In a recent Supreme Court decision, the Federal Trade Commission voted 6-3 against in a case versus the North Carolina Board of Dental Examiners (NCBD). The ruling, which determined that medical boards consisting of private professionals are not immune to federal anti-trust laws. The board in question had been sending cease-and-desist letters to non-dentists providing teeth whitening services, often at a lower cost than treatments offered in dental clinics. This attempted regulation of who can enter a given industry directly violates the Sherman anti-trust laws that prevents anti-competitive practices between companies and organizations.

What does a court case on teeth whitening mean for telemedicine? Taken at face value, the ruling does not have any direct effect on telemedical professionals currently working in the field . However, this sets an important precedent for potential cases in the future: one of the biggest obstacles facing telemedicine practice are state licensing boards comprised of medical professionals, many who feel threatened by increased use of telemedicine as an option for treatment. With the NCBD case ruling, this sets an example for future legal battles between state licensing boards and telemedical providers. It may be that telemedical companies can use this as a legal precedent to sue licensing boards that place unfair restrictions upon their practices, and lead many to end up settling rather than pursuing litigation.

Overall, telemedicine is still a relatively new field with a bright, but uncertain future. However, with important decisions like the teeth whitening case being made in the Supreme Court, the legal pathway is being paved for young, rising companies to defend their practices. With the age of Obamacare, telemedicine pioneers such as Teladoc have even been able to join forces with leading health insurances providers to offer coverage for virtual doctor’s appointments. While medical professionals already working in the field have few reasons to worry about their practices, telemedicine is becoming a more sensible and easily-accesible option for patients, has gained a strong foothold in the world of modern healthcare.

Telemedicine is the employment of information technology and telecommunication for the primary role of providing medical care. It entails conveying of medical information over the internet or phone with the objective of providing consulting and in some instances for the remote checkup of patients or medical procedures.

The complexity of telehealth can differ from a normal telephone call with a medical expert to using video-conferencing for real-time evaluation of medical treatment options between the expert and a patient.

The handiness of telehealth is almost inestimable in some cases. In effect, studies relating to Emergency Room visits articulate that approximately 70% are uncalled for. Many of them can be treated with just a simple phone call. Thus, the truth is that telemedicine may well be a truly feasible solution. Without having to leave their homes patients can acquire quality health care provided by fully licensed physicians.

What do patients opt for telemedicine?
For patients residing in unreachable and remote areas, telehealth is a big blessing. These patients can get health care from specialist physicians who are miles away without having to travel. It also reduces and saves the time spent when a patient physically visits the doctor. The current increase in portable communication gadgets such as mobiles phones and tablets allow doctors to provide information and patient records in order to receive their inputs. The need to distantly access patient information in addition to monitoring the patient treatment diary can give medical experts the liberty to offer improved healthcare at a reduced rates. Also, telemedicine aids to ease the transfer of knowledge between experts practicing in the same area of specialization.

The bottom line of telemedicine

In spite of this, the promise that telehealth brings with it is beyond compare. It creates new avenues in health care management and provides hope of better cure for those patients who would in different circumstances fail to get even the most fundamental medical care.

Thus, in conclusion, it is not hard to believe that telehealth will soon be just another alternative to visiting a doctor, and chatting with them on the internet or on the phone will be an ordinary thing

Elizabeth Holmes, CEO of Theranos, Supports HB 2645 Arizona Telemedicine Lab Test Law

House Bill 2645 would revolutionize medical lab testing in the state of Arizona. Elizabeth Holmes, the CEO of Theranos, and the company that provides tests to 40 Walgreen’s clinics in Arizona, supports the bill.

House Bill 2645 would allow Arizona residents to receive expanded access to laboratory testing without a doctor’s order. The bill is currently before the Arizona Legislature. The bill is sponsored by Representative Heather Carter, R-Cave Creek. The current Arizona laws regarding lab testing allow consumers to get a limited number of tests, like cholesterol screening and blood glucose checks from licensed labs. Bill 2645 would give consumers the option of receiving any test a lab would sell.

Theranos sells test to clinics in Arizona, mostly in the Phoenix area. The company’s automated technology is often quicker and less expensive than traditional labs used by most doctor’s offices. Theranos and Holmes goal is to rapidly advance tests and testing in retail clinics.

Additionally, Theranos publishes all lab test fees, whereas typical medical labs have varying fees, depending upon their negotiated rates agreed to with the insurance companies. Often consumers without insurance forgo necessary lab tests because they don’t have the exorbitant fees that labs charge for the tests. Holmes is a staunch supporter of House Bill 2645 and believes that expanded testing options would allow more people, especially low-income people, to take charge of their healthcare and receive the proper tests to make informed decisions.

As Holmes stated in an interview with The Arizona Republic, “It’s a basic human right for people to get access to laboratory data in a time that matters,” of myriad tests used to diagnose or predict disease.

“Inherently, we’ve got a system which is by law saying you can only get these tests done at a cost that is affordable once you already have the disease,” Holmes said. “And if they are not symptomatic, insurance won’t pay for it. So people have to pay out of pocket, and paying out of pocket is insanely expensive.”

Holmes’ viewpoint is that the medical industry is geared toward treating people after they have been diagnosed with a chronic condition. However, a consumer with a family history of certain diseases wants preventative testing to insure they don’t have the disease is often denied by the insurance company and the labs fees exceed affordability.

HB 2645, passed the Arizona House without a single “no” vote. The bill is now assigned to the Arizona Senate Health and Human Services and Rules committees. Currently, Arizona law allows consumers direct access to 11 categories of testing, such as lipid profiles for cholesterol checks, glucose, urine tests, prostate-specific antigen, urine pregnancy tests, and others. However, these tests are not enough; this is where HB 2645 would eliminate the need for a doctor’s recommendation for the tests.

The legislation would not require a doctor or other licensed medical professional to review or act on medical tests that a consumer orders directly from a lab. Insurance companies and the state’s Medicaid program, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, would not be required to pay for direct-to-consumer tests.

Holmes said, “Theranos typically charges 50 to 90 percent less than what Medicare pays for similar tests.” She also stated that HB 2645 could save “hundreds of millions of dollars” in Arizona health costs.

At Secure Medical, our professionals urge everyone to familiarize themselves with House Bill 2645 and add their support for this revolutionary bill that will support Arizona consumers

Physicians are taking more precaution when treating influenza H3N2 patients nowadays. They are doing that by using the telemedicine method when diagnosing patients that involve talking to them over the telephone or on computers. The reason for this technique of diagnosing patients is that the disease is highly infectious and lethal. Doctors fear that if those patients were to come to the clinic for tests and diagnosis, they might infect the ailing patients in the medical facility.

Doctors then recommend the most suitable treatment such as antiviral drugs through the telemedicine method after establishing that the patients have the H3N2 flu. They also advise the patient to send someone to the chemist for medication instead of going there themselves. That is to avoid spreading the contagious disease to other people that they may come in contact with at the drug store or on the way there. The patients should stay at home and exercise caution by washing hands regularly and disposing of used tissue paper carefully. They should also cover their mouths while sneezing and be extra careful around children.

The disease is also known to affect people differently depending on their ages. It is most prevalent among children due to their poor immunity. Doctors have also discovered that about 90% of adults who display symptoms of the disease usually end up testing positive for the infection. Additionally, some tests show negative results whereas the patients are suffering from the disease. That has made physicians rule out the need for carrying out a test. As a result, that has made the telemedicine method more common for diagnosing this type of disease. However, giving children a routine check-up for the disease is advisable since they tend to harbor large quantities of the deadly virus in the bodies that might take some time before they develop symptoms.

The benefits of the practice are that it saves patients the cost of undergoing unnecessary tests, and the costly visits to the doctor. It also prevents carriers of the virus from passing them to other people especially those who are ill. People with diseases such as asthma and diabetes are prone to contracting the H3N2 flu if they are exposed to it. That shows that telemedicine if an effective method of containing the spread of the H3N2 flu and other influenza strains.

The best way to prevent one from contracting the disease is by getting the seasonal vaccination. The vaccines can protect the recipient from certain strains of the illness such as H1N1 flu, H3N2 flu, and strain B.

Telemedicine has taken a monumental step towards changing the healthcare landscape for many psychiatric patients in need, specifically adolescents diagnosed with ADHD. Defined as, “the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a patient’s clinical health status,” by the American Telemedicine Association, this healthcare practice includes a variety of applications and typically incorporates the use of email, webcams, smart phones and other wireless technology as a means of sharing medical information quickly and effectively.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, telemedicine is regarded as an effective approach towards the treatment of patients living in remote areas or patients who struggle with transportation issues. The recently conducted study found conclusively that adolescents, previously diagnosed with ADHD, who received six sessions with psychiatrists through video-conference in addition to in-person behavior training, showed an increase in measurable improvement when compared to the group that did not receive the video-conference therapy.

This information is important to consider, especially given the substantial shortage of psychiatrists in the U.S. Addressing the concerns of underserved populations who do not have adequate access to psychiatric healthcare has long been a hot topic and telemedicine is providing a plausible solution that may realistically be developed throughout many other areas of medical care.

The study was well received by families, who are relieved that a convenient and effective method of treatment is now available to their children. Researchers also believe that the effectiveness of this method of medical practice has significant implications for rural patients and that the practice has potential of expanding into other areas of medicine as well, especially as technology continues to advance and offer increasingly effective methods of telecommunicating. What does this new standard of practice mean for patients? Quite simply, telemedicine will provide timely, effective diagnosis and treatment to patients currently unable to seek treatment in a conventional manner.

Counterfeit Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

Given the consumer interest in erectile dysfunction drugs, it should come as no surprise to learn that there are people out there willing to exploit said interest for their own malicious purposes. One example is the counterfeiting of erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra and Cialis, which can even cause serious medical complications when swallowed on top of the frustration of consumers who have been swindled in this manner.

Even worse, the cash that can be made selling counterfeit erectile dysfunction drugs means that the problem is becoming more and more common as more and more criminals take up the practice. So much so that fake Viagra and Cialis are even beginning to enter the inventories of legitimate retailers.

How Criminals Fool People with Counterfeit Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

Counterfeiters can make counterfeit erectile dysfunction drugs that seem almost identical to real Viagra and Cialis. In most cases, differences exist but tend to consist of small details that take both expertise and experience to notice, with common examples range from outdated packaging to incorrect coloring and incorrect lot numbers.

Furthermore, counterfeiters like to sell counterfeit erectile dysfunction drugs at much lower prices than real Viagra and Cialis, which can fool consumers into lowering their guard at the prospect of a bargain that should not be passed up.

How Can You Avoid Counterfeit Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

The easiest method for consumers to avoid counterfeit erectile dysfunction drugs is to exercise care and caution when purchasing Viagra and Cialis. For example, purchasing from legitimate retailers rather than unknowns lurking on the Internet, making sure to examine the packaging before making the purchase, and being skeptical of sellers offering bargains that should not be passed up.

After all, if something seems too good to be true, there is a good chance that is exactly the case.

With the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare as it is often called, medical technology is beginning to take mighty leaps. Inefficient systems are being replaced with more technologically superior ones, cutting unnecessary costs and allowing patients to get state of the art care through Telemedicine. One important example of these changes is the MusicGlove Telemedicine Device, developed by Flint Rehabilitation Devices, based in Irvine.

Regaining mobility and manual dexterity after a stoke or spinal cord injury can be a long, tedious process. Many patients may never fully recover. The MusicGlove Telemedicine Device is worn as a glove by patients suffering loss of manual dexterity. The Device works in tandem with a musical game, prompting patients to tap out specific signals and perform certain tasks releated to dexterity. Repetition is critical for rehabilitation.

The tasks are meant to be performed rhythmically along with the music, allowing patients to use functions such as pinching, grabbing and tapping. These movements are instrumental to successful rehabilitation, but are difficult or impossible for injured patients to effectively perform without the Device. The musical accompaniment helps to distract from the task, while encouraging the movements in a more natural manner. These movements help repair damage.

Flint Rehabilitation Devices has received 1.5 million dollars in grants from the National Institutes Of Health (NIH) to develop and distribute the MusicGlove. The startup company will now be conducting two clinical trials to determine how effective the Device is in treating stroke and spinal cord injury victims. If the trials are proven to be successful, the MusicGlove could become a vital piece in advancing modern rehabilitation treatments for those who have suffered serious loss in manual dexterity and movement.

The state of medical treatment and technology will continue to evolve and become more intertwined in the coming years. For that reason, breakthrough technical advances such as the MusicGlove Telemedicine Device are likely to continue expanding our knowledge of what is possible.

The medical care landscape is evolving with technology and changing the way practitioners and hospitals conduct business. The Obamacare health care system has changed the everyday practices of hospitals, doctors, and healthcare facilities. One of the most recent testaments to telemedicine involved a Minnesota man that suffered a stroke due to a blood clot in his brain. The rural area he was located in did not have any qualified medical professionals to handle the trauma. The Mayo Clinic’s Telestroke program stepped up, and the man’s life was saved.

Due to Obamacare and its medical restrictions, in an effort to control healthcare costs, telemedicine has become a growing trend to offset the decline of doctors. Telestroke began because of the Mayo Clinic’s response to areas where neurological doctors are in short supply. Telestroke assists highly qualified Neurologists at the Mayo Clinic communicate with doctors and teams via technology, to evaluate patients and consult with regard to providing necessary treatment.

In the case of Mr. Lee, a blood clot lodged in his brain was remotely removed by the Telestroke neurologists at the Mayo Clinic along with the rural hospital surgeons and team. The doctors communicate using digital video cameras, internet telecommunication, robotic telepresence, and other technology. By having prompt expert evaluation, Mr. Lee was able to receive clot-dissolving treatment and procedures to retrieve the clot. Because of telestroke attention, Mr. Lee’s impending death from the stroke was avoided and his recovery for the inevitable disability time was reduced.

The Mayo Clinic hopes to expand its Telestroke program to include more rural communities and into the global medical marketplace as well. Their goal is to reach 200 million patients globally by 2020. They plan to do this through affiliate networking with hospitals through North America and worldwide. The telestroke program will not only cut out of pocket costs to patients, but will help insurance companies keep payments low.

With the implementation of Obamacare, the number of doctors and healthcare professionals by 2020 is expected to dwindle, especially in smaller communities. However, by networking and affiliation with the Mayo Clinic, patients can get efficient and effective care through this world-renowned medical facility via the Telestroke Program.

Thanks to the rise in Obamacare, hundreds of employers are contracting through their insurers with Telehealth. Telehealth provides a cut in medical costs and instead gives workers access twenty-four hours a day to doctors and nurse practitioners. The UNH (United Health Group) started the program in January. At this point, Telehealth provided over 310,000 subscribers in Nevada alone with virtual doctors’ visits.

Telemedicine has been prompted in part by the Affordable Care Act, which is channeling many more patients into a system already overwhelmed by physician shortages. According to AAMA (Association of American Medical Colleges), the U.S. will have almost 100,000 less doctors than will be needed by the year 2020. If that’s not a frightening thought, I don’t know what is. Telehealth providers, however, claim they assist in making up for this deficit by aiding doctors in delivering services more efficiently, not to mention quickly. According to studies, LiveHealth Online saved an average of $70 per visit, and most of them saved two or three hours of time.

Telecare works great for treating non-life threatening conditions such as minor colds, flu, pink eye, and sprains. Don’t let the technology aspect fool you—Telecare claims they contract with physicians who have an average of fifteen years’ medical experience and who are certified to practice in the states from which patients call.

Telehealth also claims that they track their physician’s medication prescribing practices to guarantee that they’re not abusing the pharmaceutical system. Although reaching out to your own primary physician in a time of medical need is the best way to be treated, there’s always the possibility that your regular practitioner cannot be reached. In a case like this, Telehealth is an excellent way to be able to speak to a physician.

Not only is Telehealth convenient, but it is also cheaper than going into some physician offices. Most users claim they pay about $40 a visit, and some even say they pay as little as ten dollars a month for a subscription to Telehealth.

Telemedicine and remote healthcare services are gaining popularity and are helping hundreds of people that otherwise would no longer be able to afford routine healthcare checks. It’s also beneficial to people who cannot attend regular doctor appointments in that it is done on the internet or over the phone.

Telemedicine helps in delivering care to patients, and is available after regular office hours. Patients that have chronic conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension, can have their information remotely monitored with telemedicine.

Telemedicine and remote healthcare monitoring is done when patients enter their medical information through their computers, or other digital devices. The information is entered into secure sites, such as a clinic’s webpage, and then shared with the patient’s doctors. The doctors receive information quickly through voice message, emails or texts. The turn-around time for patients to receive responses is much quicker than when placing a phone call and hoping the message is forwarded to their doctor promptly. Pharmacies can be contacted quickly should a patient need a medication.

To date, remote healthcare monitoring has been very beneficial for patients that suffer with congestive heart failure, hypertension or diabetes in that their symptoms and/or vitals can be monitored at any time. Patients don’t need an appointment to use the service, and can use it even if they are not living in their home. By using a remote healthcare monitoring system, patients can see a substantial savings in medical bills. By having vitals and symptoms monitored in this way, patients can maintain a good quality of life at all times.

While Telemedicine and remote healthcare monitoring cannot replace emergency rooms or hospitals, it can help patients deal with issues such as cold or flu symptoms, headaches, or other minor concerns that can be treated quickly and efficiently.

Another benefit to the telemedicine and remote healthcare monitoring is that as its popularity grows, HMOs and healthcare providers are allowing it to be considered a covered service for their patients.