The novel Coronavirus (also COVID19) pandemic has pushed telemedicine at the forefront of healthcare provision, supported by global calls for social distancing. In this wake, telehealth has emerged as a practical solution that physicians use during this and other pandemics, especially those requiring social distancing. For many, who find going to the grocery concerning, visiting a hospital office or exam room seems like the last resort, considering infected persons might have been there. If you share the same concerns, here are two ways you can maneuver through telemedicine during a pandemic

1. Remote communication and conferencing

Telemedicine refers to the use of IT platforms to facilitate the delivery of healthcare. It involves patients and physicians setting up remote appointments via phone calls, video conferencing, and other remote communication options available. If you are concerned about your health status, you no longer need to visit the hospital. Instead, you can set up a camera to conference with a doctor for professional diagnosis and recommendations. According to doctors, this helps to deliver healthcare when people are scared to visit hospitals and clinics during pandemics.

2. Online healthcare research

Most people oversight the invaluable resource that exists in online healthcare platforms. Web conferencing aside, you can find updates about the spread of the pandemic, preventative measures you should observe, and practical remedies for symptoms online. Some hospitals, platforms, and doctors send information directly to the patients via mail so that you can use them for periodic updates. You can also visit online resource centers, which contain helpful information concerning managing pandemics.


IT platforms can be used for healthcare interventions, especially when preventing the spread of a pandemic. The population can receive up to date warnings and helpful information straight to their phone or email. Doctors can offer remote symptom diagnosis through conferencing mediums and even use models to help onsite practitioners provide necessary medical procedures. You can also subscribe to authority feeds, notification centers, and newsletters for up to date information about the pandemic.