In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “Ourdoctor – Diabetes – Learn How Experts Can Help Lower Your A1C Through Exercise” We are talking with Chad from PeakBody Fitness here to answer some of the crucial questions from our viewers at our doctor. Thanks, Clarissa; it is always a pleasure talking with you. According to the CDC, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, being active makes your body more sensitive to insulin.

This hormone allows cells in your body to use blood sugar for energy, which helps manage your diabetes. Physical activity will assist in controlling your blood sugar levels and will help lower your risk of heart disease and nerve damage.

Generally, those with type 2 diabetes can reverse their condition with diet and exercise, although remission is not very common. But this also depends on your current age, weight, and lifestyle. With type 1 diabetes, I recommend you check with your doctor because you need to take steps to see how exercise affects your blood glucose levels.

Yes, that’s correct. Many of you may ask yourselves, when should a person with diabetes start exercising? The answer is yesterday. But follow these simple tips before starting because you need to exercise safely.
Get your doctor’s okay before starting an exercise program, and consider using a trainer who understands your underlying conditions, not just any random trainer. They’ll know how to monitor you correctly.
Always carry at least 15 grams of a fast-acting carbohydrate in case of low blood sugar. If you feel light-headed or dizzy, stop immediately, take a break, and drink room-temperature water. Always wear well-fitted shoes for the activity that you’re doing.

Choose the right socks. That often goes overlooked. And I also recommend having arch supports on hand just in case of a sprain or a sore tendon. Inspect your feet both before and after doing an exercise.
You need to monitor your blood circulation as you might not even know you’re causing damage to the nerves of the feet. So, also look for blisters, cuts, or sores that can lead to infections. So, does exercise help those with type 1 diabetes?

1000% yes. You can exercise and do regular athletic activities, including sports if you have type 1 diabetes. And again, you’ll have to take a few extra steps to ensure safe results. But exercise and sports can affect your blood glucose levels positively.

So it would help if you were careful because some workouts, such as heavy weight lifting or sprints, can cause you to produce more stress hormones, such as adrenaline, which will raise your blood glucose levels.

The type of exercise you perform could result in a rise or fall in your blood glucose levels. If you are affected by this, walking on a straight path or slight incline is an excellent place to start.
In your opinion, what exercises should people with diabetes avoid? I would avoid anything involving strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting, anything that causes a lot of straining, and isometric-type exercises.

I suggest less strenuous activities, such as walking, moderate lifting, and weightlifting with light weights but high repetitions. Make sure always to include stretching. Very important. Always include stretching.
Use a ball or bungee, always focus on your breathing, and take breaks when needed. You know your body’s limits better than anyone else does. Blood sugar is vital. Blood sugar is critical. And from that, see the extra weight, especially off your belly.

I’m sure all medical professionals will agree that losing weight reduces the risk of diabetes, regardless of type one or type two. I was on the verge of being a type two diabetic. And I’d say yes to physical activity more often and be more physically active in all aspects of my life.

I look forward to relaxing once I finish, but overall, I feel better about myself. I’d eat more healthy plant-type foods as these nutrients provide the minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates, which all help balance your blood sugar and prevent dangerous complications such as heart disease.

And I would eat healthy fats. Lots of good healthy fats. Studies show that replacing saturated fats and trans fatty acids with unsaturated fats benefits your insulin levels. And that’s all related to diabetes.
Now, I’d skip fad diets and make healthier food choices always. Now, you may still be able to eat what you love but look for less fatty alternatives. Look at the nutrition label and the introduced portion control.
What exercise is best for type 2 diabetes? I know all about. that if you are living with type 2 diabetes, regular exercise is going to help manage your blood sugar levels, pure and simple. And it will help keep the excess weight off of you.

Some fitness activities include walking, cycling, and swimming. I highly recommend weight lifting, resistance band exercises, and calisthenics. And you can also do the exercises right from the comfort of your home.

Like yoga, Pilates, a bicycle or elliptical machine, high-intensity or low-interval training, you are stretching on the floor while standing and resistance training. Remember to have some carbohydrates nearby and room-temperature water if you get light-headed or nauseous.

It’s also not going to hurt if you have someone in the house who can check on you. What type of exercises should type 2 diabetics avoid? Very similar to type 1 diabetic people. Before doing any strenuous activities, check your blood sugars before, during, and after exercise or physical activity.
If you don’t review these levels, it may affect your balance and raise your chance of falling and getting hurt. You want to avoid any high-intensity training workouts.

Stick with the lighter walking, cycling, and lightweight exercises to prevent blood sugar spikes because controlling blood sugar is critical.
And if you have inflammation, consider an activity that doesn’t impact your joints, like swimming. Avoid jogging. What are some of the best foods for diabetes? Another great question.

There are several foods in your local grocery store or your farmer’s market that you may eat. I like growing my vegetables because I love gardening, but some good examples would be beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans, and black beans.

They contain vitamins and minerals like magnesium and potassium, vital for your health. And always try to find dark green and leafy type vegetables. Avoid iceberg lettuce. Use vegetables, citrus fruits, and avocados.

Most types of berries are a great healthy snack. A fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, and whole grains. Now, you want to avoid anything deep-fried, guys. I know it’s horrible, but it’s probably the worst thing for you.

And avoid the fattier cuts of meat like pork or bacon or ribs, anything with cheese or prepared with lard. For those who snack, locate a healthier alternative, and feel free to ask me questions in the comments. I’ll be sure to get back to you with more nutritious choices and provide additional advice to those looking to change their lifestyle.

From all the staff of PeakBody and OurDoctor, we wish you the best on your journey to controlling your diabetes and A1C the right way. You deserve to feel great and look great. Good luck out there, and make sure to like and follow us if you’d like to see other videos. Visit