In this summary of the OurDoctor Youtube video we discuss ” Ozempic and the usage of semaglutides or GLP1s. Ozempic was approved in 2017 by the FDA for use by adults with type 2 diabetes to lower their blood sugars by helping the pancreas make some insulin.

It’s also been approved to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke by almost 20%. Ozempic was never approved for weight loss, however semaglutide has been approved for weight loss under the name Wagovi.

However, Ozempic has been prescribed by doctors as an off -label use for weight loss and pre -diabetes and most insurance companies now cover it. So what happens to your body when you start taking Ozempic?

Ozempic works by mimicking a natural occurring hormone. As those hormone levels rise, the molecules go to your brain telling it, you’re full. Studies show this drug assists in the fasting process by stimulating insulin secretion in a glucose dependent manner.

This is because it slows your stomach’s digestion by increasing the time it takes for food to leave the body. This is like the effect of bariatric surgery or gastric bypass surgery. How long can a person stay on Ozempic?

So as long as you are tolerating the medication and it is deemed appropriate by your physician, you should be good to use it. If you discontinue using the product, it is not going to harm you, but you may notice the weight coming back.

There is no specific timeframe when you should stop taking Ozempic as it’s suggested and approved to be used for long -term use. But according to some doctors, they state you shouldn’t plan to be on GLP -1 or semi -glutide for life unless you have diabetes.

So make sure to check with your doctor to make sure Ozempic is right for you and do periodically get blood work to check your levels. Weight loss with Ozempic can lead to an incredible transformation.

Ozempic is famous for weight loss and most people using it have seen as much as 8% of their body weight gone in 1 -2 years when you losing just one milligram of the solution. One study found people who received weekly semaglutide injections lost an average of about 15 pounds after three months and about 27 pounds after six months, which translates into about 5 pounds weight loss per month.

Patients have been showing off their slimmer bodies online or at the beach. They have gained more confidence by being more social, including dating and a major boost in self -esteem. Many are crediting Ozempic and its Type 2 diabetes drug for curbing their appetite.

You’ll feel empowered and will no longer be afraid doing the things which your weight has prevented you from doing in the past. Is the cost of semaglutide a concern to your wallet? If Ozempic is not covered by your insurance, it can be quite costly.

The list price for a month’s supply is about 900 to 1 ,000 for Ozempic and anywhere from 1 ,200 to 1 ,400 for Wigowi. Novo Norderdist, the manufacturer of Ozempic, says it supports a healthcare system that ensures patient access and affordability.

But no, the prices can be quite different depending on the dosage, the pharmacy who fills the drug, or if you opt for the generic or compounded version of the medication. I’ve seen the compounded versions cost less by about 4 times less expensive than the brand, but please make sure you deal with a reputable source.

I’ve heard that some semaglutide may not even contain the same active ingredient as the FDA approved product. Some are adding semaglutide sodium and semaglutide acetate, which have not been shown to be safe or effective for the patient.

The shortage of the semaglutide, its active ingredient, has triggered the Food and Drug Administration to shut down these broke facilities due to the safety concerns of making the incorrectly compounded product.

Here are some before and after photos of patients who’ve taken ozempic and will gov. So think about it, if these medications make food less important in your life, where will you be in the future? Your belly fat will be reduced, you’ll feel fuller for longer by resisting the urges and cravings of the food.

Your lifestyle may have just changed forever. You may just become a different person mentally and physically, but also think about all the money you’d be saving on food costs too. You must know that you still need exercise and a healthy diet to see desired results when taking ozempic.

That’s right, you must continue to do the work and maybe consider doing high intensity interval training to maximize your weight loss. Any exercising that improves your metabolic, flexibility and cellular health will assist in your weight loss at a faster pace.

Who should not take ozempic? Some doctors will not approve you for ozempic if you don’t have diabetes or if you’re not overweight. Also, if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning on becoming pregnant, you should stay away.

Ozempic in some cases may cause serious but rare side effects, including thyroid C cell tumors and medullary thyroid carcinoma. This is a type of cancer that forms in the thyroid gland located in front of the neck just below the atoms.

It’s responsible for sending out hormones to the rest of your body. The bottom line, if you’re having trouble with ozempic, your health care provider may recommend an alternative that works in a similar way.

For patients with type 2 diabetes, this may include Rebellis, Cholicity, or Manjaro. Also if you’re taking ozempic off -label for weight loss, Bogovie and Succenda are two FDA approved options. Is Succenda or Ozempic better for weight loss?

Studies show ozempic is a more effective drug than succenda. When researched, the semi -glutide or the active ingredient in ozempic led to more clinically significant weight loss and blood sugar reductions than lyric -glutide, the active ingredient in succenda.

You do not want to take succenda and ozempic together as it can result in serious side -effects and increase your risk of rare complications. If you do make a switch altogether, make sure to discuss this with your primary care physician.

before doing so and get regular blood work. Ozempic vs. Chalicity Both ozempic and chalicity are GLP1 medications that are indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and are both once -weekly injectables.

They both assist in controlling one’s blood sugar and low wearing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease. Studies have shown that ozempic works better because it’s slightly better at managing one’s blood sugar levels.

But also, ozempic or semi -glutide has been approved by the FDA to support chronic weight management. Chalicity or its active ingredient named duliclutide is only approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in adults.

So is manjaro better than ozempic? Ozempic and manjaro are drugs which are classified as incretin mimetics, but do indeed have some differences. Manjaro or terzepetide injection acts on both GLP and GLP1 receptors, while ozympic works on GLP1 receptors only.

Although both drugs are effective treatments for type 2 diabetes, studies show manjaro was more effective for weight loss and blood sugar levels. But ozempic was overall safer to take for weight loss.

Just like ozempic, manjaro can be injected under the skin of the abdomen, upper arm, or thigh. But the delivery method of the drug is taken differently. Rebelsis is a once -a -day oral tablet version where ozempic is a once -a -week subcutaneous injection.

Both drugs are very similar and are pretty much equally effective, but because ozempic has higher dosages available with up to 2 mg, the average person with type 2 diabetes A1C dropped 2 .2 -2 .4 percentage points better when taking a low dose of metformin on top of the injectable.

Per Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of Rebelsis and ozempic says that patients treated with once -weekly ozympic, 0 .5 mg subcutaneous injection, can be switched over to Rebelsis, 7 mg or 14 mg without any other changes to their dosing regimen.

You should know that Novo Nordisk does not promote or encourage the use of off -label medicines which include using ozempic for weight loss. However, the synthetic version of the hormone GLP1 comes at a less expensive cost and can be obtained at some mal -order and compounding pharmacies.

The semi -glutide reaches the brain and it mimics the effect of eating food, leading to the reduced appetite and feeling full more quickly. The medication makes your stomach empty slower, which in turn makes your body absorb calories more slowly.

What foods should you avoid while taking ozempic? To reduce nausea and vomiting while on semi -glutide, doctors recommend skipping fried or greasy foods, especially foods like french fries, onion rings, and potato chips.

Doctors say to stay away from eating foods or drinking drinks with high sugar content. Starchy vegetables, coffee, alcohol, processed carbohydrates, and big meals should also be avoided. If you notice nausea, You may also want to stay away from cheese, milk, butter, and ice cream.

Focus on foods like fruits and vegetables in combination with a good source of protein. As well as lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, nuts, tofu, fish, and beans are all excellent foods to keep your healthy while on ozempic.

You also want to take your time when eating. If you eat too quickly and you don’t have a large drink with meals, you may get sick as well. Let the hormone known as GOP1 do its thing. If it tells your brain you’re full, then stop eating.

Then you have eaten enough. Your body will be trained to eat less and healthier just after your first injection. You will know when ozempic is working as your stomach slows its emptying. It also slows down the absorption of calories which contributes to feeling full.

To hear more about ozempic and some aglutide, make sure to like, follow, and subscribe to our doctor to hear more about this wonderful drug. If you would like to ask additional questions regarding ozempic, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.