In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “why woman want lube.” Just as the human body is a complex network of interconnected systems, a woman’s preferences for lubrication during intercourse are influenced by a myriad of factors.

These factors, including menopausal status, cultural beliefs, personal preferences, and specific objects involved, shape each woman’s unique perception of what constitutes normal lubrication. To unravel the intricacies of this matter, a team of dedicated researchers embarked on a journey of discovering, serving over 2 ,000 women to delve into their thoughts and perceptions regarding lubricant use.

This study shed light on the effects of lubrication on sexual experiences. Remarkably, 94 to 97 percent of participants believed that the use of lubrication made their encounters more comfortable, enjoyable, and pleasurable, like a healing bond that soothes and revitalizes.

However, approximately a quarter of women expressed concerns about the stickiness of lubricants, while a smaller percentage, around 6 percent, associated lubrication used with sexual problems, highlighting the need for careful consideration of individual preferences.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy that about 8 percent believe that young women did not require lubrication, although these figures are relatively low, reminding us of the importance of dispelling misconception.

When asked about their desired level of wetness during sexual intimacy, the results illustrated a diverse range of preferences. 56 percent of women preferred to experience a mild level of wetness, while 40 percent yearned for a more abundant saturation, like a well -regulated bodily function.

Intriguingly, 87 .5 percent of women acknowledged that the presence of moisture facilitated their ease of achieving orgasm, akin to the harmonious functionings of the body’s physiological responses. Overall, women reported a sense of comfort in using lubricants and expressed openness to their partners suggesting their use, akin to a collaborative approach to well -being.

If concerns arise regarding the slipperiness of lubricants, a diverse array of options are available. Water -based lubricants offer a less slippery texture and a quick drying time. They are cost -effective and contain fewer ingredients, making them suitable for individuals with sensitivities, much like a tailored treatment plan.

Moreover, specific lubricants are available for those heightened sensitivity, addressing their unique needs. On the other hand, silicone -based lubricants boast a highly slippery texture and long -lasting effects, making them ideal for intercourse.

However, caution must be exercised as they should not be used with silicone -based sex toys. Lastly, oil -based lubricants, reminiscent of ancient medicinal oils, offer long -lasting lubrication, but their tendency tends to stain sheets, remind us of the need for careful consideration.

Furthermore, they should not be used with condoms, as they may compromise their integrity. In the pursuit of personal well -being, it is essential to explore and experiment with various lubricants to find the one that suits you best.

Interestingly, the study uncovered a disparity in views on lubricant use between different age groups. Women aged 40 -49 exhibited a more positive attitude compared to those 18 -29, while women in the other age groups 30 -39 and 50 and over shared similar perspectives, considering lubricant use to be normal.

The divergence might be attributed to the change in experience during perimenopause or a more positive attitude toward lubricants in sexual intercourse as women age. It is important to know that younger women may naturally produce sufficient lubrication, but the absence of such production does not imply any issues.

Using lubrication is perfectly acceptable and can enhance the sexual experience, much like the incorporation of appropriate medical interventions to optimize overall health. In conclusion, there is no shame in using lubrication during intercourse, as it serves as a valuable tool in enhancing sensations, increasing enjoyment, and elevating the sexual experience.

Just as a diligent medical professional ensures the best care for their patients, it is vital to prioritize self -care and recognize that you deserve the best in matters of intimate well -being as well.

There is a ton of information yet to be explored. Check out our other videos, or if you have any questions or concerns, give us a call. We’re here to help. Bye -bye.

n this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “does size matter?” The question of whether size really matters is a common concern among men and even some women.

We’ll explore the truth behind these beliefs and also delve into male enhancement pumps, specifically the penis head enlargement pump. So does penis size matter? First things first, let’s address the big question.

Does penile size really matter? Well, the answer might surprise you. In reality, the significance of penile size varies from person to person. For some individuals, it may have some importance, while for others, it may not be as crucial in their sexual satisfaction or overall well -being.

Some studies have shown that size may not matter at all, but it’s the amount of time you penetrate or the speed of the gyration is where orgasm will be achieved. Example, if you have a larger size penis size, it may not do the job because a smaller penis may penetrate more often than a larger penis may.

A large study has shown that in fact 84% of women were satisfied with the size of their partner and 2% actually preferred it smaller. But after the research, the optimal length or preferred length came out to be 6 .3 inches at full erection.

Penis pumps work, and feel free to discuss with your partner and make this decision together to see if it’s something you both desire. But when it comes to sexual pleasure, it’s important to understand that the size of the penis is not the only factor contributing to a satisfying experience.

Other elements such as emotional connection, communication, and understanding between partners plays a significant role. So if you’re concerned about your penile size, try not to stress too much, as it’s not the sole determining factor in fulfilling sexual relationship.

The average penile size length is a question that pops up and it’s completely natural to be curious about it. When we talk about the average penile length, we’re usually referring to measurements from scientific studies.

According to research, the average erectile penile length for adult mouths typically range from about 5 .1 to 5 .7 inches or approximately 13 to 14 .5 centimeters. Now the myth, the longer the better.

One common myth that circulates around penile size is the notion that the longer the better. This belief has fueled insecurities and created unrealistic expectations for many men. However, let’s debunk this myth once and for all.

The length of the penis is not the sole indicator of a sexual prowess or satisfaction. In fact, some studies suggest that more women are concerned about their partner’s confidence, passion, and ability to understand their desires than the size of their genitals.

I understand that concerns about penile size can impact confidence and self -esteem. If you’re looking to boost your confidence and explore ways to increase girth, there are some options worth considering.

It’s essential to approach these methods with an open mind and keeping a mind that results can vary from person to person. Let’s discuss male enhancement pumps. There are several different types of male enhancement pumps available in the market.

Some are designed to increase the size of the shaft or even the head of the penis temporarily. These pumps operate based on a simple principle. They create a vacuum around the penis, drawing more blood into the organ, resulting in a temporary increase in size.

It’s essential to note that while the pumps may provide a short -term increase in penile size, the effects are temporary. Additionally, using male enhancement pumps improperly or too frequently could lead to discomfort and even damage the penile tissues.

So let’s talk about safety precautions and risks. Before considering any male enhancement method, including the use of pumps, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. If you’re thinking about trying a penis pump, keep the following points in mind.

Consult a healthcare professional. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before trying any male enhancement method. They can provide personalized advice and ensure it’s safe for you. Follow the instructions.

If you decide to use a male enhancement pump, follow the instructions carefully. Overuse or improper use may lead to potential harm. It’s important to use a lubricant to go along with the pump to avoid injuries such as tearing, bruising, or noticeable red spots on the skin surface.

Avoid high expectation. Remember that results from male enhancement pumps are temporary and may not meet unrealistic expectations. However, some men who abuse pumps have seen as much as an inch in length, about a half an inch in girth, and about a quarter inch on the tip.

Penile size may have some significance for certain individuals, but it’s not the sole determinant of sexual satisfaction or overall well -being. Emotional connection, communication, and mutual understanding between partners are just as important, if not more so.

When it comes to male enhancement pumps, like the penis head enlargement pump, it’s essential to approach them with caution and a realistic mindset. Consult a healthcare professional before trying any male enhancement method and remember that safety should always be a priority.

Ultimately, embracing yourself for who you are, staying confident, and focusing on your partner’s needs and desires can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call, we’re here to help.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss if “penis pumps really work?” During erections, blood flows into the penis, specifically into the corporal cavernosa, which are spongy tissues that expand and cause the penis to become longer and thicker.

This process also compresses the veins at the top of the penis, preventing blood from leaving the penis. In cases where medical issues contribute to erectile problems, it can be due to insufficient blood flow into the penis, often caused by conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.

Alternatively, it can be a result of inadequate venous outflow, where the veins fail to compress effectively, leading to rapid blood outflow from the penis. This is where vacuum erection devices come into play.

These devices consist of a vacuum component that stimulates blood flow into the penis, creating penile rigidity and facilitating a firm erection. Additionally, they employ a compression ring placed at the base of the penis to maintain the erection by preventing blood flow from escaping.

Some studies suggest that using vacuum erection devices may also boost the production of nitric oxide, a key factor in achieving erection. Vacuum erection devices come in two types, automatic and manual.

The choice depends on your specific needs and any limitations you may have with manual dexterity. Manual devices require good dexterity to operate the pump effectively, which can be challenging for some individuals.

Additionally, these devices can be battery -powered, either rechargeable or non -rechargeable. When purchasing a device, consider these factors. Typically, a vacuum erection device consists of a clear cylinder attached to a manual or automatic pump mechanism.

At the base, there is an attachment, often cone -shaped, that is lubricated with a water -based lubricant. A constriction band of appropriate size and rigidity is placed at the end of the cylinder to ensure comfort and avoid skin irritation.

This device is activated by turning on the pump and it takes about 2 minutes to achieve a full erection. Once the erection is achieved, the compression ring is slid down onto the penis. It’s important to note that there are individuals who should not use this device.

It is advised to avoid using it while under the influence of mind -altering substances or when heavily intoxicated. Forgetting to remove the constriction ring can result in prolonged restriction of blood flow and potential serious damage to the penis.

The device should never be worn for more than 30 minutes. Additionally, if you are taking anticoagulants or blood thinners, exercise caution when using the device, as it can cause bruising. When considering the effectiveness of vacuum erection devices, various published studies report satisfactory results ranging from 84% to 92%.

Moreover, approximately 77 -82% of individuals who try these devices continue to use them regularly. Satisfaction can be evaluated from both sides. the user’s perspective and their partner’s satisfaction.

User satisfaction levels typically range from 68 to 98 percent, while partner satisfaction tends to be even higher, ranging from 85 percent to 89 percent. In a limited number of studies, combining the use of a vacuum erection device with medications like Sildenafil or Tidalafil has shown even better results.

Vacuum erection devices are also sometimes used to prevent the loss of penile length in men who undergo prostate surgery, a common occurrence after a radical prostectomy. As for the risks associated with using vacuum erection devices, they may include penile numbness, bruising, pain, and occasionally a feeling of penile coldness caused by the vacuum itself.

Overall, these devices offer great utility for men facing difficulties. If you’re interested in trying one, call or chat with us today. We can help. We provide discreet packaging and shipping so your secret stays safe.

No need to go to the doctors to book an appointment, no subscriptions, no monthly billing. Buy what you need when you need it. We are the longest -running lifestyle telemedicine provider, founded in 1999 with over one million customers and thousands of five -star reviews. Visit to learn more!

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “hidden ED warning signs.” We will be diving in a case study on ED warning signs and how it can be more serious than you think. A man visits the clinic seeking help for his erectile dysfunction, hoping for a solution like testosterone or rheagrum.

However, he is unaware that this issue is a symptom of a more significant underlying problem that has been developing for over 15 years. He has tried natural methods to boost testosterone such as exercise, weight loss, vitamin D supplementation, and improved sleep, which have provided some minor improvement.

However, I propose a solution that can significantly alleviate the problem. The primary cause of his erectile dysfunction is reduced blood flow to his genital area, which prevents his penis from achieving the necessary firmness for penetration, resulting in a flaccid state.

Let’s explore the reasons behind his occurrence and discuss preventative measures. Consider an image of an artery that has been longitudinally sectioned. Take note of the different layers of living tissue that make up the artery and carry the flowing blood.

Arteries consist of layers of muscle and skin that need to be in optimal health to ensure proper blood supply to organs. The skin layer is smooth, while the muscle layer is thick and contracts and relaxes based on the body’s needs.

In a healthy individual, the artery appears as depicted in the image. Unfortunately, in this patient, a significant problem has been quietly developing, initially appearing normal but with early signs of disease that went unnoticed.

These signs manifest as fatty streaks within the layers of the artery. They show no noticeable symptoms and can only be identified through biopsy and examination of the artery’s interior. A few years later, testing his cholesterol levels would reveal elevated blood cholesterol in the clinic.

This heightened cholesterol indicates that cholesterol, a few sores, is being transported through the bloodstream. It originates from the liver, enters the bloodstream, and ideally reaches various field -dependent tissues in the body.

After delivering its few it should return to the liver. The time cholesterol spends in the bloodstream is known as its residency time. Healthy individuals have a low residency time indicating that cholesterol circulates briefly.

It enters the bloodstream, provides fuel, and promptly returns to the liver. However, unbeknownst to this patient, his residency time was abnormally high, evident from markedly elevated cholesterol levels.

Simultaneously, the fatty streaks continue to thicken and accumulate further disease. The next stage involves a more advanced level of pathology, as the patient’s white blood cells and red blood cells attempt to mitigate the condition of the artery wall.

When the liver’s storage capacity is exhausted, the artery wall serves as an oversized storage site for cholesterol deposits. The situation needs to be reversed, and the reversal is initiated by white blood cells and red blood cells that invade the fatty streaks, attempting to repair the damage.

If one could touch that region of the artery, it would feel tender, inflamed, and slightly painful. However, the interior of arteries cannot be felt. This progression leads to the first visible evidence of the problem.

As white blood cells and red blood cells engage in the clean -up process, they leave behind debris, particularly calcium. These calcium deposits within the arterial wall become visible through specific and intense X -ray imaging.

At this stage, the problem has been going on for at least five years, yet the patient remains unaware of the impending erectile dysfunction and other more serious consequences. Now we witness a significantly worsened condition for the patient.

Observe the considerable thickening and discoloration of the artery wall compared to the initial state. The artery wall has thickened and developed scarring due to the fatty streaks, white blood cells, and calcium deposits.

All of these are worrisome signs. Considering the patient’s situation, the blood flow through the penile artery remains relatively robust. However, the disease within the artery wall is on the verge of erupting, a situation unrelated to discussions about the penis.

This eruption appears like a pimple, with a central white dot surrounded by tenderness if observed through a camera. The danger lies in its volatility. The subsequent event for this patient involves the eruption of this tissue into the blood supply, which is severely detrimental, triggering a reaction within the body.

platelets and frit burnogen, tiny particles within the body work to manage this crisis in his penis. As a result, the blood supply begins to slow down until it eventually comes to a complete halt. The cessation of blood supply is crucial to keep the tissue in this area alive.

Ideally, the body would find a way for blood to bypass the blockage. Without the restoration of blood flow, all tissue downstream from the blockage will perish. If this arterial blockage occurred in the heart, it would be called a heart attack.

In the brain, it would be labeled a stroke. However, when it occurs in the penis, the patient may only experience temporary pain for a few hours. It is highly unlikely that he would openly discuss this painful sensation in his penis, especially if a small amount of blood supply manages to return.

Nevertheless, this restricted blood flow is the reason he seeks testosterone or Viagra. However, with such low blood supply, achieving a firm erection becomes impossible. The blood flow is reduced to a mere trickle.

Moreover, the part of the artery responsible for relaxation and facilitating ample blood flow into the penis for a firm erection can no longer perform its function. Reintroducing testosterone hormone will not yield significant improvements for this patient.

The issue he faces are far more severe affecting his entire body. Although the tissue images presented were originally used to illustrate heart attacks or strokes, it is crucial to recognize that arteries supplying the heart, brain, and penis are interconnected.

When this man attributes his erectile dysfunction to testosterone, I suggest that he should focus on a different hormone, insulin. To determine whether incident levels are elevated, consider these five predictors.

Triglyceride levels, HDL levels, blood pressure, waistline measurement, and blood sugar levels. With all this, I am deeply concerned about the imminent risk of a heart attack or stroke, which is a grave danger that this individual is completely unaware of.

There is a ton of information yet to be explored. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call. We’re here to help.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “Is sex and water safe?” It’s a question as old as time or at least as old as public swimming pools. Let’s dive in and explore this question with a healthy dose of humor.

First things first, let’s address the elephant in the room. If you’re having sex in a public pool or hot tub, you’re probably breaking some rules. Most public pools have signs that explicitly prohibit any kind of sexual activity.

So, if you’re feeling frisky, you might want to find a more private location. You know, like your own pool or secluded beach. Just make sure you’re not trespassing unless you want to add getting arrested for indecent exposure to your list of aquatic adventures.

Assuming you found a suitable location, let’s talk about the actual act of having sex in water. Is it safe? Well, like most things in life, it depends. One thing to consider is the potential for injury.

Water can be slippery, especially if you’re doing the horizontal tangle and it’s easy to lose your footing and take a tumble. The last thing you want is to sprain your ankle mid -coitus and have to hobble back to your car while dripping wet and half -naked.

So maybe stick to positions that are less acrobatic and more stable. Another potential danger is the risk of infection. Water, especially in public pools or hot tubs, can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other nasty microorganisms.

The warm, moist environment is the perfect place for things like E. coli and staph to thrive. And let’s not forget about the chemicals used to keep public pools clean, which can irritate sensitive skin and cause other health issues.

So if you’re planning on getting wet and wild, make sure you’re doing it in clean, well -maintained water. And if you’re unsure about the cleanliness of the water, maybe stick to some dry land activities.

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the pool. Condoms. Yes, you should absolutely be using protection if you’re having sex in water. But here’s the thing. Condoms don’t always hold up well in water.

The water can weaken the lately. making it more likely to tear or break. Plus, if you’re in a hot tub, the heat can further weaken the latex and make it less effective. So if you’re planning on having sex and water, make sure you’re using a condom that’s designed specifically for water use.

And if you can’t find one, well, maybe consider taking your activities to dry land. Also, water can wash away natural lubrication, which can make things uncomfortable and potentially painful for both parties, so maybe invest in some waterproof lube.

Of course, there are some potential benefits to getting frisky in the water. For one thing, the water can help increase blood flow and sensitivity, making sex feel more intense and pleasurable, and let’s not forget about the pure, unadulterated fun of it all.

There’s something inherently silly and joyous about splashing around in the water with your partner, laughing and goofing off like kids. Ultimately, whether sex and water is safe or not comes down to personal preference and the specific circumstances.

But let’s be real, safety isn’t always the first thing on our minds when we’re feeling frisky, so if you do decide to take the plunge, just be sure to take some precaution. Use protection, make sure the water is clean, and maybe avoid any positions that involve too much acrobatics.

In conclusion, is sex and water safe? The answer is of resounding, well, it depends. But as with all things in life, if you’re going to do it, you might as well do it with a sense of humor and a willingness to embrace the unexpected.

If you’d like to learn more about sexual wellness visit

How can penis rings help with better sex? Hi, I’m Clarissa from Art Doctor and I’d like to explain how penis rings work. You’ve probably seen or heard about penis rings and may have wondered what benefits they have.

This circular band device, better known as the cock ring, is applied to your penis within seconds, but do you know why men use it? This ring can not only make your erection more extensive and more complex, but it can also help you last longer during your sexual encounter.

And depending on the type of ring you use, this may also help your partner reach orgasm quicker. Some questions we get asked by men are, will this ring contact be stuck on my penis or will it make my penis fall off?

Don’t worry about these myths as that scenario is improbable. As long as the ring is attached correctly, it should not break the skin or snag on pubic hair. So why should you use the ring? It should help you achieve and maintain a long -lasting erection and prevent erectile dysfunction.

You will gain a slightly larger erection during its use. You will notice a much harder erection and increased sensation and it will delay your orgasm as well as make your orgasm more intense. Some urologists recommend these type -fitting rings at the base of your penis to prevent penis leakage, which is a type of erectile dysfunction that results from tissues in your penis failing to hold in blood.

The penis ring can also help with performance anxiety and boost confidence size -wise. Yes, that’s right, increasing your size for better performance with your partner is possible. You will also last longer when using these rings because a squeeze technique is a common tactic to delay an orgasm.

There are also penis rings that have a second ring that wraps around your testicles as seen here. This ring pulls your testicles down, which helps delay ejaculation. When attaching the penis rings, you need to lift the head of the flaccid penis and gently move the ring down the length of the penis.

If you are using a condom, don’t worry. pli -lubrication like this one from Peak Body so it goes more smoothly. Just make sure the ring is not touching the condom to avoid it tearing or affecting your overall friction.

You may want to consult your doctor before using these rings if you take blood thinners, have an existing penile injury, if you are a diabetic, have any cardiovascular disease or any types of blood or nerve diseases.

Also, use the ring for at least 30 minutes at a time. And watch for any symptoms and remove the ring immediately if you experience the following. Numbness, discomfort or discoloration, pain, coldness, or dramatic swelling.

The bottom line is these rings can be used safely and bring fun and enjoyment to your sexual activities. Pick a ring that fits your needs and adequately fits so you are comfortable. Contact your doctor or our doctor if you have any questions about the penis rings.

We are standing by to explain further how to use and apply them. Oh and one more thing. This product has a full money -back guarantee if it doesn’t meet your satisfaction. Visit to find other sexual wellness products!

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “The Pros and Cons of Using a Male Enhancement Penis Pump?” If you’re curious about whether this option is suitable for you, I’m here to provide a comprehensive explanation of its advantages and disadvantages.

Vacuum erection devices are medical devices approved by doctors for treating erectile dysfunction, a common condition that affects about 40% of men over the age of 40. The prevalence of erectile dysfunction tends to increase with age, and one of the primary causes is vascular erectile dysfunction, which is related to issues affecting blood flow to the penis.

Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol can contribute to this type of erectile dysfunction. A vacuum erection device, often overlooked but highly effective, offers a viable treatment option for erectile dysfunction.

It consists of three components, a cylinder that fits over the penis and connects to a vacuum pump, an airtight seal, and a ring that goes around the base of the penis. The device works by creating negative pressure inside the cylinder, which encourages blood to fill the spongy erectile tissue of the penis.

Once an erection is achieved, a constriction band is used to maintain the blood within the penis. Research has shown that vacuum erection devices are powerful, with some studies even demonstrating an increase in the size of arteries that supply blood to the spongy tissue.

These devices may also promote the release of nitric oxide synthase from the blood vessels, which relaxes the muscles in the penis and improves blood flow. Additionally, the increased oxygenation resulting from devices used can potentially help preserve erectile function over time.

In fact, vacuum erection devices are often prescribed to men who have undergone radical prostectomies and may have experienced nerve damage during the procedure. This treatment can still be effective even if the nerves are not fully intact.

Now let’s discuss why you should consider getting a vacuum erection device. Firstly, it eliminates the need for men to get a vacuum erection device. medication that may have potential side effects. Secondly, it is a one -time purchase that can last for many years providing a cost -effective solution.

Thirdly, these devices are reliable and quick to use with most individuals achieving an erection within two to seven minutes. This quick response allows for spontaneity in intimate situations and minimizes any wait time for your partner.

Moreover, vacuum erection devices can be incorporated into foreplay. Lastly, success rates of up to 70% have been reported in studies and users often express high levels of satisfaction with rates as high as 92%.

If you’re considering purchasing a vacuum erection device, there are important factors to consider. Firstly, ensure that the cylinder diameter is suitable for your needs, providing enough space for your penis to expand in both width and length.

Look for devices that offer a range of cylinder diameters, allowing you to choose the appropriate size. Check if the cylinder has an insert at the entry point to enhance comfort and create a better seal.

It’s also beneficial to select a device that comes with various constriction rings, enabling you to find the right size for you. Determine whether the device can be operated with one hand or two based on your preference.

There is a variety of devices available, including battery -powered and manually operated ones with levers or plungers. Some devices even feature a vacuum gauge to monitor the pressure level inside the cylinder.

Ensure that the device includes a vacuum limiter to prevent pressure from exceeding safe levels. For individuals with limited hand strength, coordination issues, or conditions like arthritis, automatic or battery -powered devices can be particularly helpful.

Now let’s explore the potential downsides and considerations associated with vacuum erection devices. It’s important to know that these devices may pose challenges for individuals with poor manual dexterity, such as those with spinal cord injuries or certain neurological conditions.

If you are taking blood thinners or have a tendency to bleed easily, it’s crucial to exercise caution as these devices have side effects. These side effects may include numbness, pain, bruising on the penis, or small spots of bleeding under the skin known as petechiae.

Additionally, you may experience a decrease in the force of ejaculation. This occurs because the compression ring used in the device also compresses the urethra, the tube through which ejaculate is expelled, making ejaculation more difficult.

Once you have purchased a vacuum device, there are some important points to keep in mind. First, it’s crucial to adhere to the maximum recommended application time, which is typically around 30 minutes.

Be sure to check the manufacturer’s inserts for any specific recommendations regarding the duration of use. Secondly, don’t get discouraged if it takes several attempts before you become proficient in using the device.

Often, an ineffective seal is the primary reason why vacuum erection devices may not work as desired. To address this issue, ensure that the seal is well -lubricated, creating a secure connection with your body.

allows sufficient time for the vacuum to work its effect. Initially, you may notice some movement, but aim for at least 30 seconds of continuous pressure to achieve a satisfactory erection. It may require some trial and error to determine the right approach and duration that works best for you.

If you encounter difficulties, consider trimming or grooming your pubic hair to prevent any interference with the device’s seal. If you are more interested in a pump, we can help you. We provide discreet packaging and shipping, so your secrets stay safe.

No need to go to the doctors to book an appointment, no subscriptions, no monthly billing. Buy what you need when you need it. We are the longest running lifestyle telemedicine provider founded in 1999 with over 1 million customers and thousands of five -star reviews.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “What is the difference between Cialis, Viagra and LaVetra” The most popular ED treatments on the market are Viagra, Cialis and LaVetra.

All have so much in common and yet are significantly different in how they work and look. It’s common for men to desire medication for ED but they probably wonder which of these three is the best buy for their needs.

The Urology Care Foundation says that about 30 million American men occasionally have difficulty getting or keeping an erection. When ED becomes a problem, many of you will turn to oral ED medication to address the issue.

Let us talk a little bit about the history of these medicines. As with many other essential prescription drugs, Sodenophyll citrate was initially developed and studied by Pfizer research scientists for purposes unrelated to treating ED.

It was hoped that the drug would prove to be a powerful treatment for angina pictoras and intractable high blood pressure. Unfortunately, it failed to impress when clinically tested among patients suffering from those conditions.

However, it did have a somewhat curious side effect on male study participants. Those taking Sodenophyll, including some men diagnosed with ED, suddenly found that they no longer had any difficulty getting and keeping an erection.

Pfizer closed its study of the drug as an angina treatment and began looking at it as a revolutionary new drug to treat ED. It debuted on the US market in 1998. For the next five years or so, Viagra enjoyed a monopoly on the market for oral ED drugs.

But other pharmaceutical researchers were hard at work trying to develop versions of this revolutionary new treatment for ED. LaVitra, the first of these competitors, won FDA approval in September 2003 and Cialis got the nod from that drug regulatory agency two months later in November 2003.

What are PDE5 inhibitors and how do they work? The E5 inhibitors temporarily optimize blood flow in patients whose ED was caused by insufficient blood flow to the penis, the single most significant cause of ED, accounting for up to 80% of all male impotence.

A key player in erectile function is a substance called cyclic guanosin monophosphate or CGMP. It triggers the relaxation of the smooth muscle tissue that lines the inner walls of blood vessels that supply the penis.

As these vessels relax, the blood flow increases sharply. However, one of the primary functions of the PD E5 enzyme is to break down CGMP. In men with no vascular problems, this poses a little problem as the body quickly produces more CGMP to take its place.

However, in men whose vascular health is compromised, the PD E5 enzyme kills off CGMP faster than it can be replaced, thus sabotaging erectile function. This can manifest itself in an inability to get an erection or failure to maintain an erection long enough to finish a sexual encounter.

Viagra, Cialis, and the vitro all work in similar ways. However, there are some key differences such as when taken, how long they work, and their side effects. They also boost a chemical needed in your body called nitric oxide.

This action helps the penis muscles to relax. Relaxed muscles permit blood flow to get an erection during arousal. It also helps you maintain the erection for enough time to have sex. All of these medications belong to the family known as PDE5 inhibitors.

It’s called this because they all temporarily sideline an enzyme known as phosphodiesterase 5, which can interfere with blood flow to the penis. Other brand name members of this exclusive family include Levitra, Staxen, and Stendra.

So which one should you try? This question is prevalent among men who visit their urologist’s office or vitality clinics. So, Denifil has a half life of 4 hours, and Tidalifil has a half life of 17 .5 hours, meaning that Vardenifil or Levitra should act longer in your system than Viagra, but some men may disagree.

Viagra can take 30 minutes or up to 1 hour to work in the body while Levitra can take up to 1 hour. Cialis is also faster acting than Levitra by almost 20 to 30 minutes, which can depend on your weight and other medicines you are taking.

You should take Cialis 30 minutes before sexual activity, giving it time to dissolve in your bloodstream while taking Levitra at least 1 hour before sex. Cialis and Levitra have similar side effects, but there are some distinctive characteristics of the drug’s effectiveness.

Cialis has an advantage over Viagra and Levitra in that it lasts for a lot longer period of 36 hours compared to 4 to 5 hours with Viagra and Levitra. However, Cialis can cause limb pain while Viagra can cause vision change, rash, and dizziness.

The generic for Cialis, called Tadalafil, was approved in May 2018 and was released into the marketplace around September 2018. Viagra’s a deep blue tablet. that comes in the shape of a stylized diamond.

It is available in varying doses, including 25, 50, and 100 milligrams, all of which drinks carry roughly the same price tag per pill. Many may find that a 25 or 50 milligram dose works well for them, so they buy 100 milligram tablets and slip them into two or four, depending on which dosage strength works best for them.

The same medication in the generic form was developed by a company called Greenstone, a Pfizer company. The pill’s only difference is its white color instead of blue, which is also diamond in shape. For comparison purposes, a single 100 milligram tablet of the little blue pill sells for $95 at edrugstore .com or your local walk -in pharmacy, where the generic is closer to $15 per tablet.

Our doctor recommends if you use an online service, you should consider eDrugstore, as they’ve been around for over 20 years and is a pioneer in the online telemedicine system. based that sells all brand name ED medications, as well as a handful of other lifestyle drugs.

Cialis, on the other hand, comes in two different formulations and is also prescribed to treat enlarged prostate, one of which is considered an on -demand drug comparable to Viagra and another that must be taken daily to allow for sexual activity whenever the need might occur.

For the purposes of this comparison with Viagra, all future references to Cialis will be on demand or taken as needed. Cialis, in its more extensive forms, are available in either 10 or 20 milligram tablets, which are elliptical or teardrop in shape and yellow in color.

Its active ingredient is todallafil and the generic form is produced by several pharmaceutical giants like Teva, Accord, and Ascend and can come in many different shapes, colors, and sizes. But the formula is the same.

I don’t recommend the compounded versions or trochies because the generics are just as cheap. Cost -wise, a 20 milligram tablet of Cialis comes with a price tag of around $94 per tablet and is nearly identical in price to 100 milligram of Viagra and 20 milligrams of Levitra.

This is not cheap, so do consider the generic versions as they work just as well. If your doctor has written you the prescription for the brand, have your pharmacist attempt to outer the script to the generic to put that hard -earned money back in your pocket.

As mentioned briefly earlier, the primary differences between Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are in onset and duration of action. According to Healthline .com, both Viagra and Cialis usually take effect within 30 to 60 minutes.

However, Enid Dotto reports indicate that Cialis is usually somewhat faster acting. Where the three ED drugs differ most dramatically is the duration of action. The effects of Viagra and Levitra typically wear off after six hours at the most while the effects of Cialis can work up to 36 hours.

All three of these medications can be taken with or without food, although Viagra and Levitra users had reported a delayed onset of action when the pill is taken after a meal high in fat, which apparently slows the absorption of the drug.

But which one is best for you? It depends on the person. While all erectile dysfunction treatments help achieve the same goal, some differences are in the dose required, length of effects, and potential side effects.

Consider these options when determining which ED medication might work best for you. Here are the key points to consider when deciding between biogra, sealis, and levitra. Biogra has a 4 -6 window of time during which a man should be able to get and keep an erection suitable for intercourse.

The effects of sealis can last for up to 36 hours. Your erection will not be there the entire time, but just during sexual stimulation. A 100 mg tablet of biogra can be split into 4 -25 mg doses or 250 mg doses depending on the strength a user requires to achieve the desired results.

Most doctors recommend a starting dosage of 50 mg. If you’re a honeymooner or young and very sexually active or want to get away for a romantic weekend, then consider the long lasting Cialis. Blitting Cialis is inadvisable.

However, some doctors recommend it and patients do it. But know that the duration may be limited when doing this. If you’re a more typical American adult, you probably have sex an average of 60 times a year or just over once a week, according to the results of a sexual behavior survey conducted by the general social survey.

Buying 100 milligram Viagra tablet that yields 2 to 4 doses is clearly the more cost effective choice if you’re in this category. LaVitra also has a 4 to 5 hour window and is very good for the one time encounter or multiple encounters during this time frame.

Men who’ve tried Viagra and received side effects have made the change to LaVitra. What are some features of Cialis Viagra and LaVitra? These medications are available in various doses ranging from 2 .5 milligrams to 100 milligrams and you can take all of them with or without food.

Stendra is another ED drug that comes in 100 and 200 milligram tablet. However, taking Viagra LaVitra after eating a high fat meal does slow down the rate of absorption. So you’re best to take these on an emptier stomach.

Most of them stay in your bloodstream for about four to five hours. However, Cialis is the exception as it remains in your bloodstream for up to 36 hours. The length of time a drug stays in your system may be vital if you’re taking other medications.

So do check with your doctor on which one is right for you. Please also remember not to take any of these medications in conjunction with one another within 24 hours as serious side effects may occur.

What are some side effects? As previously stated, Viagra, Cialis and LaVitra belong to the same family of medications called PDE5 inhibitors. However, each has its unique chemical formula that accounts for subtle and not so subtle differences between them.

When it comes to side effects, the common side effects from each of these drugs are much the same. These include include facial flushing, headache, indigestion, and runny or stuffy nose. Some Viagra users report experiencing a temporary green -blue tinge to their vision, although where both these medications can cause more severe side effects, including an erection that lasts for four or more hours and a partial or total loss of vision or hearing.

These should be considered emergencies and immediate medical attention should be sought. These side effects of these treatments are mostly the same and they’re usually mild. Consult your doctor if you have any side effects that continue and do not go away on their own, especially if your erection lasts longer than four hours.

This condition is known as prioprism and is a risk associated with all of these erectile dysfunction medications. Here are the most common side effects according to their manufacturers. You can pause the video to see the chart longer.

Are there any drug interactions? Each drug comes with a risk of drug interactions. Since PDE5 inhibitors work on the body similarly, biagra, sialis, levitra, and standra lead to similar interactions.

All four of these drugs interact with the following. Avoid nitrates such as isosaurbite mononitrate and nitroglycerin. Avoid certain blood pressure drugs such as calcium channel blockers. Avoid alpha blockers which can treat high blood pressure or an enlarged prostate.

Avoid certain pulmonary hypertension drugs such as adempas. Avoid protease inhibitors within the class of HIV medications. Avoid antifungal medicines such as ketoconazole and itraconazole. And also avoid antibacterial drugs such as chlorithromycin.

You also should avoid drinking alcohol excessively while on a PDE5 inhibitor. Sialis may also be less effective if used alongside anti -seizure medications such as carbamezapine and phenobarbital. In some cases, using these medications may mean avoiding PDE5 inhibitors altogether.

In other cases, your doctor or healthcare professional may adjust your medication dosage which can help lower the possibility of drug interactions while using PDE5 inhibitors. For specifics on which medications are safer for you to use, it’s best to consult your doctor or pharmacist.

When should you contact your doctor? It’s a regular occurrence to lose your erection, especially with age. Several factors can cause short -term erection issues such as anxiety and stress or just not being aroused or interested in a sexual encounter or your partner any longer.

But if you’re having difficulties becoming erect or maintaining an erection throughout sex several times a week for longer than four weeks, it may be worth talking with a doctor to see if you’re experiencing ED.

While ED can be more common as someone ages, it can affect males at almost any age. Talk with your doctor about what you have been experiencing and ask about treatments. Sometimes lifestyle changes like your nutrition, work, routine or home life can improve ED symptoms.

If your doctor believes you could benefit from ED medication, they can discuss your treatment. treatment options and prescribe the best ED medication for you. Additionally, your doctor can check in with you if you experience any side effects from using Viagra or a similar ED medication.

Take away. If you have had ED, talk to your doctor about Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. Tell your doctor if you take other over -the -counter or prescription drugs or supplements. Be sure to mention any other health or medical conditions you may have.

When used correctly, each drug helps people with ED. Take them exactly as your doctor prescribes. If you have questions or concerns, talk with your doctor. These medications usually lead to good results, but it may take time and patience to find the right one for your needs.

You can try another if one drug does not work or produces unpleasant side effects. Finding the dosage that works best for you may also take some trial and error. If you’re not sure that using ED medication is right for you, you can also give natural ED treatments such as PeekBodies brand of DHEA, nitric oxide, or a vacuum pump.

No matter which ED medication you prefer, you’ll need a prescription we provide using our online services. If you have a script from your family physician, you may get it filled at your neighborhood pharmacy, but make sure to shop for prices, as one location may be much more expensive than another.

I hope I provided tips on getting the right ED medication. However, there is still so much more to know. Make sure to ask our doctor any additional questions you may have, as we’ll be happy to answer your questions promptly and thoroughly. Visit to learn more!

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “what are the stages of hair loss.”We’ll be learning about the different stages and types of hair loss with you. One of the big questions people ask both men and women is what stage is my hair loss in and how long do I have before I go bald?

Now the good thing is hair loss is most likely to be a gradual event that usually starts on the top of the head, the most common type of hair loss affecting people at their age. In men, hair often begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead, whereas women typically have a broadening of the part in their hair.

An increasingly common hair loss pattern in older women is a receding hairline known as frontal fibrosis alopecia. As you age, you may also notice circular or patchy bald spots on the scalp or thinning by the part.

Some people lose their hair in clumps or patches on the scalp, but you may also notice your beard or eyebrows thinning. When this occurs, you may notice your skin is awkwardly itchy or painful before the hair falls out.

Before getting started with treatment, you should ask yourself a few questions. Was this event suddenly or did you make any hair grooming changes or even go through any emotional changes? Also, are you losing hair anywhere else on your body or does your skin look discolored or is it swelling or oozing?

Contact a medical professional to get an expert’s opinion if you feel uncomfortable. The stages of hair loss are generally not noticeable at first, but over time they can become more advanced and much more noticeable.

In most men, you’ll notice minimal changes to your hair over time and not usually all of a sudden. In men, hair loss can begin at any time after puberty and progress over years or even decades. It starts above the temples and continues around the perimeter and the top of the forehead.

There is often a ring of hair along the bottom of the scalp. Many men with male pattern hair loss eventually become bald. There are some symptoms to watch for. Firstly, you may experience small amounts of hair thinning.

Second, you may also have a hair loss. notice an M -shaped hairline. Thirdly, visible bawding and recession of the hairline would look like a U or B shape. Fourth, extensive hair loss at the back of the head.

Fifth, you’ll see a horseshoe U -shaped hairline at the crown, also a visible scalp and a larger bald patch on the scalp. Lastly, you could see a recession to the crown with minimal thin hair. In women, hair loss progresses differently than that of a man.

In women, hereditary hair loss usually starts after age 40 and most notice their hair loss by the time they turn 50. It usually occurs in bits and bursts and begins gradually at the part line, followed by increasing strands of follicles breaking and radiating from the top of the scalp.

Hair loss can be frustrating as it has a significant impact on us, but in recent years, I’ve seen many resources and products to help cope with this problem. So the good thing is that most hair loss is treatable and you can return to your routine without emotional distress.

There are several types of hair loss stages and conditions, so be as brief as I describe each one. Some of the more common types of hair loss include androgenic alopecia, the most common type of hair loss, which affects more than 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States.

Telogen effluvium is a scalp disorder characterized by non -scarring diffuse hair loss from the scalp after a triggering event such as major illness, surgery, or severe stress. Antigen effluvium is a non -scarring alopecia commonly associated with chemotherapy or other toxic events.

Alopecia areata is also called AA, a medical term for bald or patch hair loss, usually brought on by your immune system or by severe stress. Cinecapitis is a fungal scalp infection caused by mold -like fungi, which can be very contagious and persistent.

Antifungal medications are required to treat this infection. Psychotritional alopecia is an inflammatory condition that destroys the hair follicles, known as scarring and permanent hair loss. This irreversible damage to the epithelial stem cells located in the bulge region of the hair follicle.

Hair shaft abnormalities are when you notice changes in the color, density, length, and structure of your hair, or alterations to your hair fibers and cuticles may lead to brittle and incombable hair.

There are some types of hair loss such as Lichens planopilaris is a type of alopecia linked to your body’s immune system. Teal lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, usually cause skin conditions that attack the hair follicle from the source.

As a result, the scalp may become red from irritation and may become itchy and painful, or small bumps may form. This condition is more common among men than women, but the good thing is your doctor can prescribe medications to stop hair loss.

Discord lupus erythema is a type of cutaneous lupus in an autoimmune disease affecting the skin. It can lead to inflamed sores and scarring on the ears, face, and scalp. Hair loss is one symptom of the disease and when scar tissue forms on your scalp, it can hair can no longer grow in that area.

Feliculitis decalvants is hair loss defined as an inflammatory disorder that leads to the destruction of hair follicles accompanied by retinas, swelling, and lesions on the scalp that may be itchy or contain pus known as pustules.

This type of hair loss is not reversible but dermatologists can offer medication to control symptoms and in some instances stop the progression of hair loss. Our doctor can prescribe medications to control Feliculitis decalvants symptoms and you can call us any time if you have any questions regarding treatments.

Frontofibrosine alopecia mostly commonly affects postmenopausal women. It typically occurs in a receding hairline pattern and may also result in hair loss in the eyebrows and underarms. Researchers believe an autoimmune reaction in which genetics and hormones play a role in hair loss but it’s unknown.

Centrocentrifugal cicotrificial alopecia. This hair loss comes from using different hair products and techniques that damage your hair follicles. Hair relaxing products usually cause this infection, blow dryers, curling irons, and even hair extension.

This can also be caused by the constant use of gels, pomades, or other types of scalp oils you use. However, central centrifugal psychotritional alopecia can be avoided once you stop using these products and hair styling tools.

Hypotrichosis is the rarest form of hereditary hair loss without other abnormalities, and it usually starts in early childhood and progresses with age. So now you may be asking yourself, when should you see a doctor?

You should go to your doctor if you or a loved one are distressed by persistent hair loss and want to pursue treatment. Again, talk to your doctor if you notice sudden or patch hair loss or more than usual hair loss when washing or combing your hair.

Older women’s most common hair loss pattern is frontal fibrosis alopecia or a receding hairline. For men, the most common type of hair loss is angiogenetic alopecia, which usually occurs with gradual thinning on the top of the head.

However, if your hair loss is sudden, you may need to get checked for an underlying medical condition that requires in -person treatment. There are five different types of alopecia. Alopecia areata or patchy botanist, this type of angiogenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss, affecting more than 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States.

Commonly known as male or femoral pattern hair loss, angiogenetic alopecia is hereditary that can be managed with medication or surgery. Persistent patchy alopecia areata, this hair loss is characterized by patchy scalp hair loss that continues over a long period without ever developing into extensive alopecia areata, such as totalus or universalus.

This hair loss can also be genetic, but may come from certain health conditions, such as Down syndrome, vitiligo or thyroid disease. Alopecia totalus is a chronic condition of complete hair loss of the scalp, which affects a small percentage of patients with alopecia areata.

The best treatment for this disease is to recognize it early on in its course and get treatment options as soon as possible. Allopecia universalis is characterized by the complete loss of hair on the scalp and body.

It usually comes from an advanced form of allopecia areata, which is a condition that causes round patches on your skin. Some test treatments are topical cortical steroids, intralesional cortical steroid injections, topical immunotherapy, or minoxidil.

Diffused allopecia areata is a rare allopecia areata described predominantly in young women. In cases of allopecia areata incognita, the typical patchy distribution of hair loss in classical allopecia areata is absent, but abrupt and intense hair loss is characteristic.

Ophesias allopecia is a subtype of AA that presents as a symmetric band -like hair loss pattern of the scalp’s esophageal, temporal, and parietal regions. Allopecia areata ophesias is a form of alopecia areata that affects the back of the scalp and the areas behind the ears.

I highly recommend using a supplement such as PeekBody’s hair growth support for men or women for most types of hair loss. This product supports your hair strength, health, and growth and contains essential ingredients such as biotin, silica, and collagen which your body needs to stimulate and strengthen your follicles.

The suggested use is two tablets daily, preferably with meals or as directed by a doctor. This product contains no fillers and is non -GMO and GMP certified. Also check with one of our specialists standing by at our doctor for other prescription and over -the -counter options that may be suitable for you.

I hope I have provided you with some information on the stages of hair loss. However, there is still so much more to know. Make sure to ask our doctor any additional questions you may have as we’ll be happy to answer your questions promptly and thoroughly.

If you want to learn more about what hair loss medications you can take to help with hair loss visit

In this summary of the OurDoctor Youtube Video we discuss the “G -spot.” What is it? And more importantly, where is it? So why is it called the G -spot? Ernst Graffenberg coined the term in the 1950s, but it wasn’t until the 1980s that doctors credited his name to the zone, calling it the Graffenberg spot, or G -spot for short.

The erogenous area of the vagina is approximately an inch or so on the upper vaginal wall. And it’s the most sexually sensitive part of the vagina. During arousal, basal congestion occurs and blood flow causes an increased vaginal secretions to increase and swelling of the bodily tissues.

At its swelling point, an orgasm triggers fluid release from the skin’s gland in the urethra. In some people, the stimulation of this area causes them to either ejaculate or produce more lubrication than usual.

If a woman suffers from low sex drive, a doctor may prescribe a basal dilator like Viagra, Sildenafil, Tadalafil, or Cialis to help increase the blood flow. Although this hasn’t been FDA approved for women, those who tried Sildenafil noticed increased sensitivity and stimulation, causing them to become more aroused.

So the most important question is, where is the G -spot? Truth be told, finding the G -spot may require some trial and error to find, but the following techniques will improve the odds. You can try different types of stimulation such as hard, soft, vibrating, or stroking.

Or try using a curved sex toy designed for the G -spot. Or explore different sexual positions for better access to the area. Also, try applying pressure and stimulation to several different areas on the inside of the vagina.

You’ll soon find out what feels exemplary. How can I simulate my G -spot? Start by locating the clitoris or its roots which extend into the wall of the vagina. Use your fingers, your partner’s fingers, or maybe even a toy and press or rub the vaginal area with the G -spot.

solid and steady thrust. Good technique is to also explore the G -spot on your own. Since the area can be sensitive and stimulation can be intense, it may be easier for a person to find a comfortable rhythm when they have complete control.

Now keep in mind any body part can be an erogenous zone and every person’s response to touch varies. Some females enjoy the stimulation of the breast or nipples whereas others prefer stimulation on the clitoris or in the vagina.

The key here is open communication and a willingness to experiment with helping to discover new erogenous zones and types of pleasure. So what are the best sex positions to stimulate the G -spot? It is essential to know that not all sex positions are equal not when stimulating the G -spot.

Our doctor recommends trying these three positions to hit the G -spot for maximum pleasure. The first one, missionary. This is a favorite position and an excellent option for G -spot stimulation. Experiment with different pelvic angles during the encounter to see what’s most enjoyable for you.

Also, try experimenting by either opening and closing your legs during penetration as you may find added feelings of pleasure and correct depth for better G -spot stimulation. The second, rear entry position, also known to some as doggy style.

This position is a favorite of both men and women. The position is defined as one partner being penetrated from behind by the other while on their hands and knees. Try changing the height and angle of axis while in the position, such as switching from being on your hands and knees to laying down flatter on your belly.

The third, straddle position, also known to some as cowgirl. This position is when a man lays on his back with his legs straight while the other partner straddles them. Women like this position as it gives them more control over locating the G -spot.

Due to the ability to control the speed, angle and depth during this position, it is one of the most popular sex positions. Do men have G -spots as well? Absolutely. It’s the prostate. However, compared to the female G -spot, the male G -spot or prostate is a small organ that can provide pleasure.

It is located internally between the base of the penis and the rectum. The skin or embryological tissue in the females is very similar to that in males, as the sensitive skin helps the private areas expand during the stimulating encounter.

In general, people’s response to G -spot stimulation vary. Some state that they could not find the G -spot or don’t even believe that they have one. Others may find stimulation of the area painful or unpleasant while others find motivation with other forms of foreplay.

Some women who struggle with G -spot stimulation do what’s called a collagen G -shot. The G -shot is a small organ that can be used to control the g -spot. injection of collagen filler placed inside the vagina wall and inserted into the G -spot.

This procedure may restore sensitivity and sexual stimulation to the G -spot. Other procedures include laser vaginal rejuvenation or G -spot amplification and vaginal reconstruction surgery. If you wish to know more about any of these topics, leave me a comment and I’ll do my best to get your questions answered.

The last thing I want to discuss is the skin glands. The skin glands are on either side of the urethra. In women, the skin’s glands are the lesser vestibular glands and in men, they are the prostate glands.

Researchers say these glands may secrete fluid that helps with urination and cleanliness. They may also function for sexual intercourse, possibly providing the fluid for female ejaculation. Squirting is a regular occurrence and usually occurs in women who have experienced multiple orgasms.

Squirting is an occurrence that common and controllable for some women. Please note that this is not peeing, it’s female ejaculation, just like a man having an orgasm. I hope I was able to explain the G spot to you.

However, there’s still so much more to know. If you have any questions or want to learn more about OurDoctor visit today.