The purpose of the research was to understand, evaluate and analyze the modalities used for spine care patients. Telehealth was a primary element of spine care access. It has a successful history of improving patients’ safety, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. Researchers carried out studies and surveys with patients who got their spine care via telehealth.

Between February and September 2020, researchers used the clinical registry procedure to identify spine patients found remotely at the academic medical tertiary center. This discovery was then published on an online spine care survey where patients were asked about their telemedicine experiences. The doctor that made this discovery ran a statistical analysis and thematic analysis on the Likert scale on a free-form response.

After which, the sociodemographic data was later abstracted and evaluated. The researcher reviewed the questionnaire of about 140 patients who had physical spine care appointments and telemedicine. Patients with medium and low area deprivation missed the physical spine care appointments. This shows that spine care patients rated their telemedicine experience highly.

What is Area Deprivation Index (ADI)?

An area deprivation index (ADI) is a unit used to measure the multi-dimensional status of the socio-economic region, which is linked to a health outcome. In this case, researchers use a patent’s ADI address to determine the area in which they reside.

Researchers found out that 42 percent of spine patients with low or medium socioeconomic status are also likely to miss a physical appointment compared to patients with high socioeconomic status. The total ratio of missed telehealth scheduled appointments is identical across all socioeconomic statuses.

However, telemedicine continues to be a popular method for care access delivery across America. In regions with mental health-related issues, hypertension, acute respiratory diseases, and joint and soft tissue diseases were all virtually treated, increasing telehealth visits.

Patients now understand the medical and health advantages while reflecting on how effective it is compared to a physical doctor’s appointment. This research analysis would help influence future practices and improve easy access to doctors’ and patients’ satisfaction.

Mental health has been touchy, especially in the past when admitting openly to seeing a psychiatrist was a sign of something wrong. However, just when mental health practices were welcomed, Covid-19 was declared a pandemic. The world went into lockdown, and public spaces closed down, including psychotherapy and psychiatric offices. With the levels of stress and anxiety recording a new high, something had to be done and fast to deal with the current situation of things.

Therefore, although previously considered and declared unfit for medical practices, Telemedicine got the chance to prove its worth to facilitate mental health. Some of the impacts it has had since then include:

  • Reduced the No-show Rate

Telemedicine for mental health has resolved one of the significant long-standing problems in psychiatry, that of patients not showing up for their appointments. Before the lockdown, most patients would make appointments but not show up. Although sometimes it was due to sheer forgetfulness, other times it was pure absconding of the meeting. However, as Telemedicine got introduced as an option, the no-show rate has considerably lowered. This can is due to the main advantage of Telemedicine which is convenience. Patients do not have to fight traffic or inconvenience their busy schedules to see their therapists. With access to an innovative device/internet, they can make their appointments with little struggle.

  • It Gives a View of the Patient’s Home Environment

With most people being home due to the lockdown, Telemedicine allowed therapists to see their patients’ day-to-day lives at home and, most importantly, in their daily environments. In the standard setting, the patient having to go to the office took away the chance to experience it firsthand. However, by using Telemedicine, the psychiatrists and therapists get an essential insight into the patient’s life, which helps with their treatment.

Final Word

With the world opening and the restrictions on personal meetings easing up, it will be easier for people to choose what works for them best, having tried both options. The advantage is that they get the help they need in the long run, no matter which option they choose.

The COVID-19 pandemic forcing many medical areas to go virtual, including orthopedics, explains why necessity is the mother of innovation. Orthopedic surgeons are now weighing in on several things, having witnessed orthopedic practices adapt to telemedicine technology. Some consider their practices sticking with telemedicine once the COVID-19 crisis period stops.

You may wonder how an orthopedic practice like lower back pain, injured knee, or rotator cuff tear works remotely. Yes. It is possible. But doesn’t delivering orthopedics via telehealth sound counterintuitive?

Historically, during orthopedic sessions, health practitioners use palpations, a technique of feeling using fingers during a physical examination. Typically, an orthopedic in-person appointment features front-end paperwork, MRIs or X-rays, and a physical palpation examination. So, what does it mean to incorporate and address these steps in a virtual telehealth session?

What are the Protocols?

Several protocols can help virtual orthopedic visits run smoothly. Patients have to receive directions on preparing for the virtual appointment in advance. This includes ensuring they have access to a sufficient high-speed internet connection to support an uninterrupted video call and preparing for the physical space so that the doctor can easily monitor and access their movements. For instance, the patient needs to be around 6 feet from the camera for a knee injury case, which should be 2 feet off the ground level.

That’s not all. Shorts are also necessary for patients with knee injuries. They have a simple household item to use as a weight (like a stapler or a water bottle). The orthopedist will effectively evaluate the patient with this kind of prep work.

Palpating the area in a virtual session involves resistance work or self-palpations. The orthopedist coaches the patient through specific movements and accesses their mobility or lack of it while comparing one side to the other. Based on their observation, the orthopedist can share the screen and revise the patient’s already done MRIs or X-rays and have a discussion.

Final Word

Despite the power of telemedicine technology and its above-described protocol, it makes sense to make the first orthopedic session in-person and the subsequent visits virtual if the patient is okay with a physical visit.

What Is Telehealth?

Telehealth is not a new phenomenon but became a critical facility during the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency. Telehealth is telecommunication to provide medical assistance and health education across distances. It meant that if someone could not attend a medical center in person, then it would be possible to have a consultation with a medical practitioner over the phone or video call.

Who Benefits From Audio-only Telehealth?

The use of video telehealth favors demographics with access to broadband and the use of technologies needed for video access. Research finds that people on lower incomes are more likely to use these services. In comparison, audio-only telehealth has a higher uptake as it is more accessible for most people with only a telephone required.

Common barriers that can prevent access to in-person consultations include:

  • No access to childcare
  • Lack of transportation
  • Medical provider shortages
  • Excessive wait times
  • Work commitments
  • Mobility impairment
Benefits That Reach Further Than Patient Care

You may think that telehealth is only a plus for patients. However, medical providers can save time and money using these services instead of in-patient clinics.

There is the issue of waiting rooms being a breeding ground for already ill people. Healthcare providers slash their risk of contracting illness by not being in physical contact with sick people. This means fewer doctors on ill leave annually.

Fewer personnel need to be on-site if no in-patients are present and lower overheads and supplies like sanitizers and PPE usage.

More uptake of services like these also means healthier populations and, as a result, a healthier workforce and economy.

Telehealth services utilization has become more prevalent in the United States of America following the surge of COVID-19 cases. This shift in sentiment was borne out of the necessity to bridge the care gap that stringent stay-at-home measures had created in the healthcare sector. Additionally, a more favorable view of telehealth services, increased supply from providers, and regulatory changes spurred the emergence of the virtual healthcare model.

Virtual care brings about increased levels of convenience and improves access to varied types of health offerings. This includes access to several states that had been previously left out of the loop. Furthermore, incorporating remote monitoring into care models has boosted health outcomes. That being said, innovations such as enhanced data flow between the major players in the space (consumers, investors, and providers) play a significant role in unlocking the full potential of telehealth services. Such innovations call for a substantial amount of investment capital into the space.

Policymakers also question the ability of the system to cut costs significantly while maintaining the quality of care that traditional hospitals provide. Despite virtual care being a relatively new concept, consumers have shown a lot of faith in its quality. Providers have also been receptive to adjusting their traditional model to incorporate the technology.

In conclusion, Telehealth has pulled its weight in stabilizing the health industry during these unprecedented times. More robust policies should be put in place to advocate for better virtual care services. This is especially important with the emergence of variant strains of the disease. Additionally, telehealth services need to be tailored to meet various patient and health provider needs. Telemedicine companies such as Ourdoctor gives patients access to 24/7 care on multiple conditions that are non-life-threatening. If you’d like to learn more, visit

Telemedicine usage rose by 1.015% during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a Trilliant Health report, 25.6% of the American population adopted the trend. Women, especially young females from 25 to 40 years, made up to 60% of the Telehealth users during the pandemic.

Men and older women also used telehealth services. However, this group preferred in-person visits, and their number has grown thin following the loosening restriction rules and ability to access physical doctor visits.

The case is different for young females (and has always been). A report posted on the JAMA Network Open, for instance, indicates that women within the ages of 18 to 44 preferred telehealth compared to males and patients within other age groups.

How Patients Used Telehealth Services during the Pandemic

According to the Trilliant Health report, in-person doctor visits subsided from 98.4% pre-pandemic to 70.9% during the COVID-19 peak. Of all the 25.6% percent of Americans who used telemedicine over this period, 46% used telehealth once, 14% attended seven or more virtual appointments, and 80% didn’t go beyond four visits.

Women were the biggest group in every category (single, low, average, high, and super telehealth users). Every patient had a reason for their virtual consultations, but most women sought help with stress and anxiety-related conditions.

Telehealth Beyond the Pandemic

Regulators are debating whether telemedicine should continue post-COVID-19 and at what rate. But, women have tasted and are now reluctant to let go of the convenience that comes with telemedicine.

For instance, women typically have many responsibilities, making it hard to concentrate on their mental health.

Similarly, reports indicate a higher risk of poor health, chronic illnesses, anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders in female caregivers than in other groups. One of the reasons resulting from this, according to most caregivers, is the unavailability of time to dedicate to self-care. With telemedicine it gives more time to focus on ones self. To learn more and how you can get signed up for your first telehealth visit, go to

The health care industry has been one of the most affected industries by the emergence of COVID-19. With the dangers of spreading the pandemic and the increased numbers swarming the hospitals, specific systems had to be put in place to reduce the number of people from nursing rushed to the hospital and keeping the masses protected. As a result, Telemedicine became the method of choice to ensure that these patients in nursing homes are sufficiently cared for while offering them the necessary protection.

Exploring what Telemedicine has to offer

The adoption of Telemedicine for nursing homes has both advantages and disadvantages, as witnessed throughout its use. Although some of these disadvantages might not seem as impactful, it is essential to consider them. However, on the other hand, the advantages associated with the adoption of Telemedicine in nursing homes are impactful. They have helped revolutionize healthcare in nursing homes and the health care system.

Telemedicine reduces physical movements.

The first most notable advantage of Telemedicine in a nursing home is the reduction of patients getting transported to the hospitals, which saves time and money. Transporting a resident to the hospital is traumatic and stressful to the patient. In some instances, the need for a nurse is either due to falling or a change in vital signs. Such aspects do not necessarily need a present nurse.

Helping overwhelmed hospitals

Secondly, Telemedicine helps the already overwhelmed hospitals to reduce the influx of patients in the emergency rooms. Since the emergency cases are manageable through a telemedicine call, the need to be in the emergency room reduces. Therefore, the issues that get to the emergency room will get optimum attention, and the facility will be in a better position to handle these cases.

Final Word

Telemedicine application to improve health care delivery is advisable and carries many advantages to both the institutions and the people. To learn more visit

Virtual care and telemedicine are still at an early evolutionary stage. They still face regulatory uncertainty, low market penetration, and privacy concerns. As technology evolves, these challenges and circumstances will change.

To understand the industry’s direction, here are some notable regulatory trends.

In the US, the need for care during the COVID-19 pandemic pushed regulators to allow telehealth to be used in non-rural areas to limit people’s exposure to the virus. Telehealth became accessible to more people, and temporary codes were created to allow telehealth reimbursements in the 2021 physician schedule.

Software Regulation in Europe and US

A significant problem for the health regulatory sector has been how to regulate software used in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients. The Food and Drug Administration has taken a more liberal approach in the US. It has signaled its intention only to regulate software that could harm a patient if it malfunctions.

In contrast, the approach regulates any software as long as it benefits a patient. In the EU, the relevant laws are the Medical Device Regulation and In Vitro Diagnostic Device Regulation.

Such clarity in the regulatory approach is essential to developers, medical professionals, and hospitals.

The US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is the federal agency responsible for setting regulations on healthcare reimbursement. During the pandemic, they eased limitations on reimbursement to increase access to care at a time of need. Beyond the pandemic, they have continued to reduce regulations on telemedicine by improving the number of services that can be reimbursed.

The EU passed The General Data Protection Regulation in 2018 to clarify how businesses should handle personal data collected from residents in the zone. In the first 12 months after the law came into force, people sent 89000 complaints to the supervisory body. Creating such bodies is crucial because it instills confidence that misuse of personal data is punishable.

Although most individuals can lose weight, few can maintain the weight loss. Luckily, rural Americans can now keep their weight off, thanks to telehealth. Could individual videoconferencing support be the long-awaited key to keeping additional pounds at bay? Research shows that telehealth or videoconferencing technologies can effectively deliver counseling after weight loss and reinforce people in remote areas to maintain long-term weight loss.

This insightful piece highlights telehealth yielding weight-loss outcomes similar to in-person interventions, especially during a pandemic. So keep reading.

Maintaining long-term results

Most people think that health issues like obesity and overweight belong to acute care problems. And many believe that once you treat it, you have closed that chapter. But it might just be the beginning of a new weight-loss chapter. It would help if you consistently work on it, relying on other support parties for continued weight-loss success. Someone needs to be by your side to help and challenge you.

However, distance and the new COVID-19 containment measures can be natural barriers to caring for individuals living in rural areas.

Remote weight-loss management

The emergence of the ongoing pandemic has helped remove the barriers mentioned above via increased access to telehealthcare. Today, professionals deliver telehealthcare remotely through the internet or telephone.

How do telehealth counseling approaches help?

According to Michael Perri, a senior research author, the chances are high that telehealth one-on-one counseling helps through supportive accountability. Most people under such a program know their counselor will keep working with them and show them support. In addition, they are also aware that the counselor will need to know their progress from time to time.

Individual telephone counseling holds participants accountable while keeping them more engaged in obesity management behavior. That includes self-monitoring in terms of eating and physical activity.

However, telehealth group counseling tends to be not as strong as in the case of one-on-one counseling. Why? Most individuals in group sessions appear to be more reluctant to discuss their progress than their counterparts in one-on-one sessions.

Additionally, telehealth group counseling sessions often face the challenge of low attendance. Still, the good news is that the individuals who participate in the group sessions do well at maintaining their body weight.

Bottom line

Telehealth through consistent telephone-based health coaching and video conferencing with education can effectively promote and maintain weight loss. Additionally, despite the ongoing COVID-19-related challenges, these interventions can effectively lead to sustainable exercise and eating habits changes.

One of the most tangible changes the Covid-19 pandemic has brought is the steep increase in telehealth medical services or telemedicine. Many individuals living with chronic pain struggle to maintain in-person appointments due to physical inaccessibility.

Many have found themselves going without necessary care under their chronically painful lived experience, whether due to the chronic pain itself or barriers such as reliable transportation.

Other individuals with long-term health concerns face similar struggles, such as those living with disability, mental illness, and more. In all cases, barriers to care frequently involve the difficulties associated with in-person appointments.

Of course, there are clear benefits to in-person appointments; however, as the pandemic has demonstrated, telemedicine is helping to break down accessibility barriers for many across the country.

Telemedicine allows patients to connect with their physicians from the comfort of their own homes. They can see their doctors, go over their symptoms, discuss medication(s), and form treatment plans, all without the struggle and strain associated with in-person treatment.
They are seeking to capitalize on the growing trend of telehealth.

Telemedicine necessitates using a computer or laptop with a webcam. While computers have become a modern necessity, they still come with a price tag not all can afford. Telemedicine nonetheless demonstrates excellent promise in closing accessibility gaps for many across the United States with such barriers in mind.

Growing leaders within this sphere of care, particularly those treating patients with chronic pain, seek to implement and utilize the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 11 pain diagnosis protocol more widely. This diagnostic protocol helps to classify pain diseases and conditions associated with chronic pain more accurately, which better informs treatment plans moving forward.

Providers hope the rise in telemedicine appointments and the greater use of the ICD 11 pain diagnosis protocol will increase both the affordability and accessibility of chronic pain healthcare services moving forward, both within the scope of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.