Did you know that today, approximately half of men aged 51 to 60 are at risk of experiencing prostate conditions? These conditions range from Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) to inflammation and prostate cancer. BPH is the prostate’s non-cancerous enlargement.

So, how does Benign Prostate Hyperplasia affect a man’s sex life? What are the risk factors and treatment options? Continue reading to find out.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Treating BPH may tag along some side effects like any other medical treatment. The common ones are low libido, retrograde ejaculation, reduced ejaculation volume, and other sexual side effects, including erectile dysfunction.

BPH Risk Factors

According to experts, one is at a higher risk of experiencing non-cancerous prostate enlargement if they have underlying medical conditions. Good examples include diabetes, heart and circulatory disease, and obesity.

There is also the age factor. 40 years and older! And that’s without forgetting the family history of the condition.

BPH Treatment

Your doctor can prescribe any of the following approved drugs to treat BPH;

  • Alpha Blockers

This medication improves urine flow by relaxing the prostate’s grip on the urethra. But the significant side effect of using this drug is that the ejaculation volume may reduce.

  • The ED Drug Tadalafil

This drug also boosts urine flow by relaxing the connection between the urethra and bladder. The tadalafil drug prescription may result in headaches, an upset stomach, or flushing, thus hindering sex drive.

  • 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors

While this prescription allows urine to flow more freely, it is often linked to erectile dysfunction and low libido. Some patients experience reduced ejaculate volume.

Prostate Massage and Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction

Imagine treating pelvic floor muscle dysfunction using massage therapy.

Today, doctors believe that patients don’t have to release prostatic fluid by applying manual pressure on their prostates. But decades ago, this technique unknowingly helped massage the internal pelvic floor muscles, thus temporarily improving symptoms.

In our opinion, researchers need to research more on the theory that prostate massage helps relieve symptoms of painful ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and prostatitis.


In conclusion, BPH might be shared among most men, especially the elderly. However, living a healthy lifestyle characterized by natural diets and regular exercise reduces the risk of having this prostate condition.