The dangers of vaginal prolapse. When Mary Ann first felt that weird bulge and a bit of pelvic pressure, she just chalked it up to getting older. But when she noticed something actually sticking out and had a few oops moments with her bladder, she thought, okay, what’s going on?

She chatted with her gynecologist and found out it was a vaginal collapse or pelvic organ prolapse. It was pretty surprising, but it started Mary Ann down a path of getting informed and finding the right treatments.

Hi, I’m Clarissa from Our Doctor and today we’ll be discussing vagina collapse. What is it and how do you treat it? Pelvic organ prolapse is often misinterpreted by the public as a collapse of the vagina.

Imagine the inside of the vagina like a U -shape supporting various organs, the bladder at the front, the uterus or small bowel at the top and the rectum at the back. When these organs start to droop or push into the vagina, that’s a prolapse.

A cystal cell is when the bladder wall bulges into the vagina and a retro cell is when the rectum wall bulges into the vagina. If you experience this, you may need to have a procedure known as an anterior and posterior repair.

This treatment lifts and tightens the tissue around the bladder and rectum so these organs no longer push against the vagina. Around 40% of women might face this at some point, but only 12% really feel its pitch.

What might sound scary, it’s not life threatening. It’s more about how it affects your day to day comfort. Some women might feel a bit of a bulge, kind of like a tampon not placed right. Others could experience back pain, bathroom troubles or even pain during intimacy.

Here are the symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse. Feeling of heaviness or fullness in the pelvis. Visible bulge or protrusion of tissue from the vagina. Sensation of something falling out of the vagina.

Discomfort or pain in the pelvis, especially when standing or being active for extended periods. Urinary issues including urgency, frequency, incontinence or difficulty starting to urinate. Bow movement difficulties like constipation or feeling that bow doesn’t empty completely, dyspareunia, which is painful intercourse, lower back pain, spotting, or bleeding in some cases.

This weakening can arise from various causes. Childbirth, especially involving multiple births or a large baby, can stretch and weaken the pelvic muscles. As women age, their pelvic floor muscles naturally decline in strength and this weakening is further exacerbated by the reduced estrogen levels during menopause.

Surgeries like hysterectomy can sometimes lead to a weakened pelvic support structure. Factors such as chronic constipation and persistent coughing from conditions like bronchitis or asthma can strain the pelvic muscles.

Regularly lifting heavy objects or being obese also places extra pressure on these muscles. Some women might have a genetic predisposition to prolapse and those with connective tissue disorders can be particularly susceptible.

Furthermore, Prior pelvic surgeries might compromise the strength and support of the pelvic organs. While many risk factors exist, not every women with these factors will experience prolapse. For those suspecting they might have prolapse, it’s crucial to ascertain whether the symptoms are indeed bothersome.

If so, consulting a specialist, either a female pelvic medicine reconstructive surgeon or a urogynecologist is essential. These medical visits usually encompass a detailed history, a targeted physical examination, and in some cases further diagnostic evaluation such as urodynamic studies.

Therapeutic interventions for vaginal collapse or pelvic organ prolapse are designed based on the severity of the condition and the patient’s individual needs and preferences. Here’s some of the common therapeutic intervention.

Pelvic floor physical therapy, a trained pelvic floor physical therapist can guide women through exercises known as Kegels to strengthen the pelvic muscles. These exercises can help support the pelvic organs and reduce or alleviate symptoms.

Vaginal pessaries. A pessary is a device placed in the vagina to support areas of prolapse. They come in various sizes and shape. When fitted correctly, they can be very effective in managing the symptoms of prolapse.

Vaginal surgery procedures can be performed through the vagina to repair the prolapsed area. Common surgeries include anterior and posterior coporaphy, vaginal vox suspension, and sacrosbinous ligament fixation.

Abdominal surgery procedures like sacrocopopexy can be performed via an abdominal approach to provide support to the vaginal bot. This can be done with traditional open surgery or minimally invasive methods, such as laparoscopy or robotic -assisted surgery.

Hysterectomies, in some cases, removing the uterus might be recommended as part of the treatment for prolapse. Lifestyle changes, maintaining a healthy weight, treating and preventing constipation, and avoiding heavy lifting can help in managing and preventing further progression of the prolapse.

Estrogen therapies for post -menopausal weight. women, topical estrogen therapy might help rejuvenate and maintain the tissues of the vaginal wall. Avoid straining. Women with prolapse should avoid activities like increased intra -abdominal pressures such as heavy lifting or intense straining to prevent exacerbation of the condition.

Ultimately, the decision to treat or not remains in the hands of the patient. Proactive health management entails informed choices, as with any medical condition. Open dialogue with health care professionals is indispensable.

It’s pivotal to prioritize one’s well -being, especially when it impacts quality of life. If you have any additional questions regarding vaginal collapse and pelvic organ prolapse, be sure to check with your gynecologist or message the OurDoctor channel and I or another professional will get back to you with an answer and solution you deserve.

Hi, I’m Clarissa with Our Doctor and today I’d like to discuss mismatched sex drives and the four stages of desires. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your wife or your girlfriend’s sexual drive doesn’t match your sexual energy?

Have you ever felt that your sexual needs are just not coinciding with one another? Let me tell you a story about a couple I know. Let’s call them Jeff and Stacey. Early in their relationship, their weekends were filled with laughter, candlelit dinners, and spontaneous trips.

The passion they shared was palpable, with both equally initiating those intimate moments. However, as the years went by, Stacey noticed that while her desire for intimacy remained consistent, Jeff seemed to wane.

Puzzled and concerned, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was something she had done or if it was an external factor influencing their relationship. This scenario, where a couple’s sexual desires don’t quite align, is termed sexual desire mismatch.

Let’s dive in a bit deeper into understanding this phenomenon. Sexual desire mismatch, also known as desire discrepancy, happens when one partner has a higher or lower sexual drive compared to the other.

One question I get asked a lot is, what do you think the solution is for a mismatched sex drive? This common question is usually asked for men seeking advice because he isn’t having as much sex with his wife or girlfriend as he’d like to.

The most common response here is usually hormone imbalance or simply different priorities, but I also think it’s clear that, especially later in life, women have a substantially lower sex drive than men and that this problem is not due to anything being wrong with the women, it simply just exists.

So what is the solution to a mismatched sex drive? Some think that divorce or breakup is the answer, but is that viable if there are kids in the picture? Other men and women turn to masturbation as a solution, but is this a viable solution as well?

We are all different, some of us are highly sexually active, where we have the desire to orgasm several times a week or day. Others are okay with sex every other week or month, but how do you really know if your partner feels the same way?

Some also think that men had a higher sex drive earlier on in the relationship where women hit their stride later on. Your age and health can also be a factor for sexual desire mismatch. So because there are so many ifs, I recommend you communicate with your partner on what your needs are and attempt to provide a suitable in -home solution.

And if this doesn’t work, consider seeking therapy together or other outside help. Let’s talk a bit about the four stages of desire. These four stages include spontaneous, responsive, physical, and intellectual.

Spontaneous desire is what you often see portrayed in the media, which sometimes includes an immediate urge for sexual activity. People with spontaneous desire don’t require as much intimacy or affection leading up to the sexual activity.

So basically, they are just ready to go at any given time. Bontaneous desire can lead to a multitude of reasons behind this mismatched sex drive, ranging from personal routines and stress to medical or hormonal issues.

Research indicates that this mismatch is not rare. In fact, some studies suggest up to 80% of couples experience it at some point. It’s essential to acknowledge that having perfectly aligned desires throughout a relationship is quite unrealistic, given life’s various challenges.

Those who have responsive desire may need additional time for sexual activity, even after several minutes of foreplay. This means that someone may decide to engage in sexual activity before they get turned on and then their desire emerges as a result of this process.

Many people, including most women, experience desire this way. Responsive desire also means that one may require more affection and sensual touch leading up to sex to help put their mind and body at ease to feel desire.

This group likes long hugs, rubbing on their back or neck, cuddling on the couch or bed, or even showering together. Other triggers may include romantic gestures, verbal affirmations, and validating her emotions.

Now, if this discrepancy is causing discomfort or distress in your relationship, you must address it. Chronic or growing differences can be a source of strain in a relationship. The initial approach should encompass understanding the underlying causes, gauging the real frequency and quality of sexual interactions and improving communication around these topics.

It’s also pivotal to broaden the definition of sex and consider diverse forms of intimacy. Physical desire is simply defined as where a man or woman is attracted to their partner’s physical features and is considered aesthetically pleasing or beautiful.

While sexual attraction focuses on becoming involved sexually, physical attraction focuses on other forms of touch that are not necessarily sexual, such as hugging, kissing, or even massage. This feeling of attraction involves your physical senses, your hormones, and your emotions.

to your nerves and even your immune system. Physical desire can also be sparked in several cues such as the shape of the person’s face, the way they smell, or even the tone or color of their skin. It is important to know that unity in a relationship is fundamental for longevity.

It’s essential to understand that issues of sexual discrepancy aren’t the burden or flaw of just one partner. Instead, there are issues that weave into the very fabric of relationship itself. Effective communication stands at the forefront of resolving such matters.

Engage in deep conversations where both partners share their individual preferences, define clear boundaries, and establish mutual understanding. Exploring new intimate experiences or even focusing on non -sexual bonding moments can often bridge the gap in desires and bring couples closer.

Lastly, intellectual desire or sapial sexuality This is simply defined as wanting to learn something additional about your partner. This desire involves being more attractive by the contents of a person’s mind than by the appearance of their body.

In order to feel this sexual attraction, a safe, sexual person must first feel intellectually stimulated. This type of engagement in conversation is known as picking their brain. With this type of communication, you will find intelligence sexually attractive and even more arousing.

Those who desire less than a relationship often turn to intellectual desire. I want you all to remember that a sturdy foundation in a relationship goes a long way in cushioning the impact of these desire discrepancies.

When couples share a deep emotional bond, minor discrepancies in desire become less of a significant concern as the overall strength of their relationship takes precedent. For those struggling to overcome these hurdles, seek professional guidance can be a game changer.

Emotionally focused therapy, for instance, provides couples with tools and strategies to delve deeper into their emotional world, thereby facilitating a better understanding and resolution of challenges.

In traversing the intricacies of intimate relationships, it’s essential to remember that each individual and couple is unique, just as no two snowflakes are identical, neither are two relationships. What works for one couple might not be the magic solution for another.

However, by cultivating an environment that champions open communication, mutual respect, and continuous learning, couples can navigate the waters of sexual desire discrepancy with greater confidence and understanding.

Lastly, as we continue our journey in understanding the myriad facets of sexual health, let’s not forget the broader picture. Intimacy isn’t solely defined by sexual desire. It encompasses trust, emotional connection, shared experiences, and mutual growth.

Diving into topics like genital numbness and other elements of sexual health shines a light on areas that often remain in the shadows. Prioritizing well -being, both physically and emotionally, isn’t just about addressing challenges, it’s about celebrating the beautiful tapestry of love and connection.

Everyone deserves to experience the very best of what intimacy has to offer. If you wish to hear more about the various types of sexual desires or the frustrations or emotional connections behind them, please make sure to like, follow, and subscribe.

In recent years, online dating has emerged as a dominant force in the world of bottom relationships. According to Pew Research Center, study from 2020, nearly 30% of U .S. adults have ventured into the realm of dating apps and websites.

As December grows, it’s essential to understand the nuances of this digital frontier. Some of the popular dating apps are Tinder. This app, renowned for its swipe right or swipe left feature, has revolutionized the dating scene, especially among the younger crowd.

Bumble. Pioneering a women -first approach, Bumble lets women take the lead in initiating conversations. Hinge. With a model of being designed to be deleted, Hinge encourages users to find lasting relationships.

OKCupid. Celebrated for its detailed profiles and broad user base, it’s a favorite for those looking for diverse matches. Coffee meets Bagel, a refreshing break from the constant swiping, offering daily curated matches to sift through at leisure.

Online dating can be thrilling, but like any venture, there are best practices to consider. Whether you’re looking for fun conversation or searching for the one, here’s an expanded take on what you should keep in mind.

  1. Show the authentic you. First impressions matter and in the digital realm, your profile is that first impression. Choose a profile picture that’s both flattering and genuine. Avoid heavy filters or dated images.

Along with that, when you talk about your interests, be sincere. If you’re more about Netflix marathons than mountain marathons, own it. Authenticity attracts like -minded individuals and that’s always a good start.

  1. Safety first. The internet has its share of mystery and while many are looking for genuine connections, there are some who might have different intentions. Ensure that you protect sensitive information like your home address, workplace, or other personal details.

It’s not about being paranoid, but more about being protective until you’re sure about the person on the other end. 3. Opt for reputable platforms. All dating platforms aren’t created equal. Some have rigorous processes for verifying users while Others might be more relaxed.

Research platforms, read reviews, and maybe even ask friends for recommendations. It’s essential to choose a space where you feel safe and where there’s a higher chance of meeting genuine individuals.

  1. First meetups in public. Once you’ve clicked with someone online and are considering taking it offline, choose a setting that’s neutral and public. Places like cafes, popular parks, or casual restaurants are ideal.

It’s not just a safety measure, but also eases the first meeting jitters since it’s a relaxed environment. 5. Trust your intuition. Over time, we’ve all developed a sixth sense, or intuition, about situations or people.

Listen to that inner voice. If a conversation or profile seems off, it might be worth a second thought. Your comfort and safety are paramount. Clear communication. In the vast sea of online daters, everyone’s seeking something different.

Some want casual conversations, some seek deep connections, while others might be on the hunt for their future spouse. To avoid mixed signals or heartbreaks. Be clear about your intentions from the get -go.

  1. Stay active and engaged. The world of online dating is dynamic. New members join daily and existing members update their profiles. Keep your profile fresh by updating photos or tweaking your interests.

An updated profile also signals that you’re active and engaged, making others more likely to reach out. To ensure a smoother journey and to avoid common traps, let’s delve deeper into the don’ts of online dating.

  1. Limit early sharing. While the urge to share and connect is natural, particularly when you feel a spark, it’s crucial to hold back a bit. This isn’t about playing games, but rather about maintaining your privacy.

Avoid sharing intimate details, such as home address, workplace specifics, or any financial details until you’ve established a solid foundation of trust. No financial transactions. This might sound like common sense, but it’s surprising how many get ensnared by a well -spun solo story.

Remember, genuine individuals look for a connection, won’t ask for financial assistance no matter how convincing their tale might be. If someone is pressuring you for money or presents an urgent financial dilemma, it’s a glaring reflect.

  1. Beware of extended virtual -only interactions. Virtual connections can be intense, but they’re not always a reflection of real -world dynamics. Spending months or even years in an online interaction -only might create a bubble of unrealistic expectations.

It’s essential to meet in person, when you’re totally comfortable, to truly gauge compatibility and ensure you’re not setting yourself up for disappointment. Stay alert to red flags. Everyone presents their best self in the beginning, but cracks may soon show.

Be attentive to inconsistencies in their tales or if they’re avoiding answering specific questions. Aggressive behavior or undue pressure for personal information or images should be taken seriously.

These might indicate they’re not genuinely interested in a heartfelt connection. Maintain a balanced outlook. It’s easy to get carried away, especially when a few interactions go well. However, it’s essential to understand that not every chat will lead to sparks and not every day will end up in a romantic town.

Celebrate the small successes, learn from the missteps, and keep your expectations realistic. 6. Avoid rushed progression. Digital interactions can, at times, amplify emotions. What feels like deep intimacy online might translate differently offline.

Just because you’ve shared personal stories or have chatted late into the night doesn’t mean you should rush things. Take your time, meet in person, and let the relationships evolve at a natural pace.

Embarking on the journey of online dating is akin to exploring a new city. While there’s much to discover and enjoy, it’s also essential to be cautious of the alleys you tread. By being aware of these do’s and don’ts, you’re better equipped to enjoy the experience while ensuring your safety and well -being.

Thanks for watching! Bye!

Have you ever paused to think about the daily rituals and habits that might be pulling the strings of your romantic desires? It’s a fantastic thought, right? When discussing our zest for intimacy, two words often crop up, libido and sex drive.

Here’s the scoop. They’re pretty much synonymous, capturing our intrinsic longing for sexual intimacy and connection. Yet, the intricacies of our day -to -day lives, from the snacks we munch on to the weight of our daily stresses, have a say in the dance of our desires.

They can amplify, muffle, or remix our romantic tunes in ways we might not even recognize. So, are you curious to connect the dots between the daily life and desire? Let’s journey into the everyday nuances that could be whispering sweet nothings or shout outs to our libido.

Here are the top 10 habits that may destroy your sex drive. 1. The fast food trap. Indulging in junk food is easy, but a diet overloaded with processed foods and sugars might just be killing the mood.

Remember, a nutritious, balanced diet isn’t just for your waistline, it’s for your libido too. 2. One too many drinks. While that glass of wine can help you unwind, constantly reaching for the bottle can have consequences for your sex drive.

Alcohol, especially in excess, can throw your hormones out of whack. 3. The smoke screen. Beyond the known health issues, smoking can also put on a damper on your sexual desires. It reduces blood flow, which, believe me, is essential for those intimate moments.

  1. Couch potato syndrome. Feeling too lazy for some action between the sheets might be because of missing out on regular exercise. Physical activity not only keeps you in shape, but also boosts your mood and energy.
  2. Stress. The silent libido killer. That naggy work stress or everyday anxiety. It’s secretly boosting cortisol levels in your body, which can be a party pooper for your sex hormones. 6. Skimping on sleep.

If you’re compromising on your disease, you might also be compromising your intimate moments. A well -rested body can be more in -tune with its desires. 7. Prescription Pitfalls Some medications, especially certain antidepressants and blood pressure drugs, can play spoils more with your libido.

Always good to have a chat with your doctor if you notice changes after starting a new medication. 8. The Extra Espresso Love your caffeine? While your morning kofa might give you the energy to tackle your day, doubting too much might just have the opposite effect in the bedroom.

  1. Too Much Virtual Too Little Reality An overload of porn might make real -life intimacy seem less appealing for some. It’s all about balance. 10. Mind Matters It’s not just about the body. If you’re grappling with mental health issues or low self -esteem, these can silently impact your desire for intimacy.

Now remember, everyone’s different. What affects one person might not affect another. If you feel like your sex drive isn’t what it used to be, it’s bothering you, it might be worth a chat with the healthcare professional or give us a call.

We can help you get to the bottom of things and reignite that spark. Cheers to a healthier, happier you. Bye!

The incredible ED and PE Vibro Ring. Let’s talk about something exciting today, enhancing your intimate moments with the Vibro Ring. If you’re looking to add a little extra sizzle to your relationship, you might want to give this gadget a try.

Hi, I’m Clarissa with Our Doctor, and today I’ll be reviewing and talking about this amazing new enhancement device. You’ll be leveling up with this vibrating king of penis rings. It’s also waterproof, easy to clean, durable, and user -friendly.

Using the Vibro Ring works well for erectile dysfunction caused by both physical problems and also psychological ones like performance anxiety. The Vibro Ring sits at the base of the penis or it can be placed around the shaft and testicles.

Most penis rings are designed to restrict the backflow of blood from an erect penis, but this one does much more. Some men also ask their doctors about using this ring in conjunction with medications such as Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra.

There were no issues with using medications for ED in conjunction with the Vibro Ring. Also, some doctors have recommended premature ejaculation medications such as Dapoxetine, Paroxetine, or Buspiran to their patients.

There were also no issues with using these types of medications for PE in conjunction with the Vibro Ring. Let’s now discuss the Vibro Ring and how it works. First, you unbox and charge the Vibro Ring to give it about one hour of runtime.

Turn on the Vibro Ring by holding down the power button for two seconds. Once on, then press the button again to switch to one of the 10 desired vibration modes. To shut off, simply hold the power button down for another two seconds.

When using, consider applying a water -based lubricant for additional comfort. Stretch the ring gently and place it at the base of the erect penis. Make sure it fits snugly, but not too tight. Once you choose the intensity and vibrating pattern to your life, hiking, you may position the vibrator so it touches her clitoral area for her added pleasure.

Remember to prevent the spread of STDs and STIs it’s highly recommended to wear a condom to practice safe sex. Wearing a condom will not affect this device’s functionality. There are also so many reasons to try the Vibro Ring, so let’s discuss a few.

Double the pleasure, double the fun. With this handy device, both partners get to share in the pleasure. The vibrator works its magic on the clitoris, increasing the chances of mind -blowing orgasms for the ladies.

But guys, don’t feel left out, you’ll enjoy some tantalizing sensations too. It’s like a party for two. If you’ve been with your partner for a while, things in the bedroom can sometimes become routine.

The Vibro Ring can breathe new life into your relationship. Trying new things together can reignite the spark and bring you closer emotionally. It’s like a secret weapon for keeping your passion fresh and alive.

For some couples, issues like erectile dysfunction, function or premature ejaculation can be a real downer, but fear not, this ring can help men maintain and sustain a longer lasting erection, but also help with premature ejaculation with just a few uses.

It’s like a superhero for your sex life. If you’re worried about safety, no need to be. The Vibro Ring is made from body safe materials like ABS silicone ensuring you’re in good hands. If you feel uncomfortable or you feel that circulation is being cut off, this toy can be removed quicker than most rings on the market.

Plus it’s easy to clean and easy to dry so you can stay focused on where and when you’ll use the Vibro Ring again. This gadget is discreet and portable, making it easy to take on a romantic getaway or enjoy some spontaneous moments of passion.

It’s like having a naughty little secret in your pocket. This product is highly recommended by our doctor and comes with a full money back guarantee or free replacement. The Vibro Ring is a game changer for your sex life and will create memorable moments for you and your partner.

It’s all about enhancing intimacy and exploring new horizons. So remember communication and consent are key when trying new things in the bedroom. So if you and your partner are up for a thrilling adventure, this little gadget might be just what you need to take your relationship to the next level.

Go ahead, treat yourselves and let the good times roll. Please remember to like, comment and follow us for more great videos and ways to explore and enjoy your life. Take care!

No matter if you’re young or old, single, in a relationship or starting to date, this product is for you. Hi, I’m Clarissa from Our Doctor and today we will explore the empowering benefits that women can experience through the best -selling female sex toy, the Rose G Spot vibrator.

The topic of sexual pleasure and exploration has become increasingly open and accepting. One of the essential tools in this realm is the vibrator. Although once considered a taboo subject, the use of vibrators has become more widely embraced and for good reason.

At its core, a vibrator is designed to stimulate various erogenous zones such as the clitoris, the G Spot, and anus. We’ve tested a mountain of sex toys for women and this one is really worth the space in your nightstand drawer.

This is also a very popular toy used for seduction as seen on websites like OniFans, LoyalFans, or Fansly. This delightful device opens up a world of enhanced pleasure that many women may not have experienced before.

The vibrations and sensations it provides can lead to more intense orgasms and an increased sense of sexual satisfaction. By embracing this tool, women can discover a whole new level of pleasure that manual stimulation alone may not achieve.

Are you tired of being alone or your partner is just not doing the job in the bedroom? Using this particular vibrator can have significant mental and emotional benefits. Orgasms trigger the release of hormones like endorphins and oxytocin which are known as the feel -good hormones.

These feel -good hormones if intense enough through the incorporation of external clitoral stimulation can make you come. These chemicals promote a sense of relaxation and well -being helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

A vibrator therefore can be an excellent tool for self -care and unwinding after a long and hectic day. Moreover, using a vibrator can be an exciting journey of exploration and self -discovery. Every woman’s body is unique and a vibrator allows for individualized exploration of what brings the most pleasure.

It encourages women to understand their bodies better, paving the way for improved sexual, self -confidence, and communication with partners. By embracing this self -discovery, women can feel more empowered in their sexuality and gain a deeper connection with themselves.

Furthermore, the use of vibrators can positively impact intimacy with a relationship. Bringing a vibrator into the bedroom can enhance intimacy and communication between partners. It opens up the door to discussions about desires, fantasies, and preferences fostering a more open and fulfilling sexual relationship.

Sharing this experience can strengthen the bond between partners and create a safe space for exploring new dimensions of pleasure together. Now let’s talk about the best -selling Rosa Vibrator. Perfect option for those seeking a truly unique stimulation that sets it apart from other vibes.

10 vibration modes for variable pulsating pleasure, and 10 sucking modes for intense G -spot and clitoral stimulation, allowing you to customize your experience according to your desires. The ergonomic design and soft silicone material ensure a comfortable experience that feels amazing against your skin.

The sucking function is perfect for massaging the clitoris and breast, meanwhile the dill dust telescopic vibration stimulates the actual scene, bringing you pleasure like never before. Privacy is essential, and the Rose Vibrator has got you covered.

With a low noise level of less than 50 dbs, you can enjoy your intimate moments without any worries. Want to explore your pleasure in the water? No problem. The Rose Vibrator is entirely waterproof with silicone, so you can confidently use it without leaving any water stains.

It’s even IPX5 waterproof, certified for the entire body, making cleaning a breeze with water or soapy water. Convenient meets pleasure with the Rose Vibrator’s latest charging technology. Using 5V DC charging and a touch of magnetic charging, you can power it up by connecting it to various USB devices like computers, power banks, or plugs.

Ready for intense and satisfying orgasms? The Rose G -Spot Vibrator is key to unlocking those explosive clitoral and anal orgasms. Stimulate your G -Spot with ease and experience pleasure like never before.

In conclusion, if you want to get the best bang for your buck, our doctor recommends the Rose G -Spot Vibrator. It’s here to elevate your pleasure and unlock new heights of satisfaction. Have fun exploring and finding the perfect toy that suits your needs perfectly.

Enjoy the journey to incredible pleasure with the Rose Vibrator. Happy exploring!

Vibrating panties, OMG this is for real. In today’s world of love and passion technology has truly up the game when it comes to making our intimate moments extra special. One of the hottest innovations shaking things up is the octopus tickler.

Yep, you heard it right, panties that’s packing a secret surprise. These sneaky little gadgets bring together convenience, thrills, and that extra dash of closeness. Hi, I’m Clarissa from OurDoctor and let’s chat about what makes the octopus tickler the best woman’s toy for those on -the -go orgasmic moments.

Picture this, a day filled with ordinary routines and responsibilities, but there’s something extraordinary, something thrilling hidden beneath the surface. It’s your little secret, one that’s shared only between you and your partner.

This is the enchanting world of vibrating panties. At first glance they seem like your regular everyday underwear, unassuming, discreet, and perfectly comfortable. But oh, what lies beneath the surface is where the magic happens.

Tucked away inside these unassuming undies is a small yet potent vibrator poised to offer you pleasure whenever you desire. It’s like having a tantalizing treasure chest of sensations, a private world of delight that’s always within arm’s reach.

Whether you’re tackling a mountain of work emails, grabbing coffee with friends, or attending a seemingly endless zoom meeting, you carry this enticing secret with you all day long. And when the time is right, when you and your partner decide to embark on an intimate adventure, the octopus tickler transforms into your playful accomplice.

With a simple touch, they awaken, bringing in an accelerating dimension to your connection that only you two share. So yes, they may look like everyday underwear, but the pulsating energy hidden within is your passport to a world of pleasure, a secret that can make your day a lot more exciting and your nights unforgettable.

Let’s take a closer look at the product linked in the prompt. This particular product offers a few intriguing features. The panties are designed to be seamless and comfortable, making them suitable for extended wear.

The vibrator itself is nested within the panty, ensuring that no one will be the wiser. What sets this product apart is the included remote control. With a range of up to 32 feet, your partner can take control of your pleasure discreetly, whether you’re at home or for dinner.

And don’t worry, if you lose the remote, this little device can be connected to your mobile phone for control for even longer distances. The vibrator offers nine different vibration patterns and intensities, allowing you to customize your experience according to your desires.

These vibrating panties can add excitement and novelty to your intimate moments. The anticipation of using them in public or giving control to your partner can be incredibly arousing. For couples in long -distance relationships, these remote -controlled devices can bridge the physical gap and make virtual intimacy more exciting.

For easy connectivity, simply scan the QR code on the instruction manual or open your Bluetooth or use the Find a Friend option to interact with personal messaging. You may also watch videos or turn on music while using the toy and the vibration frequency will change automatically, giving you a more interactive experience.

Beyond the intimate context, the octopus tickler can also provide relaxation and stress relief. The gentle vibrations can be soothing and calming, making them a versatile tool for self -care. Before delving into the world of vibrating panties, it’s essential to consider a few factors.

Comfort is key when it comes to wearable devices. Ensure that the panties fit well. They are made from breathable materials to prevent any discomfort during extended wear. Privacy. If you choose to wear these in public or share control with your partner, privacy is paramount.

Make sure you’re both comfortable with the idea and take precautions to avoid any embarrassing situations. The octopus tickler is waterproof and can be cleaned using a mild detergent with warm water and the panties can easily be added to your laundry.

Do not attempt to dissemble the toy and keep it away from animals and children. A full charge will take around 90 minutes, then the toy is good for about 40 to 45 minutes of constant use. The last thing you want is for your vibrating panties to run out of power at inconvenient moments.

If you ever have a problem with the vibrator, simply contact us and we’ll replace it free of charge. The octopus tickler is a testament to the fusion of technology and intimacy. They offer an exciting way to explore pleasure, whether you’re spicing up your relationship or simply seeking a bit of personal relaxation.

Ultimately, the choice to explore the world of vibrating panties is a personal one. It’s essential to communicate openly with your partner, prioritize comfort and safety, and remember that these devices are designed to enhance your intimate experiences and bring a little extra joy and excitement into your life.

Please like, follow, and comment on the video today and if you have any additional questions or comments, we are here to help. Bye!

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “washing your vagina or penis for better sex.” Let’s have an open and honest chat about a topic that’s sometimes overlooked, but super important, the importance of cleaning your genitalia before and after sex. Hi, I’m Clarissa from Our Doctor. Taking care of our private areas and maintaining hygiene is not only considered towards ourselves, but also toward our partners.

Our world is changing and fast with a statistic of 66% of Americans having one -night stand. With all the speed dating and instant hookups occurring, even with the websites like Tinder, Pure, Hinge, Grindr, and even Ashley Madison, it seems one -night stands are becoming quite common.

It’s shocking that 20% of just Tinder users have a one -night stand using their app. But the big question is, did they think about the hygiene of their penis or vagina before the one -night stand? Was I clean?

Was I sticky? Was I sweaty? Did it smell okay? Are just some of the things men and women think about before their sexual encounter? Is the reason I didn’t get a call back or text back because I turned them off out of disgust?

It’s important to know that if you have poor hygiene, women may develop a UTI and those with a vulva can develop a yeast infection. First, you will notice itching or swelling around the vagina and painful burning during the urination or sex.

In men, cleaning reduces the chances of developing skin irritations, especially if you have extra foreskin. First, you will notice itchiness as well as pain, tenderness, or discharge, which could lead to melanitis, which is inflammation to the penis glands.

So let’s dive in and explore why this practice is a crucial part of a healthy and enjoyable intimate experience. First things first, cleaning your private parts before sex is all about showing respect and consideration for your partner.

It sets the stage for a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both of you. You need to be on the lookout for smegma or the combination of shredded skin cells moisture such as sweat and a combination of fat.

fatty oils is the most common cleanup for both men and women. Think about it. Just like you would want your partner to be clean and fresh, they’d appreciate the same from you. It’s a simple gesture that speaks volumes about your thoughtfulness and care.

Not to mention, cleaning before sex can actually enhance the experience itself. Feeling clean and fresh boosts your confidence, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment without any distractions.

Plus, it can be a real mood booster for both you and your partner. So why not set the scene for a passionate encounter by ensuring you’re feeling your best? Now, let’s talk about cleaning up after sex.

The step is equally as important as cleaning beforehand. During intimate moments, bodily fluids can be exchanged, and it’s essential to tend to your hygiene afterward. Not only does it promote cleanliness, but it also helps prevent the risk of infections or irritation.

If you currently do not have before and after wipes to use, the best way to clean the area is with clean and unperfume soaps using a washcloth and warm water. Such products like Neutrogena or Dove Hypoallergenic have been proven gentle enough for your sensitive private part.

Taking a moment to freshen up and clean after sex is not only for your physical wellbeing, but also for your emotional comfort. Feeling clean and fresh after work can give you peace of mind and allow you to fully relax and enjoy the afterglow.

Plus, it sets a positive precedence for your partner, showing them that you care about their wellbeing too. Now let’s bust a myth. Cleaning before and after sex doesn’t have to be a complicated or time -consuming task.

With our unique before and after wipes, comfort meets convenience. The non -woven fabric towel ensures an extra soft and gentle experience, taking care of your sensitive areas with utmost care. The unique blend of aloe barbadensis extract and chamomilla extract adds a touch of soothing freshness, leaving your feeling revitalized after each use.

Each pack includes 50 single wrap wipes, giving you an ample supply to last through many adventures. Toss one in your gym bag, keep some in your purse, or have them ready in your bedside drawer for the spontaneous moments.

With our before and after wipes, you can confidently seize any opportunity without worrying about feeling unprepared. Take a closer look at what goes into the Wonder Wipes. We spare no expense when it comes to quality ingredients.

The thoughtfully selected components include water for a pure base, benzylconium chloride, and phenoxyethanol for effective cleansing and ethylhexylglycerin to maintain freshness. But that’s not all.

To add an extra touch of comfort, these wipes also feature elmenthon, natural and menthol acetate for a cool, invigorating sensation. Deep pantherol works to moisturize and protect your skin, leaving it feeling soft and nourished.

Our before and after wipes are not only effective, but also environmentally conscious. The non -woven fabric and sustainable materials ensure that you’re making a responsible choice for both your wellbeing and the planet.

In summary, our before and after wipes are the perfect companion for your daily adventures. Say goodbye to worries about freshness and cleanliness. You’ll always be ready to embrace life’s moments with confidence and comfort.

So why wait? Experience the convenience and freshness of before and after wipes today. Elevate your hygiene game and embrace each day feeling your best, no matter where life takes you. Thank you for watching.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “How to have safe anal sex.” Engagement in anal sex, which involves the insertion of a penis into the anus of a partner, is increasingly common among young couples in the United States.

Data suggests that approximately 37% of men and 30% of women in this demographic have engaged in anal sex. There are various reasons why individuals choose to engage in anal sex. For some, it offers a different level of intimacy compared to vaginal intercourse or other sexual activities.

The novelty, variety, and taboo nature of anal sex can be exciting for many. Some people may enjoy the power dynamics and sensations of control or domination it provides, while others appreciate the unique blend of pleasure and pain.

Additionally, some couples incorporate anal sex as a part of their overall sexual dynamics. Regarding safety, anal sex can be safe when practiced correctly. Open communication with your partner is vital to ensure mutual consent and enthusiasm for engaging in anal sex.

Adequate lubrication is crucial because the anus does not produce its own natural lubrication. Water -based lubricants are commonly recommended for anal sex due to the differing pH of the anus compared to the vagina.

It’s important to note that water -based lubricants may dry out, necessitating reapplication during the activity. Silicone -based or oil -based lubricants can also be used, but caution should be exercised with oil -based lubricants as they may compromise the integrity of condoms.

While pregnancy is not a concern with anal sex, it’s important to understand that it does carry risks for sexually transmitted infections. The thin and delicate anal tissues and lining of the rectum can easily tear and expose individuals to bodily fluids, increasing the risk of transmitting STIs such as HIV, HPV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.

Therefore, using condoms is crucial for protection. Dental dams can also be used during oral to anal contact to reduce the risk of STI transmission. When incorporating toys, it is advisable to start with smaller items designed specifically for anal play.

Look for toys with a flared base or retrievable feature to prevent them from getting lost in the rectum. Sanitizing toys before reuse is essential. If you experience pain during anal sex, it is important to stop, especially if the pain persists or significant bleeding occurs.

While rare, anal sex can potentially cause injuries to the anal sphincter, the muscles that control bowel movements, which may lead to conditions such as fecal incontinence. Practicing safe anal sex, including sufficient lubrication and respecting your body’s limits can help minimize the risk of such injuries.

Remember, engaging in anal sex should always be consensual and prioritizing your well -being is essential. If you are interested, you can find information about FDA -approved anal condoms for additional protection.

There is a ton of information yet to be explored. Check out our other videos, or if you have any questions or concerns, give us a call. We’re here to help. Bye!

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “The Best Supplements to Take For Better Sex.” Did you know that sexual health plays a crucial role in your overall well -being? Lots of folks are on a quest to find ways to spice up their sex lives and connect more intimately with their partners.

So how can we make those magical moments even more special? Hi, I’m Clarissa from Our Doctor. Today we’ll be focusing on the ingredients in supplements that help with sexual function and testosterone boosting.

Picture this. A moonlit night, stars twinkling above, and you and your partner feeling an electrifying connection. Yes, the magic of a fulfilling sex life. While love, passion, and communication are the heart of any romance, we can’t deny the allure of an extra boost to make those intimate moments even more mind -blowing.

Into the world of supplements, where we unleash the fantastic trio that can turn your bedroom escapades into epic adventures. Say hello to V for Women, DHEA, and Nitric Oxide, the ultimate love potions for height and pleasure.

V for Women, the libido enhancer, is the natural biagra for women. Ladies, let’s face it, you’re fierce, you’re fabulous, and also deserving of mind -blowing pleasure. That’s where V for Women comes to the rescue.

It’s like a magical elixir that whispers, hey girl, it’s time to take charge of your pleasure journey. Papped with natural wonders like maca root extract, tribulus terrestris, and L arginine, V turns your desire dial up to 11.

It also has maca root extract. Maca is an adaptogenic herb known for its potential to enhance sexual desire and stamina. It may also help alleviate stress and anxiety, two factors that can negatively impact sexual performance and desire.

Tribulus terrestris is an herb that is believed to promote hormonal balance and increase sexual satisfaction in women. L arginine is an amino acid that may enhance blood flow to the genital area, potentially improving sensitivity and arousal.

There are a few options for prescription medications available, which I’d like to talk about briefly. The first one is Adji or flamboyant. answer in which some women have tried for low sexual desire.

Clinical trials have shown that it takes up to 4 weeks to see results or up to 12 weeks to see maximum results. But from what I’ve heard, the side effects outweigh the benefits. So be careful. Side effects include syncope, central nervous system depression, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, and hypotension.

Also, there is an injectable version for women caught by lessee or bromelanotite, which helps treat hypoactive sexual desire in premenopausal women and is also available by prescription only. Side effects of this injectable may include headaches, numbness or tingling where the injection was administered, pain and bruising.

Some other alternate female Viagra remedies may include ashwagandha, which contains two astrosteric glycosides, which is well known to help the libido and alleviate stress responsible for disrupting sexual delays.

Red wine also increases blood flow and asparagus or ginseng may also contribute to increasing libido. Remember, what may work for one may not work for the other. Now that you have been educated on biographer women and other alternatives, look no further.

V for women should be your supplement of choice for your daily routine. Women may experience increased sexual desire, high in pleasure, and an overall improvement in sexual desire. Another one is DHEA, the testosterone booster that slows the aging process in the bedroom.

You know that feeling when you were a young, dashing hero ready to conquer the world? Well, DHEA is here to rekindle that spark and remind you of the fierce Casanova within. DHEA is a supplement that contains a hormone naturally produced by the body’s adrenal glands.

DHEA plays a crucial role in the production of other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. As individuals age, DHE levels tend to decline which can have implications for sexual health and libido.

By supplementing with natural DHEA, individuals may experience benefits such as increased libido, hormonal balance, and enhanced energy. In studies, DHEA helped men with erectile dysfunction, allowing them to maintain and sustain a longer lasting erection for orgasm.

The study also showed by just using the product for eight weeks, men have noted remarkable improvements in their overall sex life. It is important to note that DHEA supplements should be taken under the guidance of a health care professional, as excessive DHEA levels can lead to adverse effects such as changes in your mood, oily skin, acne, or unwanted male pattern hair growth in women called hirsutism.

Next supplement on the list is nitric oxide, which helps blood flow support. Now let’s talk about the enchantment of pleasure with this supplement. The secret lies in our natural nitric oxide. It’s like a conductor orchestrating a symphony of pleasure throughout your body, ensuring every note is played to perfection.

Nitric oxide is also known as natural biogra from it. It’s a supplement designed to increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide is a basal dilator, meaning it relaxes and widens blood vessels allowing for improved blood flow throughout the body, including the genital area.

The key benefits of nitric oxide might include improved blood flow, enhanced sexual performance, and better orgasm quality. This product also improves your cardiac health during exercise and your performance.

Our unique formulation improves your body’s weight to heal itself naturally. It’s a miracle pill and may be worth trying, but before starting, you should get permission from your health care provider to clear you first.

Some may experience adverse side effects such as kidney and heart function, but are usually told to reduce the dosage daily as a preventative measure. Now let us explore my top 5 supplement recommendations for general health.

First on the list is a reliable multivitamin. Many foods lack essential nutrients Hence, a multivitamin can provide a means to fulfill the basic requirements. Omega -3 fatty acids, their supplement containing fissureal or algae -based sources for vegans and provide essential omega -3 fatty acids which confer numerous health benefits.

Third, magnesium. Magnesium plays a vital role in numerous physiological processes and is indispensable for overall well -being. Then there’s vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis and is involved in various pathways within the body.

It supports immune function, skin health, and offers other benefits. Cucumin is a compound found in turmeric, possesses antioxidant and anti -inflammatory properties, and it may exhibit anti -aging effects and contribute to overall well -being.

Please bear in mind that these recommendations primarily focus on general health and are not specifically tailored to sexual health. It is also advisable to consult your medical provider before initiating any supplement or making significant changes to your diet.

But always remember, the real magic lies in the love, trust, and communication between you and your partner. The supplements are your allies, your support team, but it’s your love that makes everything truly extraordinary.

Check out our other videos or if you have any questions or concerns, give us a call. We’re here to help. Bye!