolution of healthcare. It is game-changing for professionals and patients for communication and access to care. Telehealth will extend beyond episodic treatment into chronic illness management and maintenance. Electronic medical records can be used to record data centrally in an online location, which helps keep track of individual health trends and more accurate care. This allows patients with greater access and convenient maintenance.

Digital tools

The COVID-19 pandemic showed us the necessity of real-time, error-free data and the benefits of a healthcare system capable of displaying data without delays. Digital tools help in;

• accessing and analyzing data
• making critical forecasts
The usage of a digital tool like;
• Blockchain technology
• Artificial intelligence
• Big data analysis
• Quantum computing

Can assist in acquiring valuable insights to making real-time decisions.


Telehealth is a fast-growing form of technology that might not flourish as expected cause of some barriers like;

• Variation in billing and reimbursement rates
• Limited and inconsistent interstate license of healthcare providers
• Access to information for telehealth practitioners from far-off hospitals.


Telehealth is something that our governments and health facilities should embrace and help advance to create a good environment in health care and help save lives.

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic emergence has resulted in mandatory social distancing. Additionally, the international and national measures placed to control the pandemic spread have led to an increased need for safer ways to deal with the fast-spreading pandemic. Due to the increased use and development of telemedicine in the health field, the technology has proved to be the safest interactive way between patients, uninfected and infected, and health workers.

How is the use of telemedicine help those suffering from COVID-19?

Provision of continued access to necessary health services

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and its nature of transmission has resulted in social distancing and isolation strategies as control measures for its spread. However, telemedicine technology has allowed COVID-19 patients limited access to required health services at the time necessary through remote care services. Due to this, most patients suffering from various symptoms were denied immediate access to essential health services.

Additionally, the health workers can offer remote care services to their COVID-19 patients without fearing contracting the coronavirus through virtual care. Moreover, the health worker suffering from mild COVID-19 symptoms can also attend to the patient without physically meeting the patient.

Telemedicine has helped free up medical staff and equipment for severe illness cases.

Telemedicine technology allows virtual care for the very regular, essential medicare and yearly checkup. So, the available medical staff can serve more patients through online appointments from different localities in the minimal time possible.

Virtual care also helps create more spaces for medical staff and equipment for those seriously ill from the COVID-19 outbreak. Moreover, freeing up eliminates physical meeting and call for isolation, reducing the risk of acquiring the COVID-19 pandemic through remote care services.

Telemedicine has reduced morbidity and mortality during pandemics.

Due to the quick spread of the COVID-19 virus, the health workers deployed for COVID-19 containment are at high risk and greater susceptibility to getting infected. If this happens, the available medical workforce can decrease.

Additionally, if the health worker gets infected, the illness can spread to the patients receiving services from this medical worker. The patient can be susceptible to the extent of death. However, through the technological advancement in the health field, telemedicine, a wiser health care delivery approach, will help eliminate and reduce regular visits to health care facilities, reducing the exposure of providers and uninfected patients.

Bottom Line

Having read the above article, you have realized that telemedicine is crucial to continued access to the necessary health care services during the COVID-19 outbreak. Proper use of telemedicine allows for appropriate social and medical distancing with timely access to remote care. Therefore, telemedicine can help control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic between people and their health providers.

Teletherapy is a common term for getting mental health treatment via a video conference call. Whether at home, in the office, or anywhere else where you can access the internet, teletherapy allows you to get real-time help from a licensed professional specializing in treating specific problems like behavioral issues, anxiety, and depression. The treatment often uses the same methods as face-to-face therapy but in a format where you can connect with your therapist no matter where they are located.

How Does Teletherapy Work?

Teletherapy can be used to treat individuals with anxiety disorders, depression, and other mental health issues. It can also be used as a treatment for substance abuse, eating disorders, and many other conditions that require ongoing support and guidance.

For patients who have not been able to find relief from their symptoms through traditional therapy or medication, teletherapy offers an alternative way of getting the help they need. In addition, the online nature of the sessions means they are accessible whenever it’s convenient —without having to travel long distances or make appointments around work schedules.

Who Should Consider Teletherapy?

Teletherapy is an excellent option for anyone who needs therapy but can’t get to a therapist. It can also be used as a supplement to in-person treatment, particularly for people living far away from their therapist or who don’t have access to transportation.

Additionally, teletherapy is helpful for people who need a therapist but don’t have the right insurance coverage and may not be eligible for free counseling services like those provided by community centers or hospitals.

Teletherapy Is a Proven, Effective Way To Get Treatment

Teletherapy allows you to connect with your therapist anywhere in the world via video chat or phone call. You’ll still have all the benefits of traditional therapy—including the opportunity to discuss problems and receive emotional support—all while still being able to live your life outside of therapy sessions.

Telemedicine or virtual doctor visits involve audio or video calls instead of in-person visits. An ophthalmologist can detect common eye ailments like a stye or surface problems using your phone camera. They can then prescribe drugs or schedule an appointment. As you can see, you can skip unnecessary travel and get your eyes checked from home.

This is usual for glaucoma, cataracts, and pink eye.

How Telehealth for eye care works

Video consultations: Today’s smartphones have HD video cameras. You can video call your doctor wherever you are. The doctor can do a simple eye exam and advise you if you need to visit the hospital or prescribe medicine to treat your issue.

Remote monitoring: Say an eye doctor prescribed your treatment for a problem or say you’ve had eye surgery. The doctor can monitor your health remotely instead of visiting the clinic or hospital.

When to Use Telehealth for Eye Care

• You have red-eye and goopy discharge when you wake up, and you’re unsure what to do. Is medication necessary, or will patience and home remedies suffice?

• Talking about medication changes and the future steps is your primary goal, as you have persistent glaucoma that is monitored by a remote pressure-monitoring device.

• A recent increase in difficulty reading and nighttime vision difficulties have prompted you to suspect a cataract. So, what are your options?

Benefits of using Telehealth for eye care:

• As long as the weather and traffic don’t change, you’re free to relax in the comfort of your own home.

• A trip to the doctor’s office can be time-consuming and dangerous, so it’s best to avoid it if you can.

• Your practitioner gets to examine you in the comfort of your own home, where you’re more at ease. When it comes to diagnosing and treating glaucoma, for example, this could provide a more precise image of intraocular pressure.


Telehealth is a tremendous help in reducing the need to visit eye care providers in person at this time. In many respects, it provides a glimpse into the unprecedented future. It’s not out of the question that these visits will continue to be routine even after COVID-19 has ended.

In response to COVID-19, which changed how Americans think about receiving preventative care, doctors have ramped up telehealth services to meet the growing demand for such services. Telemedicine allows patients access to expert care quickly and conveniently, enhancing health outcomes. Since 2020, telehealth platforms have accounted for approximately 13% to 17% of all consultations.

Why Telemedicine?

The use of telemedicine is becoming easier for those with little or no computer experience. You can schedule virtual appointments with doctors, therapists, and practitioners via mobile platforms and websites. These are the most common diagnoses given via telehealth platforms.

  1. Asthma: Rural areas may have a long distance between an allergist and an immunologist, meaning asthma patients sometimes have to travel hours to get to one. Travel gets eliminated with telemedicine and is also a way to reach a wider audience.
  2. Diabetes: Offering diabetes patients access to and using diabetes care services via telehealth will help improve their health.
  3. GERD: You can ask your doctor about your symptoms using Ourdoctor’s video consultation to determine if you have acid reflux or GERD. After discussing your symptoms with a doctor, they will direct you toward the best treatment option.
  4. Hypertension: Telemedicine applications like BPT enable patients to monitor their blood pressure and other health-related data electronically via their homes or communities.
  5. Hyperlipidemia: Through telehealth, a physician may be able to provide patients with high cholesterol with advice about lowering cholesterol through diet, exercise, weight loss, and reviewing prescription medications, herbal remedies, and supplements


Telehealth has become increasingly common in the last few years, and experts predict that this trend will continue because it’s effective in diagnosing, treating, and managing several diseases.

Under Telehealth Program, patients with pneumonia, including those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Covid-19 but improving, can now leave the hospital early with continuous monitoring of their vitals and symptoms. Telehealth helps them recover while at home.

Please keep reading to know how Telehealth enables pneumonia patients to communicate with their healthcare team via text messaging, mobile health apps, video conferencing, email, etc.

Telehealth use During Covid-19

The Telehealth concept isn’t new! This remote patient monitoring program gained momentum in response to Covid-19 and the capacity crisis exacerbated during the pandemic. Telehealth enables healthcare professionals to decide the order of treating patients and offer advice. In addition, Telehealth enables healthcare providers to utilize home patient monitoring systems to check blood pressure, oxygen levels, heart rate, etc.

When to Use Telehealth for Pneumonia

Pneumonia can be a severe condition meaning that Telehealth might not always be the best choice. But you can use Telehealth for pneumonia under the following conditions;

  • You are unsure if you have pneumonia, flu, Covid-19, or a cold and want to seek medical advice.
  • You are only experiencing very mild symptoms without any breathing difficulties.
  • Your medical team has given the Telehealth go-ahead after diagnosing you with pneumonia.
  • You have a general question about your pneumonia condition or medication that’s not urgent.

Telehealth Benefits and Challenges

Telehealth addresses most mild respiratory symptoms that don’t require a trip to the doctor’s office. This remote digital health also allows the healthcare provider to ask relevant questions to help them make decisions.

However, sometimes your medical team might require sending you for a chest X-ray or examining you themselves. Such examinations have to be in person, posing a challenge to Telehealth for Pneumonia. Additionally, your Telehealth access largely depends on your insurance coverage and location.

Preparing for What Will Happen During a Telehealth Visit

For your clinician to explain the need for in-person tests or not, if medication prescription is necessary, following up on your pneumonia test appointments/results, etc., they will need to ask you lots of questions during the Telehealth visit. Therefore, it’s helpful to know;

  • Which type of healthcare professional will you have for your Telehealth appointment?
  • Will it be over audio-only or video?
  • Testing the audio or video call platform before the actual Telehealth appointment.
  • The information your medical team is likely to ask you.

Final Word

Telehealth could be a feasible option for speaking to your physician if you are experiencing mild respiratory symptoms and regular monitoring. 

It’s now convenient more than ever to receive medical attention with recent technological advancements. In the comfort of your home, you can use telehealth to access a healthcare provider. It is a more convenient way to access medicare without traveling or risk your health getting worse. Telehealth also provides the safest way to get treatment while protecting yourself from the COVID-19 pandemic.

When Can You Use Telehealth?

The service is dedicated to increasing convenience in healthcare delivery. Therefore, if you have questions about your medication, feel free to use the service. The service also comes in handy when you notice new side effects or new symptoms crop up. You can also use telehealth for regular follow-ups and refills on your medicine. So you don’t have to come down to the hospital. Save yourself the hassle.

However, you have to see medical personnel if you experience life-threatening symptoms physically. You will also need to do the same if your medical personnel needs to run other tests on you. Physical evaluation requires the assessment of vital signs and physical contact, which is not possible via telehealth.

Preparing for a Telehealth Visit for Allergies

First, get in touch with an allergy provider offering telehealth. Once you have selected your allergy provider, you will need to set up an appointment. At this point, your provider will instruct you on the necessary gadgets and software for telehealth visits. Once you have set up a good internet connection, you are ready for your first visit.

To make sure your telehealth visits go smoothly, you may set up your communication before the set time. Prepare the questions you have for your doctor beforehand. Other things you might do before the telehealth visit is to quiet down your surrounding for better communication and dress according to allow easy assessment. For example, you may wear clothes that allow you to show your skin rash to your immunologist.

Telehealth uses digital information and communication technologies to access health care services and manage your health care remotely. This is through computers and smartphones to access technological platforms like video conferencing. The platforms enable the doctor to schedule meetings and consultations with the patient.

Asthma is a respiratory condition that causes inflammation in your airwaves and narrows them, causing mucus production. This causes breathing difficulties which may lead to frequent asthma attacks.

Managing this condition requires constant health care, consultations with the doctors, and routine checkups. The use of telehealth in asthma treatment is convenient and saves time. The recent Covid-19 outbreak also strengthened the use of telehealth as a mitigation measure to reduce physical contact. This resulted in embracing the use of technology in communication.

In this case, there are two types of telehealth; telemonitoring and Telemanagement. The two have been most beneficial in asthma treatment. Telemonitoring involves transmitting data such as vital signs and treatment documentation that bears information tracking current symptoms and adherence to treatment. Telemanagement involves a virtual consultation with your doctor; in this process, they assess how the medication is fairing and identify possible gaps that need to be corrected.

Health professionals use various platforms to facilitate telehealth. These platforms may include applications, software, or video conferencing facilities like google meet or zoom.

Advantages of Using Telehealth for Asthma

  • Health professionals are more accessible. It is convenient for routine follow-up appointments, refill of prescriptions, questions about inhalers or medication, and increased asthma symptoms.
  • It lowers the cost of services offered.
  • It reduces time travel.
  • Has reduced Covid-19 infections in people with asthma, considering the virus affects people with underlying conditions.

The provision of telehealth has come in to help and advance how people access healthcare. Telehealth has shown effectiveness in asthma treatment. This is achieved with the cooperation of the patient and the health professionals. The process has also demonstrated the ability to have access to medical care easily.

Telemedicine offers patients the opportunity to virtually meet with migraine health specialists who live far away or outside their region. Medical research on migraine and telemedicine has discovered that this process of administering medicine or consultation is effective.

The Benefits of Telemedicine for Migraine Patients

· Reduce Financial Costs

Telemedicine, also known as virtual healthcare, is more affordable for migraine patients. It is a digital knockoff compared to in-person migraine medical care. When appropriately used, it reduces cost and increases patients’ health. It also offers easy migraine care accessibility and is more equitable to 78% of adults globally and 89% of American adults that uses smartphones, even adults in low medically served areas and communities.

· Offers Migraine Patients Quick Access to the Best Medical Specialist

Patients with complex and obscure migraine problems frequently find themselves living in nightmares. There are always fears and pains that they may be having a rare disease and more frustrating about finding the right medical specialist. This frustration may lead a patient from a local physician to the next, wasting time sitting through an unproductive medical appointment. Telehealth provides a better solution. It connects the migraine patients with the best, most knowledgeable, and most experienced care specialists regardless of where they practice.

When to use Telehealth for Migraine?

The most important part of migraine diagnosis involves symptoms and careful medical history evaluation. This process can be covered effectively during the telehealth consultation session. Patients can use telehealth for migraine if they have issues or concerns after managing the condition or starting treatment.

How Does a Patient Prepare for A Telehealth Visit for Migraine?

Just as you would prepare for an in-person appointment, it’s equally essential to adequately prepare for a virtual health visit. Here are a few tips to help you prepare:

· Get acquainted with the technology you’ll be using during the consultation. Get help if you need assistance in using the technology.

· Be sure you have privacy while getting ready for your appointments to avoid interruptions from people around.

· Make such you have good internet access to prevent connection problems during the consultation.

· Prepare your question by writing them down before your medical appointment starts.