In this summary of the OurDoctor video we discuss “vaginal dryness and how to cure this.” Lubricants have long been the answer to help with women when they have suddenly gone dry down there.

But why does this happen and what can I do to fix this problem? I’d like to share with you some fantastic tips on how I can make your intimate experiences even more enjoyable. Lubricants have been around for ages used by different cultures worldwide to enhance their intimate moments and reduce pains caused by dry penetration.

From ancient Rome to modern Japan, people have always sought ways to add a little magic to their love lives. But with so many choices available today, it’s essential to know what to look for in a lubricant.

But first, what causes vaginal dryness? Some of the main causes include breastfeeding, menopause, a cancer treatment like chemotherapy, or a hysterectomy in which you had your wound removed, or if you’re taking an antidepressant or contraceptive pills.

You could also be experiencing vaginal atrophy. This is defined as the thinning of the vaginal epithelium and decreased cervical secretions most closely related to changes in your estrogen levels. This condition is sometimes missed but is quite common and especially for those who are post -menopausal.

At menopause, a woman’s estrogen level can fall by as much as 85% which leads to more serious dryness and infection. So if you are experiencing pain, itching, or burning during sex, you may want to check with your OB -GYN or gynecologist to get a proper diagnosis.

For vaginal intercourse, I recommend you use lubricants where the pH matches that of the vagina, around 3 .5 to 4 .9. And for anal intercourse, go for one with a pH around 6 to keep things comfortable.

If you’re considering water -based lubricants, keep an eye on their osmolality. Higher osmolality than the vaginal tissues can lead to dryness. So choose water -based lubes with a pH less than 4 .5 and osmolality less than 1200 nanograms per milliliter as recommended by the World Health Organization.

Now, let’s explore the three main categories of lubricants and their benefits. Water -based lubes are wallet -friendly and less likely to cause irritation. However, they may require frequent reapplication if it’s not suitable for water play.

Silicone -based lubes, on the other hand, last longer and are perfect for longer sessions or even in the shower. But remember, don’t use them with silicone sex toys as it might damage the toy material.

For oil -based lubes, you might find some excellent options right in your kitchen cupboard like cooking oil or virgin coconut oil. They’re long -lasting and usually gentle on the skin. Just remember to avoid using them with latex condoms and also make sure you don’t have any allergies to the lubricant you are using such as peanut or olive.

When picking a lubricant, avoid harmful ingredients like parabens, non -oxo -9, chlorine, and benzocaine. Watch out for glycerin too as it may increase the risk of yeast infections for some. If you’re into flavored lubricants, opt for ones with food -grade flavors and fragrances to avoid any irritation.

And remember, oil -based lubes should steer clear of petroleum or vaseline as they don’t match vaginal pH. Make sure to spend some time and experiment with different types of lubricants and find one that’s ideal for those seeking a reliable and luxurious, intimate, and enjoyable encounter.

Look for high -quality silicone lubricants because that ensures a lasting performance, making it perfect for extended sessions or steamy shower play. Find a lubricant that is compatible with condoms and not just recommend it for use with silicone sex toys.

You want a lube that is designed with your pleasure, can help with vaginal dryness, and is safe to use. Remember, finding that perfect lubricant is a personal journey, so feel free to explore and find what suits you best.

Your comfort and pleasure should always come first. Have a question? Give us a call. We’re here to help and make sure your intimate moments are nothing short of amazing. Bye!